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Files in the jd Directory

The jd directory contains the application module registry and its associated files. You will not need to edit the files in this directory often, but if you plan to deploy your application in multiple languages, you might want to customize text contained inside the intl.js file.


This file contains the text strings used in alert messages. You can edit these strings to internationalize your application.

Additionally, if your application contains custom code that requires text strings, you should define the strings inside this file.

To define a text string inside the intl.js file

  1. Define a variable for the string.
  2. Define the message content of the text string.

    NOTE:  All text strings must be in double quotes. You can use arguments inside the strings.

To call the text string you defined, use the following syntax inside your custom code:

ISS.ErrIntern(STRINGNAME[, arg1, arg2, ... arg_n])



Name (variable) used to identify the text string inside the intl.js file


Optional arguments

Sample usage:

Define the string variable:

var TESTMSG=0;

Define text message content:

_SWEmsgAry["TESTMSG"]= "%1 Fish, %2 Fish, %3 Fish, %4 Fish";

Inside your code, call the text string:


Loading and Processing Messages

You can optionally tailor the messages that users see when Siebel Advisor is loading the application or is processing an input request. To do this:

  1. Define the message content of one or both of the variables listed in Table 5.
  2. Modify the message arrays in the intl.js file.
Table 5. Variables that customize user messages



Specifies the text content of the message that appears inside the application while the application is loading a pageset. If this variable is not defined, the default message "Loading..." is used.



Specifies the text content of the processing message that appears in the exception message area. This occurs after the user makes a selection in an input UI control but before the associated output target appears. If this variable is not defined, the default message "Calculating..." is used.

Sample usage:

Open the intl.js file with a text editor and define one or both variables as follows:

_SWEmsgAry["ISSCDA_DEFAULT_DATA_LOAD_STR"] = "Data Loading...";

_SWEmsgAry["ISSCDA_DEFAULT_CALC_PAGE_STR"] = "Calculating...";

Replace the text string within quotes on the right side of the equal (=) sign with the text of your choice.

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