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Part Number B28218-01
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4 Using TopLink Workbench

This chapter provides information about understanding, using, and customizing TopLink Workbench.

This chapter includes the following sections:

For information on using TopLink Workbench to configure sessions XML, refer to Part XV, "TopLink Sessions".

Understanding TopLink Workbench

TopLink Workbench is a separate component from the TopLink runtime–it lets you graphically configure descriptors and map your project. TopLink Workbench can verify the descriptor options, access the data source (either a database or an XML schema), and create the database schema. Using TopLink Workbench, you can define TopLink descriptors and configurations without using code.

TopLink Workbench can be used during the development phase of the development process (see "Developing Your Application With TopLink"). Typically, this phase includes the following:

  1. Defining an object model (a set of Java classes) to describe and solve your problem.

  2. Creating a TopLink Workbench project, importing your Java classes and data sources, and using descriptors to describe how the Java classes map to your data source model.

  3. Creating a TopLink session and registering your descriptors. In your application, use the session to retrieve and store objects from and to the data source.

TopLink Workbench creates a <projectName>.mwp file to store all TopLink project information, including object model, descriptor, and session information.

The <projectName>.mwp file is used only by TopLink Workbench. Typically, the only time you need to modify the <projectName>.mwp file is to merge changes during application development by a team of developers ("Merging Files").

Using TopLink Workbench, you export this information into a project.xml file that your TopLink enabled application reads at run time.

For more information on using TopLink Workbench as the development environment, see Figure 3-2.

Configuring the TopLink Workbench Environment

TopLink Workbench reads its environment variables from the setenv script in the <TOPLINK_HOME>\bin directory.

Before you launch TopLink Workbench, you must configure its environment as follows:

  1. Use a text editor to open the <TOPLINK_HOME>\bin\setenv script.

    • For Windows, open the setenv.cmd file.

    • For UNIX, open the file.

  2. Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set:

    • For Windows: set JAVA_HOME=C:/j2sdk1.4.2_04

    • For UNIX: JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/packages/java; export JAVA_HOME

  3. Update the DRIVER_CLASSPATH environment variable to add the location of the following (if necessary):


    Do not include any Java classes for your persistent business objects in the DRIVER_CLASSPATH variable. Instead, add these persistent business objects in your TopLink Workbench project classpath (see "Configuring Project Classpath").

    • JDBC drivers–if you are using relational projects (see "Relational Projects").

    • J2EE Connector Architecture (J2C) adapters–if you are using EIS projects (see "EIS Projects").

    • J2C connector.jar file–if you are using EIS projects (see "EIS Projects").

      The connector.jar file contains javax.resource.cci and javax.resource.spi interfaces that TopLink EIS uses. By default, TopLink Workbench updates its classpath to include the Java 1.5 connector.jar file from <TOPLINK_HOME>/j2ee/home/lib. If this version of the connector.jar file is incompatible with your environment, edit the workbench.cmd or file in <TOPLINK_HOME>/bin to change the path to this file.

      At runtime, this connector.jar file (or its equivalent) must be on your application or application server classpath.

    • Oracle Database ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib/xdb.jar file - if you are using direct-to-XMLType mappings with an Oracle9i or higher database (see "Direct-to-XMLType Mapping").

    • Custom Collection class that you use to override the default Collection class that TopLink uses with a mapping container policy (see "Configuring Container Policy").

    Example 4-1 shows how to set the DRIVER_CLASSPATH variable for Windows and Example 4-2 for UNIX.

    Example 4-1 Setting DRIVER_CLASSPATH on Windows

    set DRIVER_CLASSPATH=C:\OraHome2\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar;C:\Attunity\Connect\Java\lib\attunityResourceAdapter.jar;C:\OraHome2\rdbms\jlib\xdb.jar


    If the path to your driver(s) contains spaces, you must enclose the path in double-quotes in the setenv.cmd file. For example:
    set DRIVER_CLASSPATH="C:\Program Files\some directory\driver.jar\"

    Example 4-2 Setting DRIVER_CLASSPATH on UNIX

    DRIVER_CLASSPATH=/OraHome2/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar;/attunity/connect/java/lib/attunityResourceAdapter.jar;/OraHome2/rdbms/jlib/xdb.jar; export JDBC_CLASSPATH
  4. Save and close the setenv script.

To use TopLink Workbench in a language different than your default, add the -Duser.language and options to the JVM_ARGS variable in the workbench.cmd or .sh file. For example, the following arguments will start TopLink Workbench in US English, regardless of default language of your operating system:


Working With TopLink Workbench

Figure 4-1 shows the primary parts of TopLink Workbench window.

Figure 4-1 TopLink Workbench Window

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 TopLink Workbench Window"

The numbered callouts in Figure 4-1 identify the following user interface components:

  1. Menu bar

    The menu bar contains menus for each TopLink Workbench function. Some objects also contain context-sensitive menus. See "Using the Menus" for more information.

  2. Toolbars

    The toolbars contain shortcuts to specific functions. See "Using the Toolbars" for more information.

  3. Navigator window section

    The Navigator window section shows the project navigation tree for all open projects (see "Using the Navigator"). Click the plus ( + ) or minus ( – ) sign next to an object (or double-click the object) to expand or collapse the tree. When you select an object in the Navigator window section, its properties appear in the Editor window.

  4. Editor window section

    The Editor window section contains specific property sheets and option tabs for the currently selected object. See "Using the Editor" for more information.

  5. Problems window section

    The Problems window section shows messages and errors for the currently selected object in the Navigator window section (see "Using the Problems Window"). Chapter 14, "TopLink Workbench Error Reference" contains detailed information on each error message.

Using the Menus

TopLink Workbench contains two types of menus:

Menu Bar Menus

The menu bar, located at the top of the TopLink Workbench window, provides menus for each TopLink Workbench function. Some menus (such as Selected) are context-sensitive; the available options may vary, depending on the currently selected object.

Figure 4-2 Sample Menu Bar Menu

Description of Figure 4-2 follows
Description of "Figure 4-2 Sample Menu Bar Menu"

Context Menus

When you right-click objects in the Navigator window, a context menu appears with functions specific to the selected object.

Figure 4-3 Sample Context Menu

Description of Figure 4-3 follows
Description of "Figure 4-3 Sample Context Menu"

Using the Toolbars

TopLink Workbench contains the following toolbars at the top of the window:

Toolbars provide tool tips: each toolbar button provides a brief description when you position the mouse pointer over it.

Standard Toolbar

The standard toolbar furnishes quick access to the standard menu options (File, Edit, Selected, and so on).

Table 4-1 Standard Toolbar Buttons

Button Description Available for ...
New Project button.



Open Project button



Save button



Save As button

Save as


Save All button

Save all


Close Project button



Close All button

Close all


Online help

Help topics


Export Deployment XML button

Export deployment XML


Refresh Selected Classes button

Refresh classes


Add or Update Classes button

Add or refresh classes


Create New Class button

Create new class


Context Toolbar

The context toolbar provides quick access to functions for the currently selected object in the Navigator (see "Using the Navigator"). The available buttons will vary, depending on which item you have selected.

You can also right-click the item and choose the appropriate option from the context menu.

Table 4-2 Context Toolbar Buttons

Button Description Available for ...
Login to Database button

Login to database


Logout of Database button

Logout of database


Add Table button

Add new table


Add or Update Tables from Database button

Add or update tables from database


Refresh from Database button

Refresh from database

Database tables

Remove Table button

Remove table

Database tables

Rename button


Database tables

Add database platform button

Add database platform

Database platform repositories

Rename button

Rename repository

Database platform repositories

Delete platform button

Delete platform

Database platform repositories

Clone platform button

Clone platform

Database platform repositories

Add database type button

Add database type

Database platform repositories

Import Schema button

Import schema


Aggregate Descriptor button

Relational aggregate descriptor


Class Descriptor button

Relational class descriptor


EJB Descriptor button

Relational EJB descriptor


EIS composite descriptor button

EIS composite descriptor


EIS Root Descriptor button

EIS root descriptor


EIS EJB Descriptor button

EIS EJB descriptor


XML descriptor button

XML descriptor


Direct to Field Mapping button

Direct-to-field mapping

Attributes in relational descriptors

Object type Mapping button

Object type mappingFoot 1 

Attributes in relational descriptors

Type Conversion Mapping button

Type conversion mappingFootref 1

Attributes in relational descriptors

Serialized Mapping button

Serialized mappingFootref 1

Attributes in relational descriptors

Direct-to-XMLType Mapping button

Direct-to-XMLType mapping

Attributes in relational descriptors

Direct Collection Mapping button

Direct collection mapping

Attributes in relational descriptors

Direct Map Mapping button

Direct map mapping

Attributes in relational descriptors

Aggregate Mapping button

Aggregate mapping

Attributes in relational descriptors

One-to-one Mapping button

One-to-one mapping

Attributes in relational descriptors

Variable One-to-one Mapping button

Variable one-to-one mapping

Attributes in relational descriptors

One-to-many Mapping button

One-to-many mapping

Attributes in relational descriptors

Many-to-many Mapping button

Many-to-many mapping

Attributes in relational descriptors

Direct Mapping button

Direct mapping

Attributes in EIS descriptors

Direct Collection Mapping button

Direct collection mapping

Attributes in EIS descriptors

Composite Object Mapping button

Composite object mapping

Attributes in EIS descriptors

Composite Collection Mapping button

Composite collection mapping

Attributes in EIS descriptors

One-to-one Mapping button

One-to-one mapping

Attributes in EIS descriptors

One-to-many Mapping button

One-to-many mapping

Attributes in EIS descriptors

Direct-to-XML Mapping button

Direct-to-XML mapping

Attributes in XML descriptors

Direct Collection Mapping button

Direct collection mapping

Attributes in XML descriptors

Composite Object Mapping button

Composite object mapping

Attributes in XML descriptors

Composite Collection Mapping button

Composite collection mapping

Attributes in XML descriptors

Any Object Mapping button

Any object mapping

Attributes in XML descriptors

Any Collection Mapping button

Any collection mapping

Attributes in XML descriptors

Transformation Mapping button

Transformation mapping

Attributes in all descriptors

Unmap button


Attributes in all descriptors

Session button


Sessions configurations

Session Broker button

Session Broker

Sessions configurations

Named Connection Pool button

Named connection pool

Server sessions

Sequence Connection Pool button

Sequence connection pool

Server sessions

Write Connection Pool button

Write connection pool

Server sessions

Rename button


Database sessions, session brokers

Delete Session button

Delete session

Database sessions, session brokers

Footnote 1 Deprecated. For more information, see "Using a Converter Mapping"

Using the Navigator

TopLink displays the items included in each project (descriptors, mappings, data source, and so on) in the Navigator on the left side of the TopLink Workbench window, as Figure 4-4 shows.

Figure 4-4 Sample Navigator

Description of Figure 4-4 follows
Description of "Figure 4-4 Sample Navigator"

The numbered callouts on Figure 4-4 identify the following user interface components:

  1. Project (relational project)

  2. Package

  3. TopLink Descriptor (relational descriptor)

  4. Attribute/mapping (direct to field mapping)

  5. Unsaved/changed item

  6. Database

  7. Database table

Click the plus ( + ) or minus ( – ) sign next to the item, or double-click the item name to expand or collapse the item.

TopLink Workbench identifies items that have been changed but not yet saved by adding an asterisk ( * ) in front of the item name.

When you select an item in the Navigator, its properties appear in the Editor (see "Using the Editor").

To perform specific functions for an item, select the item in the Navigator and do one of the following:

  • Right-click on the object and select the function from the context menu (see "Context Menus").

  • Choose a function from the Selected menu (see "Menu Bar Menus").

For information on using the Navigator with a database in relational projects, see "Working With Database Tables in the Navigator Window".

For information on using the Navigator with an XML schema in EIS projects (using XML records) and XML projects, see "Working With XML Schemas in the Navigator".

Active and Inactive Descriptors

Inactive descriptors appear dimmed in the Navigator. Inactive descriptors are not registered with the session when the project is loaded into Java. This feature lets you define and test subsets of descriptors. To activate or deactivate a descriptor, right-click the descriptor and select Activate/Deactivate Descriptor from the context menu.

Figure 4-5 Sample Active and Inactive Descriptors

Description of Figure 4-5 follows
Description of "Figure 4-5 Sample Active and Inactive Descriptors"

Figure 4-5 numbered callouts show the following user interface components:

  1. Inactive descriptor

  2. Active descriptor

Errors and Missing Information

Caution / Warning icon

If an element in the project (such as a descriptor or mapping) contains an error or some deficiency (sometimes called neediness), a warning icon appears beside the element icon in the Navigator, and TopLink Workbench displays a message in the Problems window (see "Using the Problems Window").

Chapter 14, "TopLink Workbench Error Reference", contains more information on each TopLink Workbench error message.

Using the Editor

The Editor, on the right side of the TopLink Workbench window, displays the property sheet associated with the currently selected item in the Navigator, as Figure 4-6 shows.

Figure 4-6 numbered callouts identify the following user interface components:

  1. Selected element (from the Navigator)

  2. Editor property tabs

Using the Problems Window

Caution / Warning icon

If an element in the project (such as a descriptor or mapping) contains an error or some deficiency (sometimes called neediness), the TopLink Workbench displays a caution icon (represented by a yellow triangle with a black exclamation point in the middle) to the left of the deficient element in the Navigator (see "Using the Navigator") and displays a message in the Problems window as Figure 4-7 shows.

If you select the error, then TopLink Workbench displays the complete error message in the Problems window. Chapter 14, "TopLink Workbench Error Reference" contains detailed information on each error message.

Figure 4-7 Sample Deficient Mapping

Description of Figure 4-7 follows
Description of "Figure 4-7 Sample Deficient Mapping"

Double-click any error message in the Problems window to automatically highlight the specific node in the Navigator. To display or hide the Problems window, select Window > Show Problems from the menu.

You can also create a status report (see "Generating the Project Status Report") that includes all errors in a selected project.

Using the Online Help

TopLink Workbench contains an extensive online Help system to assist you in developing TopLink applications. You can use the online Help system in a hosted or local environment (see "Help Preferences").

To receive help on any field, tab, or element in TopLink Workbench, right-click the element and select Help from the context menu or press F1.

Help button
To review the complete TopLink documentation and Quick Start, click Help.

Working With TopLink Workbench Preferences

To customize TopLink Workbench, select Tools > Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box appears.

Figure 4-8 Preferences Dialog Box

Description of Figure 4-8 follows
Description of "Figure 4-8 Preferences Dialog Box"

TopLink Workbench provides the following preferences:

Use this dialog box to configure TopLink Workbench preferences. After changing preferences, you must restart TopLink Workbench.

To import your preferences from an existing file, click Import and select the file.

To export your preferences, click Export and select a directory location and filename.

General Preferences

Use the General preferences to customize the look and feel (the graphical user interface) of TopLink Workbench as well as to specify any proxy information required to access the Internet (for example, to allow TopLink to access XML schemas and on-line documentation hosted on Internet sites). Follow these steps to customize the General preferences:

  1. Select Tools > Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box appears.

  2. Select General in the Category window.

    Figure 4-9 Preferences–General Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-9 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-9 Preferences–General Dialog Box"

Use the following information to enter data in each field of the dialog box:

Field Description
Display Splash Screen Specify if TopLink Workbench should show the graphical splash screen when starting.
Look and Feel Select the look and feel to use for TopLink Workbench.
Size of recently opened files list Select the number of projects to maintain in the File > Reopen option. See "Opening Existing Projects" for more information.
HTTP Proxy Host Specify if your PC requires a proxy server to access the internet.
HTTP Proxy Port Specify the port used by your proxy host.
Network Connect Timeout Specify the timeout (in seconds) to establish a network or internet connection.
Network Read Timeout Specify the timeout (in seconds) when accessing data from a network or internet connection.
Reopen Projects on Startup Select to reopen the projects that were open the last time you exited the TopLink Workbench.

You must restart TopLink Workbench to apply the changes.

Help Preferences

Use the Help preferences to select the location of the TopLink documentation (in addition to the online Help) and other Help system preferences.

By default, TopLink installs includes only the online Help and release notes. All other documentation (such as Oracle TopLink Getting Started Guide and Oracle TopLink Developer's Guide) can be accessed from a hosted location.

  1. Select Tools > Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box appears.

  2. Expand General in the Category window and select Help. The PreferencesHelp dialog box appears.

    Figure 4-10 Preferences–General–Help Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-10 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-10 Preferences–General–Help Dialog Box"

Use the following information to enter data in each field:

Field Description
Display Welcome at Startup Specify if TopLink should show the Welcome screen each time you start TopLink Workbench.
External HTML Browser Click Browse and select the location of your default Web browser. You must specify a Web browser to access the Quick Tour, Javadoc (API), and other Web-based material.
Hosted Help ContentFoot 1  Access the complete TopLink documentation set located on Oracle Technology Network (OTN). Selecting this option requires your PC to have Internet access.

Note: Depending on your Internet connection, using Hosted Documentation may impact performance when searching the documentation.

Local Help ContentFootref 1 Access the complete TopLink documentation set from a local location (such as your PC or your company's intranet).

Click Browse and select the help JAR file location.

Footnote 1 You must restart TopLink Workbench to apply changes to this option.


When using Hosted Help Content, ensure that your proxy information, specified in the General Preferences, is correct.

When using Local Help Content, download the complete documentation from OTN. See Oracle TopLink Getting Started Guide for more information.

Mappings Preferences

Use the Mappings preferences to specify general mapping preferences. Follow these steps to set the Mapping preferences:

  1. Select Tools > Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box appears.

  2. Select Mappings in the Category window. The Mappings dialog box appears.

    Figure 4-11 Preferences–Mappings Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-11 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-11 Preferences–Mappings Dialog Box"

Use the following information to enter data in each field:

Field Description
Allow changing query type Configure whether or not TopLink Workbench always allows, never allows, or prompts before allowing you to change the query type associated with a descriptor.
Allow changing query format Configure whether or not TopLink Workbench always allows, never allows, or prompts before allowing you to change the configuration of a query associated with a descriptor.

Class Preferences

Use the Class preferences to specify how TopLink Workbench maintains classes when renaming or editing a zero-argument constructor. Follow these steps to set the Class preferences:

  1. Select Tools > Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box appears.

  2. Expand Mappings in the Category window and select Class.

    Figure 4-12 Preferences – Mappings – Class Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-12 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-12 Preferences – Mappings – Class Dialog Box"

On the PreferencesMappingsClass dialog box, specify how TopLink Workbench maintains classes when renaming or editing a zero-argument constructor.

EJB Preferences

Use the EJB preferences to specify how TopLink Workbench updates the ejb-jar.xml file when saving EJB projects. Follow these steps to set the EJB preferences:

  1. Select Tools > Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box appears.

  2. Expand Mappings in the Category window and select EJB.

    Figure 4-13 Preferences–Mappings–EJB Preferences Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-13 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-13 Preferences–Mappings–EJB Preferences Dialog Box"

Use the following information to select how TopLink Workbench will update the ejb-jar.xml file:

Field Description
Write ejb-jar.xml on project save Configure whether or not TopLink Workbench always updates, never updates, or prompts before updating the ejb-jar.xml file each time you save the project.
Allow removing EJB info Configure whether or not TopLink Workbench always allows, never allows, or prompts before allowing you to remove the EJB information associated with a descriptor. See "Configuring a Descriptor With EJB Information" for more information.
Allow removing EJB 2.x info Configure whether or not TopLink Workbench always allows, never allows, or prompts before allowing you to remove the EJB 2.0 or 2.1 information associated with a descriptor. See "Configuring a Descriptor With EJB Information" for more information.

Database Preferences

Use the Database preferences to specify custom database divers and connection URLs for TopLink Workbench. These drivers and URLs can then be used when defining database logins. Follow these steps to set the Database preferences:

  1. Select Tools > Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box appears.

  2. Expand Mappings in the Category window and select Database.

    Figure 4-14 Preferences–Mappings–Database Preferences Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-14 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-14 Preferences–Mappings–Database Preferences Dialog Box"

Use the following information to enter data in each field:

Field Description
Database Driver Enter the custom database driver class name.
Connection URL Enter the custom database connection URL.

Sessions Configuration Preferences

Use the Sessions preferences to specify default classpaths to be added to each newly created TopLink sessions configuration for features that require an external Java class (for example, session event listeners). The entries added here will automatically appear on the Sessions Configuration property sheet (see "Configuring a Sessions Configuration"). Follow these steps to set the Sessions Configuration preferences:

  1. Select Tools > Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box appears.

  2. Select Sessions Configuration in the Category window.

    Figure 4-15 Preferences–Sessions Configuration Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-15 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-15 Preferences–Sessions Configuration Dialog Box"

To add a JAR or ZIP file, click Add Entry or Browse and add the JAR or ZIP files that contain the default compiled Java classes for this sessions configuration.

To remove a JAR or ZIP file, select the file and click Remove.

To change the order in which TopLink searches these JAR or ZIP files, select a file and click Up to move it up, or click Down to move it down in the list.

New Names Preferences

Use the New Names preferences to specify the default values and names of newly created sessions, session brokers, and connection pools. Follow these steps to set the New Names preferences:

  1. Select Tools > Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box appears.

  2. Expand Sessions Configuration in the Category window and select New Names.

    Figure 4-16 Preferences–Sessions Configuration–New Names Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-16 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-16 Preferences–Sessions Configuration–New Names Dialog Box"

Use the following information to enter data in each field:

Field Description
Sessions Configuration Specify the default name for newly created sessions configuration files (default, sessions.xml). See "Creating a Sessions Configuration" for more information.
Session Specify the default name for newly created sessions (default, Session). See "Session Creation Overview" for more information.
Broker Specify the default name for newly created session brokers (default, SessionBroker). See "Creating Session Broker and Client Sessions" for more information.
Connection Pool Specify the default name for newly created connection pools (default, ConnectionPool). See Chapter 85, "Creating an Internal Connection Pool" for more information.

Platform Preferences

Use the Platform preferences to specify the default data source type for newly created sessions. The type selected here will automatically appear on the Create New Session dialog box. Follow these steps to set the Platform preferences:

  1. Select Tools > Preferences from the menu. The Preferences dialog box appears.

  2. Expand Sessions Configuration in the Category window and select Platform.

    Figure 4-17 Preferences–Sessions Configuration–Platform Preferences Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-17 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-17 Preferences–Sessions Configuration–Platform Preferences Dialog Box"

Use the following information to enter data in each field:

Field Description
Use Server Platform Specify the default application server platform for newly created sessions configuration files (default, sessions.xml). See "Creating a Sessions Configuration" for more information.
Default Data Source Type Select the default data source type (Database, EIS, or XML) and platform for newly created sessions. See "Configuring the Server Platform" for more information.

Working With Databases

In relational projects, when you expand the database object in the Navigator, TopLink Workbench displays the database tables associated with the project. You can associate tables by importing them from the database, or by creating them within TopLink Workbench.

Figure 4-18 Sample Database Tables

Description of Figure 4-18 follows
Description of "Figure 4-18 Sample Database Tables"

Figure 4-18 numbered callouts identify the following database icons.

  1. Project

  2. Database

  3. Database table

Each database table property sheet contains the following tabs in the Editor:

This section includes information on the following topics:

Working With Database Tables in the Navigator Window

This section describes the following options:

See "Working With Database Tables in the Editor Window" for more information.

Logging In and Out of a Database

To log in or out of a relational database, do the following:

  1. Create a database login (see "Database Login Configuration Overview").

  2. To log in to a relational database, right-click the database object in the Navigator, and choose Log In to Database from the context menu or choose Selected > Log In to Database from the menu.

  3. To log out of a relational database, right-click the database object in the Navigator and choose Log Out of Database from the context menu or choose Selected > Log Out of Database from the menu.

Creating New Tables

To create a new database table within TopLink Workbench, use the following procedure:

  1. Add a New Table button
    Select the database object in the Navigator window and click Add New Table. The New Table dialog box appears.

    You can also right-click the database object and choose Add New Table from the context menu, or choose Selected > Add New Table from the menu.

    Figure 4-19 New Table Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-19 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-19 New Table Dialog Box"

Use the following information to enter data in each field:

Field Description
Use to identify specific database information for the table. Consult your database administrator for more information.
Use to identify specific database information for the table. Consult your database administrator for more information.
Table Name Specify the name of this database table.

TopLink Workbench adds the database table to the project.

Although the database table has been added to the project, it has not been written to the actual database. See "Generating Tables on the Database" for more information on creating the table in the database.

Continue with "Working With Database Tables in the Editor Window" to use these tables in your project.

Importing Tables From a Database

TopLink Workbench can automatically read the schema for a relational database and import the table data into the project as long as your JDBC driver supports the following JDBC methods:

  • getTables

  • getTableTypes

  • getImportedKeys

  • getCatalogs

  • getPrimaryKeys

The JDBC driver must be on the TopLink Workbench classpath (see "Configuring the TopLink Workbench Environment").

To import tables from the database, use the following procedure:

  1. Add/Update Existing Tables from Database
    Select the database object in the Navigator, and click Add/Update Existing Tables from Database. The Import Tables from Database dialog box appears.

    You can also right-click on the database object in the Navigator and choose Add/Update Existing Tables from Database from the context menu or choose Selected > Add/Update Existing Tables from Database from the menu.

    Figure 4-20 Import Tables from Database Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-20 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-20 Import Tables from Database Dialog Box"

    Figure 4-20 numbered callouts identify the following user interface components:

    1. Filters

    2. Database tables that match the filters

Use the following information to enter data in each field of the dialog box:

Field Description
Table Name Pattern Specify the name of database table(s) to import. Use percent character ( %) as a wildcard. Tables that match the Table Name Pattern can be imported.
Catalog Specify the catalog of database table(s) to import.
Schema Pattern Specify the schema of database table(s) to import.
Table Type Specify the type of database table(s) to import.
Available Tables Click Get Table Names to make TopLink display tables that match Table Name Pattern, Catalog, Schema Pattern, and Table Type settings.
Selected Tables Select the tables in the Available Tables area to import, and click the right-arrow button. TopLink adds the table to the Selected Tables field.

Click OK to import the tables from the database into the TopLink Workbench project.

Import Fully Qualified Names Specify whether or not the tables' names are fully qualified against the schema and catalog.

Examine each table's properties to verify that the imported tables contain the correct information. See "Working With Database Tables in the Editor Window" for more information.

Removing Tables

To remove a database table from the project, use the following procedure:

  1. Remove Table button
    Select a database table in the Navigator, and click Remove Table on the toolbar. TopLink Workbench prompts for confirmation.

    You can also right-click on the database object and choose Remove from the context menu or choose Selected > Remove Table from the menu.

  2. Click OK. TopLink Workbench removes the table from the project.


    Although you have removed the table from the TopLink Workbench project, the table remains in the database.

Renaming Tables

To rename a database table in the TopLink Workbench project, use the following procedure:

  1. Right-click the table in the Navigator and choose Rename from the context menu. The Rename dialog box appears.

    You can also select the table and choose Selected > Rename from the menu.

  2. Enter a new name and click OK. TopLink Workbench renames the table.


    Although you have renamed the table in the TopLink Workbench project, the original table name remains in the database.

Refreshing Tables From the Database

To refresh (that is, reload) the database tables in the TopLink Workbench project, use this procedure:

Refresh from Database button
Select a database table in the Navigator, and click Refresh from Database on the toolbar.

You can also select the table and choose Selected > Refresh from Database from the menu, or click Refresh. TopLink Workbench reloads the database table.

When refreshing tables from the database, if there are multiple database tables with similar names, the Duplicate Tables dialog box appears.

Figure 4-21 Duplicate Table Dialog Box

Description of Figure 4-21 follows
Description of "Figure 4-21 Duplicate Table Dialog Box"

Select the specific database table to update, and then click OK.

Working With Database Tables in the Editor Window

When you select a database table in the Navigator, its properties appear in the Editor. Each database table contains the following property tabs:

  • Columns–Add or modify the table fields, and specify each field properties.

  • References–Specify references between tables.

This section describes how to use these tabs to configure the following:

Working With Column Properties

Use the database table's Column tab to specify properties for the database table's fields.

To specify a table's column properties, use this procedure:

  1. Select a database table in the Navigator. The table's property sheet displays in the Editor.

  2. Click the Columns tab.

    Figure 4-22 Fields Properties

    Description of Figure 4-22 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-22 Fields Properties"

Use the following information to fill each column on the Columns tab:

Field Description
Name Specify the name of the field.
Type Use the drop-down list to select the field's type.

Note: The valid values will vary, depending on the database.

Size Specify the size of the field.
Sub-Size Specify the sub-size of the field.
Allows Null Specify if this field can be null.
Unique Specify whether the value must be unique within the table.
Primary Key Specify whether or not this field is a primary key for the table (see "Setting a Primary Key for Database Tables").
Identity Use to indicate a Sybase, SQL Server or Informix identity field.


Some properties may be unavailable, depending on your database type.

To add a new field, click Add.

To remove a field, select the field and click Remove.

To rename a field, select the field and click Rename.

Setting a Primary Key for Database Tables

To set a primary key(s) for a database table, use this procedure:


TopLink Workbench can automatically import primary key information if supported by the JDBC driver.

  1. Select a database table in the Navigator. Its property sheet appears in the Editor.

  2. Click the Columns tab.

    Figure 4-23 Setting Primary Key for a Database Table

    Description of Figure 4-23 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-23 Setting Primary Key for a Database Table"

  3. Select the Primary Key field(s) for the table.

Creating Table References

References are table properties that contain the foreign key; they may or may not correspond to an actual constraint that exists on the database. TopLink Workbench uses these references when you define relationship mappings and multiple table associations.

When importing tables from the database, TopLink Workbench can automatically create references (if the driver supports this), or you can define references from the workbench. See "Importing Tables From a Database".

To create a new table reference, use this procedure:

  1. Select a database table in the Navigator. The table's properties display in the Editor.

  2. Click the References tab.

    Figure 4-24 References Tab

    Description of Figure 4-24 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-24 References Tab"

    Figure 4-26 numbered callouts identify the following user interface components:

    1. Table References area

    2. Key Pairs area

  3. In the References area, click Add. The New Reference dialog box appears.

    Figure 4-25 New Reference Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-25 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-25 New Reference Dialog Box"

Use the following information to enter data in each field of the dialog box:

Field Description
Enter Name of New Reference Specify the name of the reference table. If you leave this field blank, TopLink Workbench automatically creates a name based on the format: SOURCETABLE_TARGETTABLE.
Select the Source Table Specify the name of the source database table (the currently selected table in the Navigator).
Select the Target Table Use the list to specify the target table for this reference.
On Database Specify if you want to create the reference on the database when you create the table. Not all database drivers support this option.

Continue with "Creating Field Associations".

Creating Field Associations

For each table reference, you can specify one or more field associations that define how fields in the source table relate to fields in the target table. See "Creating Table References".

To create new field references, use this procedure:

  1. Select a database table in the Navigator. The table's properties display in the Editor.

  2. Click the References tab.

    Figure 4-26 References Tab

    Description of Figure 4-26 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-26 References Tab"

    Figure 4-26 numbered callouts identify the following user interface components:

    1. Table references area

    2. Key pairs area

  3. Select a table reference from the references area.

  4. To create a new key pair, click Add in the key pairs area and complete each field in the key pairs area using the following information:

Field Description
Table References Area
    Reference Name Specify the name of this table reference
    Target Table Specify the database table that is the target of this reference.
    On Table Specify if the reference exists on the database.
Key Pairs Area
    Source Field Select the database field from the source table.
    Target Field Select the database field from the target table.

Generating Data From Database Tables

TopLink Workbench can automatically generate a variety of information from the database tables. This section describes the following:

Generating SQL Creation Scripts

Using the TopLink Workbench, you can generate SQL scripts that you can use to create tables in a relational database.

To automatically generate SQL scripts to create the tables in a project, use this procedure:

  1. Select the database table(s) in the Navigator.

  2. Right-click the table(s) and choose Generate Creation Script for > Selected Table or All Tables from the context menu. The SQL Creation Script dialog box appears.

    You can also choose Selected > Generate Creation Script for > Selected Table or All Tables from the menu.

    Figure 4-27 SQL Creation Script Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-27 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-27 SQL Creation Script Dialog Box"

Copy the script and paste it into a file. You may need to edit the file to include additional SQL information that TopLink Workbench could not generate. If the database table or column name is an SQL reserved word, you must edit the SQL script and enclose the database table or column in quotes. See "Oracle Database Reserved Words" in the Oracle Database SQL Reference Guide for more information.


If TopLink cannot determine how a particular table feature should be implemented in SQL, it generates a descriptive message in the script.

Generating Classes and Descriptors From Database Tables

TopLink Workbench can automatically generate Java class definitions, descriptor definitions, and associated mappings from the information in database tables. You can later edit the generated information if necessary.

For each table, TopLink Workbench does the following:

  • Creates a class definition and a descriptor definition.

  • Adds attributes to the class for each column in the table.

  • Automatically generates access methods, if specified.

  • Creates direct-to-field mappings for all direct (nonforeign key) fields in the table.

  • Creates relationship mappings (one-to-one and one-to-many) if there is sufficient foreign key information. You may be required to determine the exact mapping type.


    Class and attribute names are generated based on the table and column names. You can edit the class properties to change their names.

To generate classes and descriptors from database tables, use the following procedure:

  1. Select the database table(s) in the Navigator.

  2. Right-click the table(s) and choose Generate Classes and Descriptors from > Selected Table or All Tables from the context menu.

    You can also choose Selected > Generate Classes and Descriptors from > Selected Table or All Tables from the menu.

  3. Click Yes. The Generate Classes and Descriptors dialog box appears.

    Figure 4-28 Generate Classes and Descriptors Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-28 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-28 Generate Classes and Descriptors Dialog Box"

    Use the following information to enter data in each field:

    Field Description
    Package Name Specify the name of package to generate. The package name must comply with Java naming standards.
    Generate Accessing Methods Specify if TopLink Workbench generates accessing methods for each class and descriptor.

If the table contains foreign key fields that may represent relationship mappings, then the Choose Relationships to Generate dialog box appears.

Figure 4-29 Choose Relationships to Generate Dialog Box

Description of Figure 4-29 follows
Description of "Figure 4-29 Choose Relationships to Generate Dialog Box"

One to One mapping button
One to Many mapping button
Select an entry from Potential Relationships and click the 1:1 Mapping or 1:M Mapping button, located between the Potential Relationships and Selected Relationships windows. See Chapter 33, "Understanding Relational Mappings" for more information on mappings.

You can also specify whether the relationships are bidirectional. See "Configuring Bidirectional Relationship" for more information.

Click OK to automatically create the relationships.

The newly created descriptors appear in the Navigator of TopLink Workbench.

Generating EJB Entity Beans and Descriptors From Database Tables

Using TopLink Workbench, you can automatically generate EJB entity beans and descriptors for each database table, including the following:

  • One EJB descriptor that implements the <javax.ejb.EntityBean> and entity bean classes

  • Bean relation attributes (CMP or BMP)

  • Java source for each class

  • EJB-compliant method stubs


    This option is available only for projects with container-managed or bean-managed persistence. See "Configuring Persistence Type" for more information.

To automatically generate EJB entity beans and descriptors for each database table, use this procedure:

  1. Select the database table(s) in the Navigator.

  2. Right-click the table(s) and choose Generate EJB Entities and Descriptors from > Selected Table or All Tables from the context menu. TopLink Workbench prompts you to save your project.

    You can also choose Selected > Generate EJB Entities and Descriptors from > Selected Table or All Tables from the menu.

  3. Click Yes to save your project before generating EJB entities. The Generate EJB Entity Classes and Descriptors dialog box appears.

    Figure 4-30 Generate EJB Entity Classes and Descriptors Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-30 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-30 Generate EJB Entity Classes and Descriptors Dialog Box"

Use the following information to enter data in each field on the Generate EJB Entity Classes and Descriptors dialog box:

Field Description
Package Name Name of the package to contain the generated entity beans and descriptors.
Generate Local InterfacesFoot 1  Specify if TopLink creates local interfaces for the EJB entity beans.
Generate Remote InterfacesFootref 1 Specify if TopLink creates remote interfaces for the EJB entity beans.

Footnote 1 For CMP and BMP projects only. See "Configuring a Descriptor With EJB Information" for more information.

One to One Mapping button
One to Many mapping button

If the table contains foreign key fields that may represent relationship mappings, then the Choose Relationships to Generate dialog box appears. Select a potential relationship and click the 1:1 Mapping or 1:M Mapping button, located between the Potential Relationships and Selected Relationships windows.

You can also specify if the relationships are bidirectional (see "Configuring Bidirectional Relationship").

Repeat for all appropriate sets of tables.

Click OK to generate the relationship mappings.

The system creates the remote primary key, home, and bean classes for each bean and adds this information to the project.

Generating Tables on the Database

To create a table in the database, based on the information in TopLink Workbench, use this procedure:


You must log in the database before creating tables. See "Logging in to the Database" for more information.

  1. Select the database table(s) in the Navigator.

  2. Right-click the table(s) and choose Create on Database > Selected Table or All Tables from the context menu.

    You can also create tables by selecting Selected > Create on Database > Selected Table or All Tables from the menu.

TopLink Workbench creates the tables on the database.

Alternatively, you can generate tables at run time by exporting the information in TopLink Workbench to a TableCreator class (see "Understanding the Schema Manager").

Working With XML Schemas

For XML and EIS projects, TopLink Workbench maps each TopLink descriptor to your XML schema.

This section includes information on the following topics:

Working With XML Schemas in the Navigator

After you import one or more XML schemas into your project (see Importing an XML Schema) and you expand the schema object in the Navigator, TopLink Workbench displays the schemas associated with the project.

Figure 4-31 Sample XML Schemas

Description of Figure 4-31 follows
Description of "Figure 4-31 Sample XML Schemas"

Figure 4-31 numbered callouts identify the following schema icons:

  1. Project

  2. Schemas object

  3. Specific schema

For more information, see the following:

Working With XML Schema Structure

When you select a specific XML schema in the Navigator, you can display the structure and details of the schema using the Schema Structure tab.

To display the structure and details of a schema, use this procedure:

  1. Select a schema element in the Navigator. Its properties appear in the Editor.

  2. Click the Schema Structure tab. The Schema Structure tab appears.

  3. Select an element in the schema. The element's details appear.

    Figure 4-32 Schema Structure Tab

    Description of Figure 4-32 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-32 Schema Structure Tab"

Use the following information to verify data in each field in the Schema Document Info tab:

Field Description
Schema Structure Displays the elements of the schema, listed in alphabetical order, in an expandable or collapsible tree structure.
Details Displays detailed information (such as name and type) for the currently selected element in the Schema Structure area.

These fields are for display only and cannot be changed in TopLink Workbench.

Importing an XML Schema

The first step in configuring an EIS project (using XML records) or XML project is importing the XML schema(s) that your project uses.

When you import a schema, you define a schema reference that gives TopLink the information it needs to locate the schema itself. Anytime after you import an XML schema, you can update the schema reference (see "Configuring XML Schema Reference") if necessary.

After importing an XML schema, you can configure XML schema namespaces (see "Configuring XML Schema Namespace").

To import an XML schema into an EIS project (using XML records) or an EIS project, use this procedure:

  1. Right-click the schemas element in the Navigator and select Import Schema from the context menu. The Import Schema dialog box appears.

    Figure 4-33 Import Schema Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-33 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-33 Import Schema Dialog Box"

Use the following information to enter data in each field in the Import Shema dialog box:

Field Description
Name Specify the name of this schema. This is the display name that TopLink Workbench uses. It can be different than the name you specify when you configure Source.
Source Select how TopLink Workbench should import the schema.
    File Specify that TopLink Workbench should import the schema from a file.

Enter the fully qualified directory path and filename of the schema file.

    URL Specify that TopLink Workbench should import the schema using a URL.

Enter the complete URL of the schema file.

Note: When importing schemas by URL, ensure you have set your proxy information correctly. See "General Preferences" for more information.

    Classpath Specify that TopLink Workbench should import the schema from the project classpath.
        Resource Name Enter the fully qualified name of the XML schema file including the name of the package of which it is a part. For example, if your XML schema mySchema.xsd is in C:\project\config and you add this directory to your project classpath (see "Configuring Project Classpath", specify a resource name of project.config.mySchema.xsd.

To reimport a specific schema, right-click on the specific schema in the Navigator and select Reimport Schema from the context menu.

To reimport all schemas in a project, right-click on Schemas in the Navigator and select Reimport All Schemas from the context menu.

To change a schema's source, right-click on the specific schema in the Navigator window and select Properties from the context menu. The Schema Properties dialog appears.

Configuring XML Schema Reference

After you import an XML schema (see "Importing an XML Schema"), you can update its source by configuring the schema reference.

Using TopLink Workbench

To specify the source of a schema, use this procedure:

  1. Select a schema element in the Navigator. Its properties appear in the Editor.

  2. Click the Schema Document Info tab. The Schema Document Info tab appears.

    Figure 4-34 Schema Document Info Tab–Source Field

    Description of Figure 4-34 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-34 Schema Document Info Tab–Source Field"

  3. Click Edit to select a new source for the selected schema. The Schema Properties dialog box appears.

    Figure 4-35 Schema Properties Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-35 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-35 Schema Properties Dialog Box"

Use the following information to complete each field in the Schema Properties dialog box:

Field Description
Name Specify the name of this schema. This is the display name that TopLink Workbench uses. It can be different than the name you specify when you configure Source.
Source Select how TopLink Workbench should import the schema.
    File Specify that TopLink Workbench should import the schema from a file.

Enter the fully qualified directory path and filename of the schema file.

    URL Specify that TopLink Workbench should import the schema using a URL.

Enter the complete URL of the schema file.

Note: When importing schemas by URL, ensure you have set your proxy information correctly. See "General Preferences" for more information.

    Classpath Specify that TopLink Workbench should import the schema from the project classpath.
        Resource Name Enter the fully qualified name of the XML schema file including the name of the package of which it is a part. For example, if your XML schema mySchema.xsd is in C:\project\config and you add this directory to your project classpath (see "Configuring Project Classpath", specify a resource name of project.config.mySchema.xsd.

Using Java

Use Java to configure schema reference. Create a descriptor amendment method (see "Configuring Amendment Methods") that instantiates the appropriate type of XMLSchemaReference (XMLSchemaClassPathReference, XMLSchemaFileReference, or XMLSchemaURLReference) and configures the descriptor with it, as follows:

  • If you are using EISDescriptors, the TopLink runtime does not use the schema reference; no further configuration is required.

  • If you are using XMLDescriptors, configure the descriptor with the XMLSchemaReference using XMLDescriptor method setSchemaReference.

Configuring XML Schema Namespace

As defined in, an XML namespace is a collection of names, identified by a URI reference, which are used in XML documents as element types and attribute names. To promote reusability and modularity, XML document constructs should have universal names, whose scope extends beyond their containing document. XML namespaces are the mechanism which accomplishes this.

When you import an XML schema (see "Importing an XML Schema") such as the one that shows, TopLink Workbench organizes the various namespaces that the XML schema identifies as Table 4-3 shows.

Example 4-3 XML Schema with Namespace Options

    xmlns:<prefix>="<URI>"             <!-- TopLink Workbench Built-in Namespace -->
    targetNamespace="<URI>"            <!-- TopLink Workbench Target Namespace -->
    <xsd:import                        <!-- TopLink Workbench Imported Namespace -->

Table 4-3 TopLink Workbench XML Schema Categories

TopLink Workbench Category Defined By Purpose When Needed



Provides access to types defined in other XML schemas for use as is.

If your project uses more than one XML schema or if you want to use xsi or xsd types.



The namespace you use to qualify the types you define for your application. If set, all XML documents that use these types must use this namespace qualifier.

You may need to specify a target namespace depending on how element and attribute form options are set (see "Element and Attribute Form Options").



Provides access to types defined in the corresponding built-in XML schema so that you can extend the built-in types. Extended types must be qualified by the target namespace.

If your project uses more than one XML schema and you want to extend one or more built-in types.

For more information, see "Understanding XML Namespaces".

Using TopLink Workbench

To specify the namespaces of a schema, use this procedure:

  1. Select a schema element in the Navigator. Its properties appear in the Editor.

  2. Click the Schema Document Info tab. The Schema Document Info tab appears.

    Figure 4-36 Schema Document Info Tab–Namespaces Field

    Description of Figure 4-36 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-36 Schema Document Info Tab–Namespaces Field"

Use the following information to complete each Namespaces field in the tab:

Field Description
Built-in Namespaces All namespaces defined by xmlns:<prefix>="<URI>".

Note that when a schema is imported to the TopLink Workbench (see "Importing an XML Schema"), none of the built-in namespaces' URLs are selected. If you are using inheritance, declare the built-in namespace with xsi prefix. Otherwise, TopLink will throw exceptions.

Target Namespaces All namespaces defined by targetNamespace="<URI>".
Imported Namespaces All namespaces defined by xsd:import.
Prefix Double-click in the Prefix field to specify the prefix that corresponds to the given namespace.

When the TopLink runtime marshalls (writes) an object to an XML document, it uses the namespace prefixes you specify here.

When the TopLink runtime unmarshalls (reads) an XML document, the document may use any prefix value as long as it corresponds to the appropriate namespace. For more information, see "TopLink Runtime Namespace Resolution".

Declare When selected, XML documents must use the corresponding URI qualifier when referring to types from this namespace. XML documents may use a different prefix value as long as that value is associated with the appropriate namespace URI. For more information, see "TopLink Runtime Namespace Resolution".

Using Java

Using Java, to configure XML schema namespaces for an EIS descriptor (with XML records) or an XML descriptor, create a descriptor amendment method (see "Configuring Amendment Methods") that uses EISDescriptor or XMLDescriptor method getNamespaceResolver to configure the descriptor's NamespaceResolver accordingly as shows.

Example 4-4 Configuring Namespaces

public void addToDescriptor(ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

Working With Classes

Using TopLink Workbench, you can create Java classes and packages. This section includes information on the following:

Creating Classes

Oracle recommends that you develop your Java classes using an IDE such as Oracle JDeveloper and import these existing classes into TopLink Workbench (see "Importing and Updating Classes")

However, it is sometimes convenient to create and configure classes in TopLink Workbench: for example, when generating an object model from a database schema.

This section includes information on using TopLink Workbench to create Java classes.

For more information on using TopLink Workbench to edit classes, see "Creating Classes".

Using TopLink Workbench

To create new classes and packages from within TopLink Workbench, use this procedure:

  1. Create New Class button
    Select the project in the Navigator and click Create New Class.

    You can also right-click the project in the Navigator and choose Create New Class from the context menu or choose Selected > Create New Class from the menu.

    Figure 4-37 Add New Class Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-37 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-37 Add New Class Dialog Box"

Use the following information to enter data in each field on the Add New Class dialog box:

Field Description
Package Name Choose an existing package or enter a new package name. If blank, TopLink Workbench uses the default package name.
New Class Name Enter a class name. The New Class Name must be unique within the package.

For more information on using TopLink Workbench to edit classes, see "Configuring Classes".

Configuring Classes

Oracle recommends that you develop your Java classes using an IDE such as Oracle JDeveloper and import these existing classes into TopLink Workbench (see "Importing and Updating Classes")

However, it is sometimes convenient to create (see "Creating Classes") and configure classes in TopLink Workbench: for example, when generating an object model from a database schema.

This section describes using TopLink Workbench to edit classes, including the following:

Configuring Class Information

This section includes information on Using TopLink Workbench to configure class information.

Using TopLink Workbench

To configure class and superclass information, use this procedure:

  1. Select a class in the Navigator. Its properties appear in the Editor.

  2. Click the Class Info tab in the Editor.

  3. Click the Class tab.

    Figure 4-38 Class Tab, Class Information Fields

    Description of Figure 4-38 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-38 Class Tab, Class Information Fields"

Use the following information to enter data in each field on the tab:

Field Description
Name The name of the class. This field is for display only.
Superclass Click Browse and select a class and package that contains the class (that is, the superclass).

Configuring Class Modifiers

This section includes information on Using TopLink Workbench to configure class modifiers.

Using TopLink Workbench

To configure class modifiers, use this procedure:

  1. Select a class in the Navigator. Its properties appear in the Editor.

  2. Click the Class Info tab in the Editor.

  3. Click the Class tab.

    Figure 4-39 Class Tab, Class Modifiers Fields

    Description of Figure 4-39 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-39 Class Tab, Class Modifiers Fields"

Use the following information to enter data in each field on the tab:

Field Description
Access Modifiers Use to specify whether the class is accessible publicly or not.

Only public classes are visible to the Oracle TopLink Workbench.

Other Modifiers Specify if the class is Final or Abstract, or both. Final classes are not included in the superclass selection lists for other classes to extend.

Configuring Class Interfaces

This section includes information on Using TopLink Workbench to specify the interfaces implemented by a class. You can choose any interface in the TopLink Workbench classpath (see "Configuring Project Classpath").

Although you may add interfaces to a project directly (see "Importing and Updating Classes"), you do not need to do so in order to configure a class to implement an interface.

Using TopLink Workbench

To implement interfaces, use this procedure:

  1. Select a class in the Navigator. Its properties appear in the Editor.

  2. Click the Class Info tab in the Editor.

  3. Click the Class tab.

    Figure 4-40 Class Tab, Interfaces Implemented Fields

    Description of Figure 4-40 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-40 Class Tab, Interfaces Implemented Fields"

Use the following information to enter data in the Interfaces Implemented field on the Class tab:

Field Description
Interfaces Implemented To add an interface, click Add and select the interface and package.

To remove an interface, select the interface and click Remove

Adding Attributes

This section includes information on Using TopLink Workbench to add an attribute to a class.

Using TopLink Workbench

To add a new attribute (field) to the descriptor, click Add.

To delete an existing attribute, select the attribute and click Remove.

To rename an existing attribute, select the attribute and click on Rename.

The Attributes tab contains the following tabs:

Configuring Attribute Modifiers

This section includes information on Using TopLink Workbench to configure attribute modifiers.

Using TopLink Workbench

To specify access modifiers, use this procedure:

  1. Select a class in the Navigator. Its properties appear in the Editor.

  2. Click the Class Info tab in the Editor.

  3. Click the Attributes tab. The Attributes tab contains two sub-tabs.

  4. Click the General tab.

    Figure 4-41 Attributes Tab, Modifiers Fields

    Description of Figure 4-41 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-41 Attributes Tab, Modifiers Fields"

Use the following information to enter data in the Modifiers fields on the Attributes tab:

Field Description

Access Modifiers
Specify how the attribute is accessible:
  • Public icon


  • Protected icon

    Protected–only visible within its own package and subclasses.

  • Private icon

    Private–not visible for subclasses

  • Default icon

    Default–only visible within its own package

Other Modifiers
Specify whether the attribute is Final, Static, Transient, or Volatile.

Note: Selecting some modifiers may disable others.

Configuring Attribute Type Information

This section includes information on Using TopLink Workbench to configure attribute type information.

Using TopLink Workbench

To specify attribute type information, use this procedure:

  1. Select a class in the Navigator. Its properties appear in the Editor.

  2. Click the Class Info tab in the Editor.

  3. Click the Attributes tab. The Attributes tab contains two sub-tabs.

  4. Click the General tab.

    Figure 4-42 Attributes Tab, Type Information Fields

    Description of Figure 4-42 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-42 Attributes Tab, Type Information Fields"

Use the following information to enter data in Type Information fields on the Attributes tab:

Field Description
Type Click Browse and select a class and package for the attribute.
Type Dimensionality Specify the length of an array. This field applies only if Type is an array.
Value Type Click Browse and select a class and package for the attribute.

This field applies for ValueHolderInterface types only.

Map Key Type Click Browse and select a class and package for the attribute.

This field applies for Map types only.

Map Value Type Click Browse and select a class and package for the attribute.

This field applies for Map types only.

Element Type Click Browse and select a class and package for the attribute.

This field applies for List types only.

Configuring Attribute Accessing Methods

This section includes information on Using TopLink Workbench to configure attribute accessing methods. If you change an attribute and regenerate the accessing methods, TopLink does not remove any previously generated methods.

Using TopLink Workbench

To specify attribute accessing methods, use this procedure:

  1. Select a class in the Navigator. Its properties appear in the Editor.

  2. Click the Class Info tab in the Editor.

  3. Click the Attributes tab. The Attributes tab contains two sub-tabs.

  4. Click the Accessors tab.

    Figure 4-43 Attributes Tab, Accessors Fields

    Description of Figure 4-43 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-43 Attributes Tab, Accessors Fields"

Use the following information to complete the Accessors fields on the Attributes tab:

Field Description
Get Method Choose the get method for the attribute.

This field applies for non-Collection types only.

Set Method Choose the set method for the attribute.

This field applies for non-Collection types only.

Add Method Choose the add method for the attribute.

This field applies for List and Map types only.

Remove Method Choose the remove method for the attribute.

This field applies for List and Map types only.

Value Holder Get Method Choose the method used to return the ValueHolderInterface type.

This field applies for ValueHolderInterface types only.

Value Holder Set Method Choose the method used to set the ValueHolderInterface type.

This field applies for ValueHolderInterface types only.

Value Get Method Choose the method used to return the actual value.

This field applies for ValueHolderInterface types only.

Value Set Method Choose the method used to set the actual value.

This field applies for ValueHolderInterface types only.

Adding Methods

This section includes information on Using TopLink Workbench to add a method to a class.

Using TopLink Workbench

To add or remove methods, use this procedure:

  1. Select a class in the Navigator. Its properties appear in the Editor.

  2. Click the Class Info tab in the Editor.

  3. Click the Methods tab.

    Figure 4-44 Class Info–Methods Tab

    Description of Figure 4-44 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-44 Class Info–Methods Tab"

To add a new method to the descriptor, click Add.

To delete an existing method, select the method and click Remove.

To rename an existing method, select the method and click Rename.

Configuring Method Modifiers

This section includes information on Using TopLink Workbench to configure method modifiers.

Using TopLink Workbench

To specify access modifiers, use this procedure:

  1. Select a class in the Navigator. Its properties appear in the Editor.

  2. Click the Class Info tab in the Editor.

  3. Click the Methods tab.

    Figure 4-45 Methods Tab, Modifiers Fields

    Description of Figure 4-45 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-45 Methods Tab, Modifiers Fields"

Use the following information to enter data in Modifiers fields on the Methods tab:

Field Description

Access Modifiers
Specify how the method can be accessed:
  • Public icon


  • Protected icon

    Protected–only visible within its own package and subclasses.

  • Private icon

    Private–not visible for subclasses.

  • Default icon

    Default–only visible within its own package.

Other Modifiers
Specify whether the method is Abstract, Final, Synchronized, Static, or Native.

Note: Selecting some modifiers may disable others.

Configuring Method Type Information

This section includes information on Using TopLink Workbench to configure method type information.

Using TopLink Workbench

To specify method type information, use this procedure:

  1. Select a class in the Navigator. Its properties appear in the Editor.

  2. Click the Class Info tab in the Editor.

  3. Click the Methods tab.

    Figure 4-46 Methods Tab, Type Information Fields

    Description of Figure 4-46 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-46 Methods Tab, Type Information Fields"

Use the following information to enter data in Type Information fields on the Methods tab:

Field Description

Return Type
Click Browse and select a class and package for the method.

Type Dimensionality
Specify the length of an array. This field applies only if Type is an array.

Configuring Method Parameters

This section includes information on Using TopLink Workbench to configure method parameters.

Using TopLink Workbench

To specify additional method parameters, use this procedure:

  1. Select a class in the Navigator. Its properties appear in the Editor.

  2. Click the Class Info tab in the Editor.

  3. Click the Methods tab.

    Figure 4-47 Methods Tab, Method Parameters Fields

    Description of Figure 4-47 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-47 Methods Tab, Method Parameters Fields"

Use the following information to enter data in Parameters fields on the Methods tab:

Field Description
Type Click Browse and select a class and package for the method.
Dimensionality Specify the length of an array. This field applies only if Type is an array.

Importing and Updating Classes

This section includes information on Using TopLink Workbench to import and update Java classes.

You can import Java classes and interfaces created in any IDE.

You can import any class on the system classpath or project classpath.

If a class exists on both the system classpath and the project classpath, TopLink Workbench will update the class from the system classpath. To update or refresh from the project classpath, remove the class from the system classpath and restart TopLink Workbench.

For more information, see "Configuring Project Classpath".

Using TopLink Workbench

Use this procedure to update or refresh the classes in the TopLink Workbench project.

  1. Define the available classes and packages for the project on the General tab. See "Configuring Project Classpath" for information on classes and packages.

  2. Add or Refresh Class button
    Click Add or Refresh Class. The Select Classes dialog box appears.

    You can also update the classes by choosing Selected > Add or Refresh Classes from the menu.

    Figure 4-48 Select Classes Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-48 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-48 Select Classes Dialog Box"

Select the packages or classes (or both) to import into the project and click OK. TopLink Workbench adds the new classes to your project in the Navigator.

By default, TopLink Workbench creates the following descriptor types for each package and class (depending on your project type):

See Chapter 24, "Creating a Descriptor" for more information.


If the class exists on both the system classpath and the project classpath, TopLink Workbench will update the class from the system classpath. To update or refresh from the project classpath, remove the class from the system classpath and restart TopLink Workbench.

To Remove a Class From a Project, do the following:

Remove Class button

Select the descriptor and click Remove, or choose Selected > Remove from the menu.

Managing Nondescriptor Classes

Some of the mappings in your TopLink project may reference classes that do not have TopLink descriptors or are not included in the project.

To add, remove, or refresh Java classes that do not have TopLink descriptors, use this procedure:

From the menu, select Workbench > Manage Non-Descriptor Classes. The Manage Non-Descriptor Classes dialog box appears.

You can access the dialog box by right-clicking the TopLink project icon in the Navigator and selecting Manage Non-Descriptor Classes from the context menu.

Figure 4-49 Manage Non-Descriptor Classes Dialog Box

Description of Figure 4-49 follows
Description of "Figure 4-49 Manage Non-Descriptor Classes Dialog Box"

Select one of the following options:

  • To add new classes, click Add. The Select Classes dialog box appears.

  • To add new classes, click Add. The Select Classes dialog box appears (see Figure 4-48, "Select Classes Dialog Box".

    Only classes that have been added to the project's class path can be added as nondescriptor classes. See "Configuring Project Classpath" for more information.

  • To delete an existing class, select the class and click Remove.

  • To refresh the classes (for example, if you edited the classes in an IDE), click Refresh.

Renaming Packages

When you add classes to a project, TopLink Workbench shows the classes contained in the package to which they belong (see "Using the Navigator").

You can use TopLink Workbench to change the package statements in all the Java classes of a selected package (to move the all the classes contained by the selected package to a new package). This is useful if you are refactoring an existing TopLink Workbench project.


The TopLink Workbench package rename feature is not intended for migrating projects from older versions of TopLink: for this, you must still use the TopLink Package Renamer. The Package Renamer updates import statements for TopLink classes: it does not change the package statements in user application classes.

For information on the TopLink Package Renamer, refer to Oracle TopLink Release Notes and Oracle TopLink Getting Started Guide for more information.

For more information on using TopLink Workbench to edit classes, see "Configuring Classes".

Using TopLink Workbench

To change the package of an existing class in TopLink Workbench, use this procedure:

  1. Right-click the package in the Navigator and select Rename.

    You can also select the package and choose Selected > Rename from the menu.

    Figure 4-50 Rename Package Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 4-50 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-50 Rename Package Dialog Box"

Enter the package name and click OK. TopLink Workbench changes the name of the package in the Navigator window.

For more information on using TopLink Workbench to edit classes, see "Configuring Classes".

Integrating TopLink Workbench With Apache Ant

If you use the Apache Ant Java-based build tool, you can use the Ant task and type definitions that TopLink provides to invoke certain TopLink Workbench functions from an Ant build file. Using these tasks, you can integrate TopLink Workbench into your automated build process.

This section describes the following:

For more information about Ant, see

Configuring Ant to Use TopLink Workbench Tasks

Before you can use TopLink Workbench tasks in your Ant build files, you must consider their library dependencies (see "Library Dependencies").

To declare TopLink Workbench tasks in your Ant build.xml file, declare them directly (see "Declaring TopLink Workbench Tasks").

Library Dependencies

In addition to the Ant library dependencies (see, Table 4-4 lists the TopLink-specific JAR files that must be in your Ant classpath.

Table 4-4 TopLink Workbench Ant Task Library Dependencies

JAR Name Needed For ... Available At ...


TopLink Workbench Ant task and type definitions.


Declaring TopLink Workbench Tasks

After you declare the TopLink Workbench task definitions (see Table 4-6) and data definitions (see Table 4-4) in the toplink-ant-lib.xml file as Example 4-5 shows, you can use a TopLink Workbench task in a build.xml file, as shows:

Example 4-5 Declaring TopLink Workbench Ant Task and Data Types in a toplink-ant-lib.xml File

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <taskdef name="mappings.export"
        classname="oracle.toplink.workbench.ant.taskdefs.ExportDeploymentXMLTask" />

    <taskdef name="mappings.validate"
        classname="oracle.toplink.workbench.ant.taskdefs.MappingsValidateTask" />

    <taskdef name="session.validate"
        classname="oracle.toplink.workbench.ant.taskdefs.SessionValidateTask" />
    <typedef name="ignoreerror"
        classname="oracle.toplink.workbench.ant.typedefs.IgnoreError" />

    <typedef name="ignoreerrorset"
        classname="oracle.toplink.workbench.ant.typedefs.IgnoreErrorSet" />

    <typedef name="loginspec"
        classname="oracle.toplink.workbench.ant.typedefs.LoginSpec" />

Example 4-6 Specifying the toplink-ant-lib.xml File in the build.xml File

<project name="MyBuild" default="validate.session" basedir="." xmlns:toplink="toplinklib">    <typedef file = "toplink-ant-lib.xml" classpathref = "mw.classpath" uri = "toplinklib" />...</project>

Understanding TopLink Workbench Ant Task API

Table 4-5 lists the TopLink Workbench Ant task definitions that TopLink provides.

Table 4-5 TopLink Workbench Ant Task Definitions

Task Name TopLink Class







Table 4-6 lists the TopLink Workbench Ant type definitions that TopLink provides.

Table 4-6 TopLink Workbench Ant Type Definitions

Type Name TopLink Class







Creating TopLink Workbench Ant Tasks

Example 4-7 shows a typical Ant build.xml file that declares and uses the TopLink Workbench Ant task and type definitions.

Example 4-7 Example Ant Build File with TopLink Workbench Ant Tasks

<project name="MyBuild" default="validate.session" basedir="." xmlns:toplink="toplinklib">
    <!-- ===================================================== -->
    <!--  Properties                                           -->
    <!-- ===================================================== -->
    <target name="init">
        <property file=""/>

        <property name = "toplink.mwp.dir" value = "${basedir}/mw"/>
        <property name = "toplink.sessions.dir" value = "${basedir}/config"/>
        <property name = " myProject.classes" value = "${basedir}/classes "/>

        <path id = "database.classpath">
            <pathelement path = "${toplink.home}/jlib /dms.jar"/>
            <pathelement path = "${toplink.home}/jlib /OracleThinJDBC.jar"/>
        <path id = "toplink.classpath">
            <pathelement path = "${toplink.home}/jlib /toplink.jar"/>
            <pathelement path = "${toplink.home}/jlib /ejb.jar"/>
            <pathelement path = "${toplink.home}/jlib /xmlparserv2.jar"/>
            <pathelement path = "${toplink.home}/jlib /antlr.jar"/>
        <path id = "mw.classpath">
            <pathelement path = "${toplink.home}/jlib /tlmwcore.jar"/>
            <pathelement path = "${toplink.home}/jlib /toplinkmw.jar"/>
        <path id = "mwplatforms.classpath">
            <pathelement path = "${toplink.home}/config"/>

        <typedef file = "toplink-ant-lib.xml"

                 classpathref = "mw.classpath"
                 uri = "toplinklib" />
    <!-- ===================================================== -->
    <!--  Define task parameter                                -->
    <!-- ===================================================== -->
    <target name="parameter.definition" depends="init">
        <toplink:ignoreerrorset id = "ignoreErrors">
        <toplink:ignoreerror code = "0233" />

        <toplink:loginspec id = "loginSpec" 
        url = "jdbc:cloudscape:stagedb;create=true"
        driverclass = "COM.cloudscape.core.JDBCDriver"
        user = "scott" 
        password="tiger" />
     <!-- ==================================================== -->
    <!--  Validate the MW Project                              -->
    <!-- ===================================================== -->
    <target name="validate.project" depends="parameter.definition">

            projectfile = "${toplink.mwp.dir}/myProject.mwp"
            reportfile = "${toplink.mwp.dir}/problem-report.html"
            reportformat = "html"
            property = "mw-valid"
            classpathref = "mwplatforms.classpath" >

            <toplink:classpath refid = "mw.classpath" />
            <toplink:classpath refid = "toplink.classpath" />

            <toplink:ignoreerrorset refid = "ignoreErrors"/>

    <!-- ===================================================== -->
    <!--  TopLink deployment descriptor XML generation         -->
    <!-- ===================================================== -->
    <target name="export.deployment" depends="validate.project"  if="mw-valid">

            projectfile = "${toplink.mwp.dir}/myProject.mwp"
            deploymentfile = "${toplink.sessions.dir}/sessions.xml"
            property = "export-completed"
            failonerror = "true"
            classpathref = "toplink.classpath">

            <toplink:classpath refid = "mw.classpath" />
            <toplink:classpath refid = "mwplatforms.classpath" />

            <toplink:ignoreerrorset refid = "ignoreErrors"/>
            <toplink:loginspec refid = "loginSpec" />
    <!-- ===================================================== -->
    <!--  TopLink Session Validate                             -->
    <!-- ===================================================== -->
    <target name="validate.session"  depends="export.deployment" if="export-completed">

            sessionsfile = "${toplink.sessions.dir}/sessions.xml"
            sessionname = "ThreeTierEmployee"
            property = "session-valid"
            classpathref = "toplink.classpath"
            classpath = "${ myProject.classes}" >

            <toplink:classpath refid = "mw.classpath" />
            <toplink:classpath refid = " database.classpath" />

            <toplink:loginspec refid = "loginSpec" />


The mapings.validate task is a testing task that you use to list of all the problems in a TopLink Workbench project (.mwp) file.

This task provides the ability to:

  • log all the problems to a file in text or HTML format

  • set an Ant property to indicate that the TopLink Workbench project is valid (has no errors)


Table 4-7 mappings.validate Task Parameters

Attribute Description Required


Fully qualified TopLink Workbench projects file name (.mwp).



Fully qualified file name to which to write the output.



The format of the generated output. Must be html or text.

No–default to text.


Project classpath.



Reference to a path defined elsewhere.



The name of the property to set (true if there is no problem).


Parameters Specified as Nested Elements

You can specify the following parameters as nested elements of this task:


shows a typical mappings.validate task.

Example 4-8 A mappings.validate Task

    projectfile = "${toplink.mwp.dir}/myProject.mwp"
    reportfile = "${toplink.mwp.dir}/problem-report.html"
    reportformat = "html"
    property = "mw-valid"
    classpath = "${mwplatforms.classpath}" >

    <toplink:classpath refid = "mw.classpath" />
    <toplink:classpath refid = "toplink.classpath" />

    <toplink:ignoreerrorset refid = "ignoreErrors"/>
    <toplink:ignoreerror code = "0555" />


The session.validate task is a testing task that you use to test your TopLink deployment XML by running TopLink.

This task provides the ability to:

  • specify the test type using a nested element

  • set an Ant property to indicate that the TopLink Workbench project is valid (has no errors)


Table 4-8 session.validate Task Parameters

Attribute Description Required


Fully qualified sessions.xml file.

No–default to sessions.xml and to classpath.


Name of the session to test.



Project classpath.



Reference to a path defined elsewhere.



The name of the property to set (true if valid).


Parameters Specified as Nested Elements

You can specify the following parameters as nested elements of this task:


shows a typical session.validate task.

Example 4-9 A session.validate Task

    sessionsfile = "${toplink.sessions.dir}/sessions.xml"
    sessionname = "ThreeTierEmployee"
    property = "session-valid"
    classpathref = "toplink.classpath"
    classpath = "${ myProject.classes}" >

    <toplink:classpath refid = "mw.classpath" />
    <toplink:classpath refid = " database.classpath" />

    <toplink:loginspec refid = "loginSpec" />


The mappings.export task is a generation task that you use to generate a TopLink deployment XML file for a given TopLink Workbench project (.mwp). The mappings.export task executes a mappings.validate (see "mappings.validate") before executing. A BuildException is thrown if validation fails.

This task provides the ability to override the TopLink Workbench project database login information.


Table 4-9 mappings.export Task Parameters

Attribute Description Required


Fully qualified TopLink Workbench projects file name (.mwp).



Fully qualified TopLink project deployment file name (.xml).

No–default to the name specified in the TopLink Workbench project (.mwp).


The directory that contains the ejb-jar.xml file (only applicable to J2EE project).

No–default to the directory specified in the TopLink Workbench project (.mwp).


Project classpath.



Reference to a path defined elsewhere.



Indicates whether the build will continue even if there are export errors; defaults to true.



The name of the property to set (true if export completed successfully).


Parameters Specified as Nested Elements

You can specify the following parameters as nested elements of this task:


shows a typical mappings.export task.

Example 4-10 A mappings.export Task

    projectfile = "${toplink.mwp.dir}/myProject.mwp"
    deploymentfile = "${toplink.sessions.dir}/sessions.xml"
    property = "export-completed"
    failonerror = "true"
    classpathref = "toplink.classpath">

    <toplink:classpath refid = "mw.classpath" />
    <toplink:classpath refid = "mwplatforms.classpath" />

    <toplink:ignoreerrorset refid = "ignoreErrors"/>
    <toplink:ignoreerror code = "0545" />
            url = "jdbc:cloudscape:stagedb;create=true"
            driverclass = "COM.cloudscape.core.JDBCDriver"
            user = "scott" 
            password="tiger" />


Use the classpath element to define the Java classpath necessary to run a task. For more information, see


Table 4-10 classpath Element Parameters

Attribute Description Required


Specifies a single file or directory relative to the project's base directory (or an absolute filename).



Specifies one or multiple files or directories separated by a colon or semicolon.



Reference to a path defined elsewhere.


Parameters Specified as Nested Elements

You can specify the following parameters as nested elements of this task:

  • pathelement

  • fileset

  • dirset

  • filelist


shows a typical classpath element.

Example 4-11 A classpath Element

<classpath>    <pathelement path="${classpath}"/>        <fileset dir="lib">            <include name="**/*.jar"/>        </fileset>    <pathelement location="classes"/>        <dirset dir="${build.dir}">            <include name="apps/**/classes"/>            <exclude name="apps/**/*Test*"/>        </dirset>    <filelist refid="third-party_jars"/></classpath>


Use the ignoreerror element to instruct a TopLink Ant task to ignore a specific TopLink Foundation Library (see "TopLink Exception Reference") or TopLink Workbench (see "TopLink Workbench Error Reference") run-time error code.

To instruct a TopLink Ant task to ignore multiple error codes, consider using an ignoreerrorset element (see "ignoreerrorset").


Table 4-11 ignoreerror Element Parameters

Attribute Description Required


Error code of the problem to ignore.


Parameters Specified as Nested Elements

You cannot specify parameters as nested elements of this element.


shows a typical ignoreerror element. This element instructs a mappings.export task to ignore TopLink Workbench error code 0545.

Example 4-12 An ignoreerror Element

<toplink:mappings.export     projectfile = "${toplink.mwp.dir}/myProject.mwp"    deploymentfile = "${toplink.sessions.dir}/sessions.xml"    classpathref = "toplink.classpath">    <toplink:classpath refid = "mw.classpath" />    <toplink:classpath refid = "mwplatforms.classpath" />    <toplink:ignoreerror code = "0545" /></toplink:mappings.export>


Use the ignoreerrorset element to instruct a TopLink Ant task to ignore any of multiple TopLink Foundation Library (see "TopLink Exception Reference") or TopLink Workbench (see "TopLink Workbench Error Reference") run-time error codes.


Table 4-12 ignoreerrorset Element Parameters

Attribute Description Required


Unique identifier for this type instance, can be used to reference this type in scripts.



Reference to a ignoreerrorset defined elsewhere.


Parameters Specified as Nested Elements

You can specify the following parameters as nested elements of this element:


Example 4-13 shows a typical ignoreerrorset element. This element instructs a mappings.export task to ignore all of TopLink Workbench error codes 0402 and 0570. Note that the mappings.export task also uses an explicitly ignoreerror element: this means that the mappings.export task will ignore all of error codes 0402, 0570, and 0545.

Example 4-13 An ignoreerrorset Element

<toplink:ignoreerrorset id = "ignoreErrors">    <toplink:ignoreerror code = "0402" />    <toplink:ignoreerror code = "0570" /></toplink:ignoreerrorset>...<toplink:mappings.export     projectfile = "${toplink.mwp.dir}/myProject.mwp"    deploymentfile = "${toplink.sessions.dir}/sessions.xml"    classpathref = "toplink.classpath">    <toplink:classpath refid = "mw.classpath" />    <toplink:classpath refid = "mwplatforms.classpath" />    <toplink:ignoreerrorset refid = "ignoreErrors"/>    <toplink:ignoreerror code = "0545" /></toplink:mappings.export>


Use the loginspec element to instruct a TopLink Ant task to override the project database login information in a TopLink Workbench project. For more information, see Chapter 81, "Understanding Data Access".


You can only use this element with a relational project (see "Relational Projects").

You cannot use this element with a J2EE project.


Table 4-13 loginspec Element Parameters

Attribute Description Required


Unique identifier for this type instance, can be used to reference this type in scripts.



Reference to a loginspec defined elsewhere.



Fully qualified class of the data source driver (see "Configuring Database Login Connection Options").

No–default to the class that the TopLink Workbench project specifies.


URL of the driver see "Configuring Database Login Connection Options").



Login user name (see "Configuring User Name and Password").

No–default to the value that the TopLink Workbench project specifies


Login password (see "Configuring User Name and Password").

No–default to the value that the TopLink Workbench project specifies

Parameters Specified as Nested Elements

You cannot specify parameters as nested elements of this element.


Example 4-14 shows a typical loginspec element.

Example 4-14 A loginspec Element

    projectfile = "${toplink.mwp.dir}/myProject.mwp"
    deploymentfile = "${toplink.sessions.dir}/sessions.xml"
    classpathref = "toplink.classpath">

    <toplink:classpath refid = "mw.classpath" />
    <toplink:classpath refid = "mwplatforms.classpath" />

        url = "jdbc:cloudscape:stagedb;create=true"
        driverclass = "COM.cloudscape.core.JDBCDriver"
        user = "scott" 
        password="tiger" />