Siebel Smart Answer Administration Guide > Configuration and Implementation of Siebel Smart Answer > Administering and Maintaining Smart Answer >

Setting Up Auto Response

Auto Response is a feature that sends an automatic response to a customer based on the NLP analysis of an incoming email. The response that is sent to the customer contains a default solution or template, and can contain a greeting or closing template and be in plain text or HTML as well. For the default greeting or closing and HTML/plain text settings, the Auto Response feature uses the Input Argument of the Response Group. However, this Application Name can be configured as noted below.

If you choose to use the automatic response feature, you must add a threshold value to the appropriate categories. A threshold is a value of 0-99 (an integer value) that represents the confidence level that must be reached before an automatic response will be sent. For example, if you want an automatic response to be sent to a customer when a category associated with the incoming email has a confidence level of 90% or greater, you set the Auto Response threshold to 90. When a category associated with an incoming email receives a confidence level of 90% or greater, an Auto Response message is sent.

To set up response templates for Auto Response

  1. Navigate to Site Map > Communications Administration > All Response Groups.
  2. Select a Response Group, then click the Input Arguments tab.
  3. Add a new record, then enter the following values:
    • Name: EmailFormat
    • Value: HTML/Plain Text (for HTML) or Plain Text for (Plain Text).

      If you do not specify EmailFormat, the default format is Plain Text.

To add an Auto Response threshold to a category

  1. Navigate to Site Map > Catalog Administration.
  2. In the Catalogs list, click the catalog name.
  3. In the Categories list, select the category you wish to change.

    NOTE:  If you have a hierarchical KB, some categories will have subcategories.

  4. In the Response Threshold field, type the value that represents the Auto Response threshold.

To set up default templates and solutions for Auto Response

  1. Set the default template or solution that will be sent when the threshold is met or exceeded.
  2. Click Solutions or Response Templates and add a solution or template. For more information, see Associating Templates and Solutions with Categories.
  3. After you add the solution or template, click the default checkbox.

    This indicates that when a threshold is met or exceeded, the template or solution will be sent by Auto Response.

    NOTE:  There is also a field for Order number in Response Templates and Sequence number in Solutions. You can specify both default solutions and templates to be sent by Auto Response, and they can be ordered in the outgoing Auto Response email according to the values you put in these fields. The values are integer values from 1-99, with a default of 0 if no value is indicated.

    Also, if multiple default solutions or templates are specified for a category, the sequence displayed in the Auto Response will be as follows:

    • Ordered default Templates
    • Non-ordered default Template (where no number was specified)
    • Sequenced default Solutions
    • Non-sequenced default solutions (where no number is specified)
Siebel Smart Answer Administration Guide