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Files in the pg Directory

The pg directory contains the Pageset UI Registry files, the Pageset UI Definition files, and the display pages for all the pagesets in your application, as well as the cascading style sheet that defines the appearance of the Contents List.

You should also use this directory to store any additional HTML and image files you use to customize the appearance of display pages.

pagesetID_1.htm . . . pagesetID_"n".htm

Display Pages

These are HTML files that display input UI controls and output targets to help users choose and configure a product that meets their needs.

Display pages appear inside the frameset layout defined by the Pageset UI Definition file. This specific layout in turn appears inside a smaller area of the larger application. This specific layout is defined in the Application UI Definition file.

Advisor generates default display pages for each pageset. The file names of the default display pages begin with the pageset ID and are numbered sequentially. If you want to rename the display pages, you must reassociate the new files names with pageset frames inside the Pageset UI Registry file.

Most applications place input UI controls and output targets on separate display pages, but you can place input UI controls and output targets on the same page. Each pageset must contain at least one display page.

NOTE:  Advisor also provides the Input UI tab on which you can add UI controls without writing code. See Siebel Advisor Administration Guide for information.

To add an input UI control to a display page

  1. Open the HTML source file for the display page.
  2. In the location where you want the input UI control to appear, add the following:






    Specifies the type of input UI control to create. Valid arguments are CHECKBOX, GETTEXT, LISTBOX, RADIO, and MAP.


    Defines the source of the content that populates the input UI control.

    For check box, list box, and radio button input UI controls, this is the name of a Feature table in the Advisor project.

    For text entry input UI controls, this is the name you want to give to the text entry field. The application stores user input to this field under the name you use here.


    For list box input UI controls, this argument is an integer that specifies the number of visible rows for the list box. Set this argument to 1 to create a drop-down list.

    For radio button input UI controls, this argument is an integer that specifies which Feature table row is associated with the particular radio button. To create a group of radio buttons, you must create one input UI control for each radio button feature value.

    For text entry input UI controls, this argument is an integer that specifies the width of the text entry field, as defined by the number of characters visible in the default browser font.

    Check box input UI controls do not take any arguments.


    For list box input UI controls only, this argument is an integer that specifies the width of the list box, as defined by the number of characters visible in the default browser font.


    For list box input UI controls only, this boolean value sets the width of the list box control to accommodate the widest item in the list. If prefill is TRUE and Width is greater than the number of characters in the longest line of text appearing in the list box, the list box appears with a width equivalent to Width. If prefill is FALSE, the width is set to accommodate the longest line of text that appears in the list box.

If necessary, use HTML just outside the input UI control definition to write a caption for the input UI control.

The following sample code creates a list box input UI control whose selections are defined by the values in a Feature table called SIZE. This list box input UI control appears as a drop-down list, as specified by the 1 argument, that is approximately 50 characters wide, as specified by the 50 argument. The list box input UI control is preceded by a caption, Size:, defined with regular HTML.

<FONT face=verdana size=1><B>Size:</B></FONT>




NOTE:  Advisor also provides the Output UI tab on which you can add UI controls without writing code. See Siebel Advisor Administration Guide for information.

To add an output target to a display page

  1. Open the HTML source file for the display page.
  2. In the location where you want the output target to appear, add the following:






    Specifies the type of output target to create. Valid arguments are LINK, PICT, TEXT, SUBCONFIG_LINK, OPT_SUBCONFIG_LINK, NB_LINK, and NB_RETURN.


    Defines the source of the content that populates the output target, which can be any of the following:

    • A column in a Configuration table. In this case, the argument is simply the name of the column.
    • A column in a Feature table. In this case, the argument is the name of the Feature table and the name of the specific column inside of it, separated by a period, as in COLOR.DESC.
    • The Feature table that populates an input UI control from which the user has made a selection. In this case, the argument is simply the name of the Feature table.
    • The name of a text entry input UI control in which text is typed and stored. In this case, the argument is the name you used to define the text entry input UI control.


    For image (PICT) output targets, this optional argument is an integer that defines the width of the image, in pixels.

    For link output targets, this argument is a Boolean value that determines whether data in the column identified by the name argument is a pageset (TRUE) or a URL (FALSE). If the data is a URL and you set the argument to FALSE, the URL loads into a separate window, instead of inside the main application, when you click the link output target.


    For image (PICT) output targets, this optional argument is an integer that defines the height of the image, in pixels.

    For link output targets, this optional argument is a string that specifies the name of a table column (or columns, separated by commas) in which a preconfigured condition is defined for the pageset.

    This optional argument is a string that specifies the name of a table column (or columns, separated by commas) in which a preconfigured condition is defined for the pageset.

    When you click a link target containing a preconfigured condition, the application overrides the default settings of input UI controls in the pageset with the settings defined in the preconfigured condition.

    The definition of a preconfigured condition must contain the name of the overriding Feature table and the feature (CODE) value of the desired override setting.

    If you define a preconfigured condition column in a Configuration table, the argument references only the name of the Configuration table column whose values override the defaults.

    If you define a preconfigured column in a Feature table, the argument must contain the name of the Feature table and the name of the specific column inside of it whose values override the defaults, separated by a period (as in COLOR.PRECONFIG).

    If necessary, use HTML just outside the input UI control definition to write a caption for the input UI control.

    Sample usage:

    The following sample code creates a text output target whose text content is defined inside the DESC column of a Feature table named SIZE, as specified by the SIZE.DESC argument. The text output target is preceded by a caption, Size:, defined with regular HTML. HTML formatting also determines that the font of the text output target, like that of its caption, is Verdana or Helvetica.

    <FONT face="verdana,helvetica" size=2><B>Size:</B>






Pageset UI Registry File

Advisor creates a Pageset UI Registry file for each pageset you define in an Advisor project. The Pageset UI Registry file serves three purposes:

  • Associates a Pageset UI Definition file with a particular pageset, using the RegisterFrameSet function
  • Defines which display pages appear in each of the frames defined in the Pageset UI Definition file of the pageset, using the RegisterPageLocation function
  • Specifies which of the frames defined in the Pageset UI Definition file of the pageset display exception messages, using the RegisterExceptionFrames function

The file should start with the StartUIInfo(pagesetID) function and end with the EndUIInfo(pagesetID) function inside the onLoad event handler of the opening <BODY> tag. The file must also reference the header.js file from inside the <HEAD> tags, as in:

<HEAD><SCRIPT src="../jd/header.js"></SCRIPT></HEAD>


This is the cascading style sheet that defines the appearance of the contents list in the application.


This file, also called the Pageset UI Definition file, defines the HTML frameset layout of a pageset. Specifically, the Pageset UI Definition file defines the nested frames, showing display pages, that appear inside a single frame, called mainArea in the application templates, of the application.

In other words, this file defines the frameset inside which display pages for a pageset appear. Associate display pages with these frames inside the Pageset UI Registry file. For example, if the Pageset UI Registry file contains the definition:

(ISS.GetPagesetDisplayArea() + ".uidata");

the ol_ui (Application UI Definition) file must contain a frame called mainArea. The mainArea frame in turn must contain nested frames, including a frame called uidata into which exception messages load. The nested frames are defined inside the Pageset UI Definition file.

By default, Advisor associates the default Pageset UI Definition file, oc_default_ui.htm, with all the pagesets in the Advisor project. In this case, all display pages in your application appear inside the same frameset, regardless of which pageset they are part of.

If you want to change the frameset structure of the display page area based on which pageset the display pages belong to, you can create additional Pageset UI Definition files, *_ui.htm, that define unique framesets. Use the RegisterFrameSet function inside the Pageset UI Registry file to associate a Pageset UI Definition file with a particular pageset.

Use the SetContentsListFrame function inside a Pageset UI Definition file to identify which frame defined for the pageset displays the contents list. You can also use the RegisterContentsListFrame function inside the Application UI Definition file to display the Contents List as part of the main application layout, outside the display page area.

The Pageset UI Definition file must reference the header.js file from inside the <HEAD> tags, as in:

<HEAD><SCRIPT src="../jd/header.js"></SCRIPT></HEAD>

You must include a call to the SetLoaded function inside the onLoad event handler of the main frameset definition in the Pageset UI Definition file. Use the name of the Pageset UI Definition file without the extension, most likely oc_default_ui or pagesetID_ui, as the argument of the SetLoaded function.

pl_bullet1.gif, pl_bullet2.gif, pl_bullet3.gif, pl_bullet4.gif

These are images used in front of the first four levels of Contents List entries in the application.

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