Siebel Customer Relationship Console User Guide > Locating Information >

Accounts Session View

Figure 7 shows the Accounts session view. This is a read-only list view that highlights key information about financial accounts for the contact.

The Accounts view provides information about:

  • Financial products and services held by the customer
  • Status of the account
  • Current and available balances related to each account
  • Account number for authentication purposes
Figure 7. Accounts View
Click for full size image

Table 2 shows the information provided on each account.

Table 2. Accounts Fields

Account #

The official ID for each account.


The official bank product name.


The type of account, such as CD, credit card, or loan.

Current Balance

The current balance of funds plus any funds deposited but pending posting.

Available or Outstanding Balance

The current funds available for use.


The current state of the account.

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