Applications Administration Guide > Presentations >

Adding Components to Template Sections

Now that you have defined the structure of your document, you must specify the location of the component slides that will probably make up the bulk of your presentation.

For sections that draw upon data from a Siebel database (such as Chart and Report), you have specified all the information necessary for Siebel Presentations to generate the appropriate contents. However, the component documents, which you created earlier in PowerPoint, are not part of the presentation until you add them to the appropriate sections.

NOTE:  Components can be added to any kind of section (not just a File section), and a section can contain multiple components.

Components can be PPT or DOC, TXT, or RTF files. When they are not PPT files, Siebel Presentations creates a slide (with your template background) and imports the text into the slide. PowerPoint inserts the .txt and .doc files based on how you have formatted the documents. For example, PowerPoint inserts TXT or DOC paragraphs in the slide as paragraphs, but if your file contains TXT or DOC indented or bulleted paragraphs, PowerPoint attempts to create a slide for each bullet point, or one slide for all bullet points, depending on the formatting and carriage returns in your document.

To make sure that TXT or DOC files are inserted correctly in your PowerPoint presentation, open the text or PowerPoint document itself in PowerPoint and verify that the format is correct. The format you see when you open the file in PowerPoint will be the same format Siebel applications use in the presentation.

To add a component to a presentation template

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Document Administration > Presentation Templates.
  2. In the Templates Explorer, in the left frame, select the template to which you want to add a component.

    The Sections and Components folders appear for the template.

  3. Click the + icon for the Components folder.

    The Components list appears on the right.

  4. In the Component list, add a new record.

    The Add Sales Tools dialog box appears.

  5. In the Add Sales Tools dialog box, perform one of the following actions:
    • Select the component you want to add and click Add.
    • If your component does not appear in the dialog box, click New.

      Enter the component fields, as described below.

  6. When the component appears in the Components list, click the Edit button.
  7. Complete the component fields (described in the following table), and click Save.
    Enter a name for the component.
    Specify the order in which this component should appear in the section.
    Attachment Name
    This field was filled in automatically when you selected a file from the Add Sales Tool dialog box.
    Enter a condition and this component will be displayed only when the condition is true.

 Applications Administration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004