Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Monitoring and Reporting > Monitoring and Logging for Siebel Remote >

Monitoring Various Transaction Logs

This topic describes how to use the Administration - Siebel Remote views to monitor transaction logs. It includes the following topics:

Monitoring Transaction Logs

This topic describes how to monitor transaction logs.

To monitor transaction logs

  1. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

    For more information, see Logging In to the Siebel Server as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Remote screen, and then the Transaction Log view.

    The Transaction Log list displays information about each transaction.

  3. Examine fields in the Transaction Log list using information from the following table.

    Node Number

    ID of the node that created the transaction.


    Type of transaction performed, indicated with a letter. For example, Insert (I), update (U), delete (D), and so on. For more information, see Table 60.


    Table name of the transaction.

    File Flag

    Flag to indicate if the transaction is on a file attachment related table.

    Transaction ID

    Sequence number of the transaction.

    Transaction Row ID

    ROW_ID of the transaction.

    Transaction Updated

    Timestamp of when Siebel Remote last updated the transaction.

  4. Examine fields in the Detail form, using information from the following table.

    Transaction Updated by

    ROW_ID of the user who last updated the transaction.

    Transaction Conflict ID

    ID of the conflict for the base table record.

    Transaction Mod ID

    Version number of the base table record.

    Visibility Level

    Visibility event level for the transaction: Enterprise (E), or Limited (L).

    Visibility Event

    Indicates if the transaction is a visibility event.

    Related Visibility Event

    Indicates if the transaction is a related visibility event.

    Dock Object Code

    Dock object code of the transaction instance.

    Primary Table Row ID

    ROW_ID of the Primary table for the instance of the dock object.

    Length (Long Log data)

    Real length of the long column of the transaction data.

    Log Data 1, 2, 3, 4, long

    These fields hold transaction data.

Monitoring Transaction Logs by Operation

This topic describes how to monitor transaction logs by operation.

To monitor transaction logs by operation

  1. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

    For more information, see Logging In to the Siebel Server as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Remote screen, and then the Transaction Log By Operation view.

    The fields in the Transaction Log By Operation view display information about the number of transactions for each operation, as described in the following table.



    Type of the operation.

    Number of transactions

    Total number of transaction for the operation type.

Monitoring Transaction Logs by Node

This topic describes how to monitor transaction logs by node.

To monitor transaction logs by node

  1. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

    For more information, see Logging In to the Siebel Server as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Remote screen, and then the Transaction Log By Node view.

    The fields in the Transaction Log By Node view display the number of transactions for each node, as described in the following table.


    Node Name

    remote client node name.

    Number of transactions

    Total number of transactions for the operation type.

    A node is a remote client or a regional server. This view only displays transactions from users and regional nodes. It does not include transactions that a person creates who is not a user who connects directly to the Siebel Server.

Monitoring Transaction Logs by Table

This topic describes how to monitor transaction logs by table.

To monitor transaction logs by table

  1. Log in to the Siebel Server with administrator privileges.

    For more information, see Logging In to the Siebel Server as an Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Administration - Siebel Remote screen, and then the Transaction Log By Table view.

    The fields of the Transaction Log By Table view displays the number of transactions for each table in the server database, as described in the following table.



    Table name.

    Number of transactions

    Total number of transactions for the operation type.

Support for Fields That Include the CLOB Data Type

Siebel Remote supports synchronization for database fields that include the CLOB data type. In general, CLOB fields can store up to 128K characters. CLOB can increase the maximum transaction size that Siebel Remote can log. The S_DOCK_TXN_LOG table uses a special CLOB field that can store up to 2.25MB of data. A given database table can contain up to three CLOB fields.

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