Using Siebel Tools > About the Siebel Tools User Interface > About the Menu Bar >

Screens Menu

The Screens menu is empty unless you log on to Siebel Tools as a system administrator. If you have system administrator rights, the options described in Table 7 appear.

Table 7. Screens Menu Options

Application Upgrader

Application Upgrade Object List

The Application Upgrades, Object Differences, and Attribute Differences lists appear in the Object List Editor.

Application Upgrade Database Version

For internal use by Siebel.

Application Upgrade Attribute List

The Application Upgrades and Attribute Differences lists appear in the Object List Editor.

System Administration

System Preferences

Displays system preferences in the Object List Editor. This information is similar to the System Preferences view in the Administration - Application screen in Siebel Business Applications.

Analytics Strings

For internal use by Siebel.

List of Values

Displays lists of values in the development database.

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