Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide > Defining Upgrade Kits >

Defining a Siebel Configuration File (CFG) Upgrade Kit

This section provides specific instructions for defining a Siebel Configuration File upgrade kit using the Upgrade Kit Wizard. Kits of this type are used to upgrade Siebel CFG files, and are always language-specific.

NOTE:  In Siebel releases 7.0 and release 7.5, in implementations where some clients used different installation directories than others, it was necessary to use a cfgedit.exe executable to change certain lines in CFG files, rather than distributing one CFG file to all users. Beginning with release 7.7, the cfgedit.exe executable is no longer needed. A single CFG file can be distributed to all users, regardless of differences in installation directories. The Upgrade Wizard will detect these differences and make the appropriate modifications automatically.

To define a Siebel Configuration File upgrade kit

  1. Gather the information you will need, as described in Upgrade Planning and Preliminary Tasks.
  2. Start the Upgrade Kit Wizard using the instructions in Running the Upgrade Kit Wizard.
  3. Use the information you have gathered and the information in Table 17 to respond to the prompts in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.
  4. When you have finished specifying data about the upgrade kit you are defining, click Finish to pass the request to the Upgrade Kit Builder and to exit from the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

    A new row for the new upgrade kit appears in the Upgrade Kits list, with Status set to Request Submitted. For more information about the kit information available in this list and other lists, see Viewing Upgrade Kit Properties.

    After you define your upgrade kit, you must proceed to activate, apply, and distribute it. For information on these tasks, see Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits.

Information in Table 17 is presented in approximately the sequence used by the Upgrade Kit Wizard.

Table 17.  Upgrade Kit Wizard Elements for a Siebel Configuration File Upgrade Kit
Wizard Element
Element Type

Upgrade Component

Drop-down list

Name of the component the upgrade kit will install or upgrade. Typical values for configuration files include Siebel Sales CFG_ENU and Siebel Call Center CFG_ENU.

Files to Add

Text field

Name of the CFG file to include in the upgrade kit. This field is populated either by entering a file name and path, or by clicking Browse and choosing a file from the directory listings displayed.



Displays a standard dialog box for browsing and choosing a file.

Minimum Old Version

Text field

Earliest component version that can download and install the upgrade kit. When this field is blank, indicates that there are no prerequisite versions required for using the kit. Defaults to the current component version recorded in the database. For more information about choosing version values, see Determining Version Setting Values.

Maximum Old Version

Text field

Latest component version that can download and install the upgrade kit. When this field is blank, indicates that there are no prerequisite versions required for using the kit. For more information about choosing version values, see Determining Version Setting Values.

New Version

Text field

Version number that the component being upgraded will have after the upgrade kit is installed. Default value is 1 greater than the current version for the component to be upgraded. For more information about choosing version values, see Determining Version Setting Values.

Activate Upgrade Kit

Check box

When this check box is selected, the files to be included in the upgrade kit will be compressed into a single archive on the Siebel File System automatically. Activation can also be performed manually, as described in Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits.

For most upgrade kits, it is recommended that you select this check box. However, if you are creating an upgrade kit that is dependant on another upgrade kit, be sure to clear this check box. For information about working with dependent kits, see Controlling the Order of Kit Installation.

Apply Versions

Check box

Displayed only if Activate Upgrade Kit check box was selected in an earlier Upgrade Kit Wizard screen. When this check box is selected, the compiled information string in the database will be updated automatically with the component version information for this upgrade kit. Applying versions can also be performed manually, as described in Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits.

For most upgrade kits, it is recommended that you select this check box. However, if you are creating an upgrade kit that is dependant on another upgrade kit, be sure to clear this check box. For information about working with dependent kits, see Controlling the Order of Kit Installation.

Required Upgrade Kit

Check box

When this check box is selected, the upgrade kit will be required regardless of previous versions installed. (Min Version and Max Version are set equal to New Version, but this change is not visible in the Upgrade Kit Wizard.) Displayed only if Apply Versions check box was selected in an earlier Upgrade Kit Wizard screen.

Upgrade Kit Title

Text field

Identifier for the upgrade kit. Defaults to Upgrade Component Name value followed by a space and the New Version value, but can be modified during the kit definition process. After the kit is defined, appears in the Name field of the Upgrade Kits list.


Text field

Available for comments about the upgrade kit. Comments entered here are displayed in the Upgrade Kits list.

Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide