Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Installing the Siebel Gateway Name Server >

Launching the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard

This section describes how to launch the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard. The wizard starts automatically after installing Siebel Gateway Name Server or Siebel Server. However, if you exited the wizard after installation, you can relaunch it as described in this section.

This section applies to running this wizard to configure Siebel Enterprise Server components, including Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Server, and Siebel Database Server. For specific instructions for configuring each component, see:

The Siebel Software Configuration Wizard launches automatically after you install the files for most server components. The only exception to this rule occurs with installation of the Siebel Database Server. Because you must run certain scripts manually after Siebel Database Server file installation, you must manually launch the Configuration Wizard after the scripts complete configuration.

NOTE:  You cannot operate any of the Siebel Enterprise Server components until you have configured them.

The Siebel Software Configuration Wizard automatically runs in your primary (base) language, so make sure you have the correct language set at the operating system level. For more information, see The Language in Which the Installer and Configuration Wizard Run.

CAUTION:  The Siebel Software Configuration Wizard is intended to support initial configuration of a Siebel Enterprise Server module. You cannot rerun this wizard to reconfigure a Siebel Gateway Name Server that has already been configured. You can use the Control Panel to change whether the service starts automatically or manually, or to change the user name and/or password under which the service runs. Otherwise, to reconfigure the Siebel Gateway Name Server, you must uninstall and reinstall it, after which you can configure it using the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard.

To launch the wizard from your Windows desktop

  • Navigate to Start > Programs > Siebel Enterprise Server Configuration 7.x, and select Server_Type Configuration.


    Server_Type = The server you want to configure, for example, the Gateway Name Server

To launch the wizard from a DOS command

  1. Open a DOS command window and navigate to the BIN subdirectory of the component you want to configure within your SIEBEL_ROOT directory; for example, D:\sea77\gtwysrvr\BIN.
  2. Enter one of the following commands.
    • To configure any component except the Siebel Database Server, enter:

    ssincfgw -l LANGUAGE

    • To configure the Siebel Database Server, enter:

    ssincfgw -l LANGUAGE -v y


    LANGUAGE = The language in which you want to run the Siebel Software Configuration Wizard; for example, ENU for U.S. English or DEU for German.

    Entering a configuration command launches a menu of configuration modules for each component you have installed. All component Configuration Wizard modules have an .scm extension. For example, for Gateway Name Server, the module is gateway.scm.

  3. Select the component you want to configure and click Open.
Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools