Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications > Employee Use of Order Management >

Ungrouping Quote Line Items (End User)

Before a quote is turned into an order, line items with a quantity of more than one are ungrouped to become separate instances, each with a quantity of one, if the product's Auto Explode flag is set.

Ungrouping only applies to assets for which the Auto Explode flag is set. If the end user does not ungroup them configuration, the quote-to-order process automatically ungroups them.

Ungrouping is needed to give each asset separate a Service ID, so it can be tracked and serviced in the future. It also gives each asset a separate integration ID, which is used by the back-end provisioning system for fulfillment.

The ungroup feature allows you to configure once for multiple items and then splitting them into individual items that can have their own variant configurations, telephone numbers, or Billing/ Service accounts. To do this, the end user performs the following tasks:

  • Adds the customizable product to a quote and specify the desired quantity.
  • Starts a configuration session and choose components and attributes common to all the instances of the product. This configuration is applied to all of the items.
  • Ungroups the product.
  • For each instance of the product, starts a configuration session and further customizes the product. The configuration changes are applied only to the single item.

For example, the customer wants to order ten local lines, with similar configurations, except that five will have voice mail, five will have call waiting. An employee end user can start by creating one line item with the quantity two and with all the features the customer wants except voice mail and call waiting. Then, the user ungroups that item, so that there are two items. Then, the user takes one of those items, adds voice mail to it, and changes the quantity to five. Then, the user takes the other item, adds call waiting to it, and changes the quantity to five. Finally, the user ungroups both line items, so that there are ten individual line items.

To ungroup quote line items

  1. Navigate to the Accounts screen, and in the Account list, drill down on the account name hyperlink.

    The Customer Portal view appears.

  2. In the Quotes list, drill down on the desired quote number.

    The Quote view appears.

  3. Click the Line Items view tab.

    The line items in the quote display.

  4. Select the line item you want to ungroup.

    This will be a line item with multiple quantities that need to be configured differently.

  5. Click Ungroup.

    The quote ungroups the item and displays it as multiple line items, with a quantity of one for each item.

Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.