Using Siebel Tools > Customizing Your Siebel Tools Environment >

Setting the Constrain Mode for Working with Symbolic Strings

Siebel Tools can run in either constrained mode or unconstrained mode:

  • When working in constrained mode, you must choose translatable text strings from the list of available string references. You cannot override the string reference by entering a value for a string override field, and you cannot create new symbolic string references.
  • When working in unconstrained mode, you are not required to choose translatable text strings from the list of string references. You can override the string reference by entering a value in a string override field. You can also create new symbolic string references.

The constrain mode is determined by the following CFG file parameter, found in the [Siebel] section of the tools.cfg file:

EnableToolsConstrain = FALSE

EnableToolsConstrain must be set to either TRUE or FALSE. It is set to FALSE by default.

Related Topics

About the Symbolic Strings Model

Creating Symbolic Strings

Using Siebel Tools