Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Performing the Siebel Tools Repository Merge >

Reviewing Customized Business Components

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: Development environment only.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform the Upgrade.

After upgrading the Siebel Database, thoroughly review the postupgrade configuration to make sure that the object level definitions are preserved as expected.

The access control buscomp migration utility, upgcust, is run on the Prior Customer Repository by the Siebel Upgrade Wizard during upgrade of the Siebel Database schema. This utility reconfigures custom business component configurations on obsolete tables. However, you may need to perform manual steps to business component fields and joins, depending upon the complexity of your business component configuration.

In some cases, not all custom buscomps are reconfigured by the access control buscomp migration utility. For example, customer buscomps that are based on customer extension columns or on Siebel columns in obsolete tables need to be identified and manually fixed after the upgrade.

During the upgrade, the access control buscomp migration utility, upgcust, generates a log file titled upgcust.log that contains a list of business component joins and fields that need to be manually rectified. This particular log file, along with others generated by the upgrade process, can be found under SIEBEL_ROOT\log (Windows).

Log File Part 1

Reimplement the extension columns on the replacement tables. After you have done this, review the business component definition to verify that it is operating properly.

The report generated by part 1 of the log file provides a list of the business component fields that are based on custom extension columns in obsolete tables. This list displays the following properties:

  • Business component name
  • Field name
  • Column name
Upgrades from Release 7.0.x and 7.5.x

The table S_EMPLOYEE is migrated to three tables—S_CONTACT, S_EMP_PER and S_USER. After you have determined and implemented the approach for previously defined custom extension columns on obsolete tables, you should manually configure the business component field to reference that database column. Perform any manual reconfiguration in the New Customer Repository after the upgrade has been run.

Log File Part 2

After the repository merge has been run, there may be inconsistencies in the join names and joins set at the field level due to merge behavior. If you do not resolve these discrepancies, the application configuration may result in errors or result in incorrect behavior. The report generated by part 2 of the log file provides a list of joins that were not updated during the merge process. This list displays the business component name and the join name.

With this list, you must go to each of the business component definitions and manually change the join name from the current value to the value listed in the report. Make sure that there is consistency between the joins as defined by name and the joins defined for each of the fields. Again, perform any manual configuration in the New Customer Repository after the upgrade has been run. For more information about working with business component definitions and joins, see Siebel Tools Online Help.

Upgrade Guide for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390