Siebel Performance Management Guide > Setting Up and Administering Performance Scorecard > KPIs and Scorecard Administration >

Performance Scorecard Administration Concepts

To administer the Performance Scorecard application, you must first understand some key administration concepts and how these concepts apply to Performance Scorecard. These concepts include:

Scorecard Responsibilities and Access Groups

When an employee clicks the KPI selection tool on the Objectives screen, the employee sees a list of available KPIs. This list of KPIs is controlled by two methods, Access Group and Active KPIs.

If the KPI is associated with an access group, on an employee who is included in the access group can see the KPI, and the KPI must be marked as Active for the employee to see the KPI in the KPI list. The access group method makes sure sensitive KPI data such as salary information cannot be accessed by nonmanagerial employees.

The Performance Scorecard application has five end-user views. These views are associated with either the ERM User or the ERM Manager responsibility. If the organization has licensed the Performance Scorecard application, users with ERM User or ERM Manager responsibility can see the appropriate end-user views. There are also three views for use by the administrator. Users with the KPI Administrator or SADMIN responsibilities also see these views.

Table 8 summarizes responsibilities and view visibility for the Performance Scorecard application.

Table 8. Responsibilities and Available Views for Performance Scorecard


ERM User

Shows all KPIs for the current period and previous periods for the user that is logged in. Shows the attributes for the KPIs and allows users to edit the target and other attributes of the KPIs in the current period.

My Team's KPIs

ERM Manager

Shows all KPIs for the current period and previous periods for the users that report to the person who has logged in. Shows the attributes for the KPIs and allows managers to edit the target or other attributes of the KPIs in the current period. This is the standard Siebel view of My Team, which shows all employees reporting to the manager in the positions hierarchy.

Objective Scorecard

ERM User

A read-only view that displays a printable version of the KPIs, objectives, and performance to the target for the current objectives period. The logged-in user can see the scorecard of any user in the organization whose position is below this or her own in the positions hierarchy.

Review Scorecard

ERM User

A read-only view that displays a printable version of the KPIs and objectives and performance to the target for the current review period. The logged-in user can see the scorecard of any user in the organization whose position is below this or her own position in the positions hierarchy.

Performance Scorecard

ERM User

A read-only view that displays an interactive view of KPIs and objective performance. The organization must be using Siebel Analytics dashboards for this view to be visible. The view shows a trend analysis of KPIs, current objectives, and review KPIs. The view only shows the scorecard for the logged-in user.

KPI Administration

KPI Admin



The administrator uses this view to define, edit, and update KPIs, attributes, and security.

Analytics Web Server Administration

KPI Admin


The administrator uses this view to administer the Siebel Analytics Server for the KPI connection.

KPI Analytics Request Administration

KPI Admin


The administrator uses this view to create the KPI Request using Siebel Analytics.

Employee Objective KPIs and Database Records

Each time an employee chooses a KPI and associates the KPI with an objective, a record is created. This record is stored perpetually in the database. Each record contains important information such as the KPI Name, Objective Name, Employee Name, Manager, KPI Value, KPI Start Date, and KPI End Date.

Although the KPI Value can change throughout the period for which the objective is chosen, the KPI Value is frozen for the specific employee's objective after the period ends. The user can then review performance in previous periods and understand how well the employee achieved his or her target for a specific period and KPI.

The date that determines the final KPI Value for the record can be set in two ways. Employees can choose Employee KPI End Dates when they pick the KPI. If the KPI End Date is not set by the employee, it defaults to the Period End Date.

Siebel Performance Management saves and lists all Employee Objective KPI records in the KPI Administration screen's Employee Objective KPI view. The Employee Objective KPI view shows fixed values for KPIs in past periods, as well as KPIs for the current period with values that typically change.

The Baseline value for the KPI in the Employee Objective KPI record is the value of the KPI at the KPI Start Date. The KPI Start Date defaults to the Period Start Date, but employees can change the KPI Start Date when they choose the KPI. The purpose of the Baseline is to show the employee and manager how the employee's performance has progressed. The Baseline value shows the change in the KPI over time within the period.

KPI Effective End Date and Effective Start Date

When an administrator defines a KPI, the administrator can set an effective start and end date for the KPI. These fields define time periods for specific KPIs. For example, a KPI for the retail clothing industry might be Winter 2005 Sweater Sales. This KPI may be used to monitor sweater sales for a specific season or time period. KPIs no longer appear in the KPI select list after the KPI effective end date; however they appear in the KPI select list before the KPI effective start date.

KPI Update Frequency

Each KPI has a value associated with it. This value is populated using the selected Update Method. For more information on Update Methods, see KPI Attributes.

If the Update Method is Siebel Analytics (Siebel Analytics is retrieving the value and returning it to the Siebel Data Model), then the Update Frequency value is used. Siebel Analytics only retrieves the value of the KPI when the Performance Scorecard application requests it. The Update Frequency is number of days that pass before the Scorecard application requests that Siebel Analytics retrieve the Value of the KPI, and return the value to the Siebel Data Model. Update Frequency is defined for each individual KPI.

For example, if the Update Frequency for the KPI Company Revenue is three days, then on each third day the scorecard application asks the Siebel Analytics Server to get the KPI Value and send it back to Siebel Data Model.

Tracking Frequency and KPI Values

The Performance Scorecard application can provide a trend chart for a KPI. The tracking frequency is defined for each KPI and determines how frequently the application records the KPI value. For example, if the user wants to see a weekly trend chart of the KPI, then the administrator sets the tracking frequency to Weekly.

When the tracking frequency value is reached, the KPI value is recorded in the tracking table so that the trend can be shown. The user must be using the Siebel Analytics Dashboards to see the trend charts in the Performance Scorecard view.

Siebel Performance Management Guide