Using Siebel Tools > Working With Archive Files >

Importing Objects from an Archive File

After you have exported objects to an archive file, you can import them from the archive file into a repository. The repository from which the archive file was created and the repository into which you are importing must be the same Siebel release version.

To import objects from an archive file

  1. Open the target repository in Siebel Tools, if it is not already open.
  2. Choose Tools > Import From Archive.
  3. In the Select Archive To Import dialog box, select the archive (SIF) file, and then click Open.

    The Import Wizard - Preview dialog box appears.

    Click for full size image

    This dialog box identifies the projects and the nonproject top-level objects in the archive file you have opened, allowing you to preview the contents of the archive file.

  4. Select an option button in the Conflict Resolution area.

    To specifies the default resolution for conflicts between the archive file and the target repository. You will have the opportunity in subsequent dialog boxes in the Import Wizard to change this choice for individual objects.

    Use the following table to determine your option.

    Option Button

    Overwrite the object in the repository

    If the same top-level object is found in the archive file and target repository, delete the version in the target repository, along with its children, and replace them with the object and children from the archive file.

    Merge the object definitions from the archive with the definition in the repository

    Merging is the default, and generally the safest option. When the same top-level object exists in both the target repository and the archive file:

    • Replace differing properties in the target top-level and child-level with those in the archive file.
    • Add new child objects to the target repository if they are not already present.
    • Do not change child objects in the target repository that are not also present in the archive file.

    The resulting top-level object has the same properties and children as the object in the archive, plus any children that were already present in the repository definition.

    Do not import the object definition from the archive

    Do not change the objects in the target repository.

  5. Click Next.

    One of the following happens:

    • If there are objects you will be replacing or modifying and whose projects are not locked, a warning message appears and you must cancel the import process, lock the projects, and then restart the Import Wizard.
    • If the objects in the SIF file already exist in the repository, and there are no conflicts found, no changes are made. A message appears saying that no conflicts were found and that no changes will be made to the repository. In this case, click OK.
    • If the objects in the SIF file already exist in the repository, and if conflicts are found, or if the objects do not yet exist in the repository, the Import Wizard - Review Conflicts and Actions dialog box appears with information about the differences displayed. In this case, go to Step 6.
  6. In the Import Wizard - Review Conflicts and Actions dialog box, under Conflicting Objects, select an object to see the differences under Object Differences and Attribute Differences.

    See About the Import Wizard - Review Conflicts and Actions Dialog Box for details about the dialog box.

  7. To make an adjustment, do the following:
    1. Select an object or attribute difference.
    2. Right-click and select the action you want to occur.
  8. Click Next.

    The Summary window appears and the import process starts.

  9. When the import process is completed, click Finish.

    A log file named importlog.txt is created in temp directory of your Siebel Tools installation directory. It contains the same list of messages that appeared in the Summary window. You may find it useful to store this file elsewhere for a record of what changes were made to the repository. It is also a good idea to change the filename so it reflects the date of the import.

Using Siebel Tools