Fundamentals > Getting Started with Your Siebel Application >

Using Web Browser Back, Forward, History, and Refresh Functions

To navigate back and forward in your Siebel application, you can click the Web browser's back and forward buttons or use the keyboard shortcuts described in Keyboard Shortcuts.

To find screens and views you recently accessed in your Siebel application, use the Web browser's history function.

To refresh data in your Siebel application, it is recommended that you use Siebel query functionality. For more information about querying, see Using Query to Locate Information. Using your Web browser's Refresh button resubmits the current URL. This may or may not mean that new data will appear in the application window. The application also rebuilds the memory cache (view layouts). These view layouts will be your most frequently used views. For more information about view layouts and the memory cache, see Performance Tuning Guide.
