Siebel Training Guide > Importing an AICC or SCORM Course >

Preparing for AICC and SCORM Course Import

After the Training application is installed and configured, the training administrator must perform three additional tasks to enable AICC or SCORM course import. These tasks, which must be performed one time only and do not need to be repeated for each import, are:

  1. Editing the eai.cfg File for AICC or SCORM Courses.
  2. Verifying that the Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) component group is enabled.

    For more information on enabling EAI component groups, see Transports and Interfaces: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

  3. Setting System Preferences for Training.

Editing the eai.cfg File for AICC or SCORM Courses

During Siebel Server installation, the EAI components that AICC or SCORM uses are automatically enabled. However, you must edit the eai.cfg file so that the named subsystem used to route AICC or SCORM requests is identified for EAI HTTP Transport.

In eai.cfg, add following two lines in the [HTTP Services] section:



For more information on configuration files and working with server component and component groups, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

Setting System Preferences for Training

Perform the following steps to set system preferences for Training.

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen > System Preferences view.
  2. In the System Preferences list, query for the necessary records, as shown in the following table:
    Query for...

    Training: EAI HTTP Password

    Enter a valid password in the System Preference Value field in the Training: EAI HTTP Password record.

    Training: EAI HTTP User Name record

    Enter a valid user name in the System Preference Value field.

    Training: Lesson Adaptor URL record

    Edit the value in the System Preference Value field so that it includes the LMS prefix, as the following example shows:


    Training: EAI HTTP Server

    Specifies the server that AICC/SCORM-compatible content uses for eAI communication.

    If set to:

    • Default, then the URL of the current Siebel Server is used (For example, if the Siebel URL is http://siebelserver/erm_enu, the EAI URL is http://siebelserver/eai_enu)
    • Defaultsecure, then the URL of the secure Siebel Server is used
    • An explicit URL, this URL must be a complete beginning of a URL, for example, http://theeaiserver/eai_enu

    Training: Lesson Security

    Allowed values: PIN (the default) and blank

    Specifies the method of lesson security used to validate eAI requests from AICC/SCORM-compatible lesson content.

    If set to PIN, the launched AICC lesson is supplied a PIN number that it must use to interact with the Siebel application.

    Training: SCORM Import Path

    Valid path to the directory in the server where you should unzip the SCORM package file.

    Training: SCORM Import URL

    URL corresponding to the location of course files.

For more information on system preferences, see Applications Administration Guide.

Siebel Training Guide