Using Siebel Tools > Working with Strings and Other Locale-Specific Data >

Locating Orphaned String References After Upgrade

Upgrades from one release of Oracle's Siebel Business Applications to another release may result in the "disappearance" of certain string references. The Fix Strings Utility allows you to locate these orphaned strings, and update them with new references. This process is run as a business service through the Consoleapp.exe utility, located in the SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN directory of your Siebel Tools installation directory.

You find and report orphaned string references in the Siebel repository using the following procedure.

To locate orphaned string references

  • Launch Consoleapp.exe, and use the Siebel Tools Fix String References business service and the FixStringReferences business service method with the parameters listed in Table 51.

    For example:

    consoleapp <config file> <language> <user> <password> <Siebel Tools Fix String References> <FixStringReferences>:<properties>

    Table 51. Parameters for FixStringReferences Business Service Method
    Default Value



    The Siebel repository name to fix or report invalid string references.




    The name of the log file. The log file is written to the current working directory. An explicit log file path may also be entered.




    Set to TRUE to fix invalid references. Set to FALSE to have invalid references committed to the log file.




    The Siebel object type, such as Applet, for which you wish to find invalid string references. If this parameter is not present, invalid string references will be found for all Siebel object types.




    If TRUE, progress information is written to the command window. If false, no progress information is written to the command window. See the following examples.



This command example shows how you run the utility for the object type Business Service, and write information to the fixstrings.log directory, and progress to the command window:

consoleapp SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\bin\enu\tools.cfg ENU jgolding db2 "Siebel Tools Fix String References" "FixStringReferences:Repository=Siebel Repository,LogFile=fixstrings.log,FixReferences=false,VerboseOutput=true,Object=Business Service"

This command example shows how you run the utility on all object types, write the results to temporary fixstrings.log file:

consoleapp SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\bin\enu\tools.cfg ENU jgolding db2 "Siebel Tools Fix String References" "FixStringReferences:Repository=Siebel Repository,LogFile=d:\temp\fixstrings.log,FixReferences=false"

Using Siebel Tools