Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide > Setting Up Siebel Loyalty Promotions >

Troubleshooting Action-Based Bonuses

If an action based bonus does not work properly, check to be sure that the following requirements have been met:

  • There must be exactly one product with each of the following Part Numbers
    • Registration Bonus
    • Referral Bonus
    • Web Update Bonus

      The name of the product does not matter, because the engine only evaluates the Product Id.

  • These products must be associated with the correct Organization, which is the same Organization as the Program.
  • The following Workflows must be Active:
    • LOY ABB New Member Process
    • LOY ABB Web Update Process
    • LOY ABB Web Update Shell Process
    • LOY Action Based Bonus Referral SubProcess
    • LOY Action Based Bonus Subprocess
  • The following Run Time Events must exist and be active:

    BusComp LOY Member - WriteRecordNew - GetProfileAttr("ApplicationName") = "Siebel Loyalty" OR GetProfileAttr("ApplicationName") = "Siebel Loyalty Partner Portal" - LOY ABB New Member Record

    BusComp LOY Member - WriteRecordUpdated - GetProfileAttr("ApplicationName") = "Siebel Loyalty eMember" - LOY ABB Write Member Record eApps

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