Siebel Performance Management Guide > Setting Up and Administering Performance Scorecard > KPIs and Scorecard Administration >

Performance Scorecard Components

There are three major components in the Performance Scorecard application. These components are Objectives, KPIs, and Scorecards.


Employees typically set objectives at the beginning of a quarter or the year that define their goals for the specified time period. At the end of the established time period, the employee's performance is measured against the objectives and is evaluated by the employee's manager. Objectives are administered using the Objectives and Reviews application. For more information, see Setting Up Objectives and Reviews.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

A KPI is a metric that is associated with an objective to provide a quantitative method of measuring performance. For example, an employee might have an objective to increase customer satisfaction. A KPI that might be used for this objective is the customer satisfaction rating. An employee selects a KPI (or multiple KPIs) to associate with an objective, and then the employee provides a target (or goal) for that KPI. At the end of the period the employee is evaluated on whether or not the employee achieved the target for that KPI.

During the period employees can monitor their performance by reviewing the value of the KPI that determines how close they are from the target goal. For example, an employee who selects customer satisfaction rating as the KPI may choose 95% as the target value. The current value may be 88%. As the period progresses, the employee can see if the KPI is changing, and the employee's performance is tied to how well the employee can influence that KPI. In the Scorecard application there are two types of KPIs:

  • Global KPI. This KPI has the same value regardless of which employee picks the KPI. For example, a Global KPI might be Company Revenue. The value of the KPI is always the same for a specific time period.
  • Employee-Specific KPI. This KPI has a different value for each employee. For example, an Employee-Specific KPI might be Typing Speed. Each individual employee may type at different speeds. When one employee picks this KPI, the value may be 40 words a minute. Another employee may pick the same KPI, but the value may be 100 words a minute. These employees would typically set different targets for the individual KPIs.
KPI Attributes

A KPI has multiple attributes, including type, value, update method, category, source, and so on. As an administrator, you define these attributes when you define a KPI.

The most important attribute of a KPI is the KPI Value. The value of the KPI can be populated using three methods. These methods represent the List of Values for the column, Update Method.

  • Siebel Analytics Method. The Siebel Analytics server retrieves the KPI value and populates the value by means of the Siebel Analytics Data Loader's Refresh process.
  • Manual Method. A KPI Administrator manually enters the value of the KPI into the KPI Administration screen.
  • Alternative Method. A developer or a Siebel configuration specialist sets up a business service or workflow to pull the value from another data source and populate the Siebel business component (data model). The configurator can use one of many available integration methods such as Siebel EAI, EIM, and so on.
KPI Definitions

A KPI Definition is created by an administrator. The administrator decides which Update Method the KPI uses. If the Update Method is Siebel Analytics, then the administrator needs to create a KPI Request. A KPI Request is the Siebel Analytics predefined query for that KPI. For more information on KPI Requests and KPI Definitions, see Defining Key Performance Indicators, Update Methods and Access Groups and Creating a KPI Request in Siebel Analytics.


After the employee creates individual objectives and selects the KPIs that are associated with the objectives, the employee has a complete Scorecard. The Scorecard is simply a view that combines the Objectives, KPIs, Targets, and KPI Values in one location to provide an overall view of performance.

Siebel Performance Management Guide