Using Siebel Tools > Checking Out and Checking In Projects and Objects >

About the Object Check Out Dialog Box

The Object Check Out Dialog Box allows you to check out individual objects from the server database. Figure 18 shows an example of the Object Check Out dialog box.

Figure 18. Object Check Out Dialog Box
Click for full size image

Table 26 describes the user interface elements of the Object Check Out Dialog Box.

Table 26. Object Check Out Dialog Box User Interface Elements

Repository Text Box

Displays the name of the current repository the user is working on.

Object List


Displays the type of each new or checked out object in the local repository. Objects obtained by the get process are not listed, because these are not available for check in. (You can check in only projects that you have previously checked out or created locally.)


Displays the name of each object being checked out.


A value of Yes appears if the server Locked By and Locked Date are different from the client version, indicating that your version of the object is out of sync with the server's version.

Object Locking

A value of Yes appears if this object's parent project allows object check-in/out.

Server Locked By

Logon ID of the developer who currently has this object checked out on the server.

Server Language

The language on which the object is checked out on the server. Only one language can be checked out at one time.

Server Locked Date

Date of check out.

Client Locked By

Logon ID of the developer who currently has this object locked locally.

Client Language

The language of the object currently locked on the client. Only one language can be locked at one time.

Project Locked By

Logon ID of the developer who currently has this object's parent project checked out on the server.

"Get locale specific data only" checkbox

Checking this box gets string translations and locale-specific attributes being stored in the locale objects only for the objects selected. It does not get data stored in the locale object's parent object.



Selected objects are copied to the local repository, replacing pre-existing versions there, but not locking them on the server. You can get any objects on the server, including those locked by others regardless of whether their parent projects have the Allow Object Locking field checked.

Check Out

Copies all selected objects in the selected objects to the local repository and locks them on the server and client.

You cannot check out objects that are currently locked on the server by another user, because either their parent projects do not allow object locking or their parent projects are locked on the server.


Opens the Development Tools Options dialog box with the Check In/Out tab selected. This is the same dialog box that appears when you choose Tools > Options.


Cancels the check out, and closes the Object Check Out dialog box.

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