Using Siebel Tools > About the Siebel Tools User Interface > About the Menu Bar >

View Menu

The View menu options are used to change display environment settings, such as which windows and toolbars appear. It also invokes visualization views, which are diagrams showing object relationships. Table 6 describes the View menu options and suboptions.

Table 6. View Menu Options



Shows the Palettes window.

Properties Window

Shows the Properties window.

Applets Window

Shows the Applets window.

Controls Window

Shows the Controls/Columns window.

Bookmarks Window

Shows the Bookmarks window.

Web Templates Window

Shows the Web Templates Explorer window.

Multi Value Properties Window

Shows the Multi Value Property Window.

Refresh Windows

Requeries and updates the state of dockable windows.

Reset Windows

Closes all dockable windows except the Object Explorer for the currently active editor. Does not close editor windows.


Web Applet Editor

Opens the selected applet in the Applet Layout Editor, including the Controls/Columns and Palettes windows.

Server Script Editor

Opens the Siebel Script Editor. Editor can be specifically defined or be set to a default.

Browser Script Editor

Opens the Siebel Web Script Editor, which is used to access scripts that control the presentation and behavior of applet controls and list columns in a Web applet template.


View Details

For more information, see Viewing Object Relationships.

View Relationships

View Descendents

View Web Hierarchy

Debug Windows


Opens the Calls window for display of the call stack of the Siebel VB or Siebel eScript script currently being debugged.


Opens the Watch window for display of the values of local variables in the Siebel VB or Siebel eScript script currently being debugged.


Opens the Errors window for display of the run-time errors in the Siebel VB or Siebel eScript script currently being debugged.



The preview of a Web view layout depicts the container page, screen bar, and view bar.

ActiveX Methods


Allows you to view the methods for the current ActiveX control in the Applet Designer.



Displays or hides the various toolbars: Edit, History, List, Debug, Web Controls, and Configuration Context.

Status Bar


Displays or hides the Status bar at the bottom of the Siebel Tools window.

Object Explorer


Displays or hides the Object Explorer.



Opens the Development Tools Options dialog box, in which you can set general preferences and settings for language, check-in and check-out, list views, scripting, Web template editor, debugging, visualization, Object Explorer, and database.

Siebel Tools options are stored in a user preference file, which is located in SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\BIN. The user preference filename is loginID&SiebelTools.spf.

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