Siebel Training Guide > Setting Up Training Courses >

Adding or Modifying a Training Course

Before Training Web site users can learn about a course that your organization offers, you must add a listing for the course. A course listing can be modified at a later time if you choose. For more information about importing and setting up an AICC- or SCORM-compliant course, see Importing an AICC or SCORM Course.

Some of the available course setting values depend on records in the Administration - Data > List of Values list. List of Values (LOV) setting names are mentioned throughout the Training administrative procedures in this guide. For information about editing lists of values to make additional values available, see Applications Administration Guide. For information on LOVs specific to Siebel Training, see Lists of Values (LOVs) for Training.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Training Courses.

To add or modify a course

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Training > Course Details.
  2. In the Courses list, create a new record, and complete the fields.
  3. Scroll down to the Description field, and enter a detailed description of the course.

    The following table describes some of the fields.


    Admin Notes

    Use this text field to enter administrative notes about the course. The notes are not visible to the end user.

    Access Period (Days)

    Number of days the course may be accessed. The value in this field is used to manage how long users have access to Web-based training courses. For example, if this value is set to 90 days, a user can take and retake the course an unlimited number of times for 90 days after the registration date. But after the access period, the user will have a record of the course in the user's transcript but will not be able to launch the course, unless the user re-enrolls in the course.

    The Registration date (the date when the user enrolls) plus the Access Period equals the number of days the end user will have access to the course.

    Accrue Units

    Select the check box to allow units to accrue as part of student transcript or as part of a curriculum. Default value is selected.

    Waitlist Limit

    Select the check box to manage the waitlist to unlimited size or Max Size, depending on user-defined criteria. If a waitlist is not allowed, then overflow enrollees receive a message that the class is full and class enrollment is no longer allowed.

    The value in this field only applies to Class Schedules. You can adjust the value in the detail form for the course.

    Auto Confirm

    Select the check box to allow administrators to manage restricted-enrollment courses and classes.

    When this check box is not selected, enrollment defaults to Pending Approval status until administrator confirms enrollment. The default value is selected.


    Allows administrators to specify unique course identifier.

    Completion Criteria

    Determines criteria for defining course completion. The values are Test Based, Launch Based, or Lesson Based.

    Typically, this is set to Test Based so that the course is complete after a test is taken and passed. For an AICC or SCORM course, completion criteria defaults to Lesson Based.

    Course ID

    Automatically populated unique system value.


    The duration of the course in days.


    Expiration date for the course. Typically used for Web-based courses.

    If a date is specified, then no associated class sessions can be held later than this date. Sessions are removed from the catalog.

    If the date is not specified, then the course does not expire.

    If the course is self-paced, then the course cannot be run later than this date.

    If you specify a value, be sure to choose a future date. Using a past date or today's date prevents the course from appearing in end-user screens.

    External ID

    An identifier used when tracking third-party courses.

    Featured Training

    When selected, the check box flags the course as a feature on the Training home page.


    The medium in which the course is delivered.

    The values are Instructor-Led, Web based, CD-ROM, Exam, Third-party, Document, Bundle, Subscription, Recorded Event, and Competency. If the format is Instructor-Led or Distance Learning, the administrator must set up a Class Schedule. For more information, see Setting Up Class Schedules and Sessions.

    If the format is Bundle, an administrator must add the courses to the bundle using the Course Details Bundled Courses view. For more information, see Creating a Training Catalog with Categorized Courses.


    Numeric value that specifies the course length in hours.

    Internal ID

    An identifier used internally when tracking courses by a third-party provider.

    Job Profiles

    Associates the course with one or more specific job roles. End users can then locate the course using a search by job role.

    For information on creating new job profiles, see Siebel Employee Relationship Management Administration Guide.


    Language in which the class is taught.

    Launch Type

    An attribute specifying the type of content that is launched.

    Max. Attendees

    Use to manage number of enrollments for a course. Typically used for Web-based courses where network bandwidth may be constrained.

    Waitlist Count

    Use this value to manage maximum number of waitlisted students enrolled for a course. The value in this field only applies to Class Schedules.


    Use this text field to communicate additional information to end users.


    Course name.


    The company sponsoring or teaching the course, which may differ from course vendor. It can also specify the division within an organization for whom the course applies.


    Use this field to provide descriptive text about the course, which can be viewed by potential attendees in Training Web site screens. For a longer description, use the Description field at the bottom of the Training Administration screen's Course Details More Info view.


    General information about the provider for the course.


    Popularity rating for the course. Manually specified by the administrator.


    Attribute indicating the source of the course internally in an organization. Examples are Customer Education, End-User Education, and so on.


    The current status of the course. By default, a course must have Status set to Active to be listed on the Training Web site and allow registration.

    The values are Active, Inactive, End of Life, Pre-Release, Pending, QA, and Near Term.

    Use another value for this setting until you are ready to accept registrations. Use Siebel Tools to alter the course Status values that appear on the Web site and allow registration.

    For more information, see Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications.


    Associates one or more skills tests with the course.

    For information about creating skills tests, see Creating and Modifying Skills Tests.


    Numeric value specifying the credit received for a course.


    The version of the course. The version is used internally within your organization to identify different versions of the same course.

Siebel Training Guide