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About the Controls/Columns Window

The Controls/Columns window displays controls and columns available for configuration when editing an applet layout in the Applet Layout Editor, as shown in Figure 10. You drag the control or column icon into the placeholder in the Applet Layout Editor.

When you select a control or a column object in the Controls/Columns window, the Properties window refreshes to show the properties of the selected object. If no object is selected in the Controls/Columns window, the Properties window shows the properties of the applet.

Figure 10. Applet Layout Editor with Controls/Columns and Palettes Windows
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The Controls/Columns window has the following fields, buttons, and drop-down list:

  • Applet. This field shows the name of the applet.
  • Template. This field shows the Web template associated with the selected mode.
  • Change Template. This button opens the Choose Template dialog box that lets you select a different Web template.
  • Edit Template. This button opens the template editor you defined as the external Web template editor in the options.
  • Mode. This drop-down list lets you select the applet mode, such as Base or Edit. Values in the drop-down list indicate whether a given mode is active or inactive.
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