Siebel Deal Management Administration Guide > Siebel Deal Management Workflows > Changed Workflows for Siebel Deal Management >

Verify Header (Quote)

The Verify Header (Quote) workflow, shown in Figure 1, is used to verify a quote, verify a promotion, and verify line items of a quote. It displays promotion violations, data validation rule violations, and complex product violations.

This workflow is called when the user clicks the Verify button in a quote header or selects Verify from the menu of the quote line item applet. For more information about the other workflows that this workflow calls, see Siebel Order Management Guide.

Figure 1. Verify Header (Quote) Workflow
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Workflow Description. This workflow does the following:

  1. Verify Promotion. Calls the ISS Promotion Verify SubProcess workflow to verify promotion status.
  2. Validate Commitment Compliance. Determines if a commitment for the promotion is broken.
  3. Data Validation. If no commitment is broken, calls the ISS Validation (Quote) workflow to verify the data validation rules.
  4. Validate CP All. Calls the VORD Validate Complex Product All (Quote) workflow to validate all complex products under the quote.
  5. Deal Mgmt Violation. Calls the GetDealMgmtViolationText business service method and passes the violation messages for quotes to the next step.
  6. Display Messages. Displays all messages generated by the previous steps.
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