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Creating a Link Between Houses and Appraisals

The relationship between Houses and Appraisals is one-to-many—for each house record, there can be many Appraisal records. The link object establishes the one-to-many relationship between the parent business component (Internal Products) and the child business component (Appraisals). You must create a Link object to establish this relationship. When the relationship exists, you can create a master-detail view to display the data.

Before you can create the link, you must expose the Row_Id field in the Internal Products business component. This field is necessary to link with the Par Row Id field in the Appraisals business component.

To expose the Row_Id field in the Internal Product business component

  1. In the Object Explorer, expand the Business Component object type.

    The Business Component window appears in the Object List Editor.

  2. In the Business Component window, select the Internal Product business component.
  3. In the Object Explorer, select the Field object type (child of Business Component).
  4. In the Fields window, right-click and choose New Record.
  5. Set the Name property to Row_Id and in the Column property select ROW_ID.

To create a link between Internal Product and Appraisals

  1. In the Object Explorer, select Link.
  2. In the Links list applet, right-click and choose New Record.
  3. Enter values for the properties as shown in the following table.
    Example Value


    Internal Product/Appraisals

    The convention is to use the name of the parent and child business component in the name of the link.


    NREC Configuration

    Name of the project.

    Parent Business Component

    Internal Product

    Name of the parent business component.

    Child Business Component


    Name of the child business component.

    Source Field


    Primary key value in the parent table.

    Destination Field

    Par Row ID

    Foreign key value in the child table.

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