Symbols - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Z



.sql (dnbinitial.sql), using to load D&B data  1

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account hierarchy, changing  1

custom hierarchy, maintaining  1

hierarchies, types of  1

ActiveX, browser support of  1


See also About Activity Templates and Activity Plans

about  1

activity assignment, about and employee and category values (table)  1

activity plans, about  1

assignment methods  1

business objects, associated with (table)  1

business scenario for sales  1

note, about changing Category value  1

opportunity reroute activity, setting up  1

process flow for activities administration, example  1

activities, information for configurators

See also About Configuring Activities

Owner and Employee fields, configurating  1

TAS Customer Milestone template, creating in a localized application  1

activity assignment

See About Activity Assignment

activity plans, about  1

activity templates

See also About Activity Assignment

about  1

creating without grandchild records  1

deleting an activity template  1

details, adding to  1

TAS Customer Milestone template, creating in a localized application  1

Actuate connect string, specifying  1

Add Web Link tool, creating link to external pages  1

administration tasks

application-wide case insensitivity, enabling  1

browser, adding additional Web Browsers  1

case sensitivity, about and Siebel applications  1

Contact Us account, adding  1

currencies, setting up  1

currency conversions, setting up  1

date formats, about  1

email address and subjects, about adding  1

expense types, setting up  1

field-specific case insensitivity, enabling  1

global time zone support, administering  1

industry, adding  1

InsensitivityFactor parameter, modifying  1

keyboard accelerators, about using and examples  1

language, adding  1

pager companies, setting up  1

payment terms, setting up  1

periods, setting up  1

predefined queries, about setting up  1

predefined queries, creating by saving a query  1

Predefined Query view, setting up predefined query in  1

system preferences, setting  1

telephone formats, specifying  1

Web browser capabilities, adding  1

ZIP Codes, adding  1


See also Message Broadcasting and Alerts

about and example  1

business scenario, using alerts  1

creating and sending  1

process flow example  1

Application Message Bar Flag parameter, about setting to true  1



assessment score, calculation of  1

assessment templates

See also About Assessment Templates

about  1

assessment scores, calculation of  1

creating  1

audience of guide  1

audit scope, about  1

audit trail

See also Opportunity Audit Trail

audit scope, about  1

audit table, about purging records  1

Audit Trail Engine business service, about and exposed methods (table)  1

Audit Trail Engine business service, enabling  1

audit trail records and record details, viewing  1

audit trail recovery in file auditing mode, about  1

business component and fields, configuring to be audited  1

business component, determining whether it can be audited  1

business component, disabling  1

business component, linking to  1

business scenario  1

cache, clearing  1

content of  1

customer application, configuring for Audit Trail  1

disabling for application  1

file auditing and database auditing, about  1

importing items into Siebel database  1

position, restricting by (procedure)  1

process flow (diagram)  1

querying audit trail information  1

records, verifying  1

responsibility, restricting by (procedure)  1

restrictions, list of  1

Siebel Remote and Siebel Replication users, about using  1

user, restricting by (procedure)  1

Audit Trail Buscomp, fields in list  1

Audit Trail Engine business service

about and exposed methods (table)  1

enabling (procedure)  1

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basic mode keyboard enablement, about and differences with extended mode  1

batch printing

See also About Batch Printing

server print menu items, adding on Correspondence and Fulfillment screens  1

setting up, about  1

bcp utility, about loading D&B data on Microsoft SQL server  1


component documents, defining  1

mapping to Siebel fields  1

presentation field mappings, defining  1

template slides, creating  1

Broadcast Message business component fields, table of  1

bulk copy process (bcp) utility  1

business components

See also Prebuilt Content Objects for Content Center

audit trail, disabling for individual business component  1

audit trail, linking to  1

audited, configuring for  1

audited, determining whether it can be audited  1

business components containing foreign keys to a child, modifying  1

business components containing foreign keys, modifying  1

identical user key column names, example of handling (table)  1

primary business components (table)  1

proposal field mappings, sample  1

business objects

prebuilt content objects, relation to (table)  1

in presentations  1

proposal field mappings, sample data  1

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cache, clearing  1

caching, about turning off microsite page caching  1


See also Business Scenarios for Calendar Administration

business scenario calendar access administration  1

business scenario resource administration  1

calendar activities, administering resources  1

calendar view, removing To Do List  1

calendars to which an employee has access, viewing  1

employee's Calendar Owner drop-down list, removing all employees from  1

employee's calendar, giving another employee access to  1

employees' Calendar Access List views, removing an employee from  1

process flow for calendar administration, example  1

resources, about  1

Calendar Access List views, removing an employee from  1

Calendar Detail applet, about changing required fields  1

Calendar Owner drop-down list, removing all employees from  1

calendar, information for configurators

See also About Configuring the CalendarSee also About Configuring the Calendar

Calendar Detail applet, about changing required fields  1

days displayed in Calendar Gantt chart, changing  1

retroactive alarms, about changing number of days for  1

To Do List, removing from the calendar view  1

case sensitivity

about and Siebel applications  1

case insensitivity, enabling application wide  1

case insensitivity, enabling application wide Siebel Dedicated Web Client  1

case insensitivity, enabling Siebel Web Client  1

field-specific case insensitivity, enabling  1

InsensitivityFactor parameter, modifying  1

catalog category content object, about and business components  1

catalog content object, about and business components  1

charts, supporting currency conversion  1

See also Setting Up Currency Conversion

child Web browser, adding  1

client-based batch printing

See also About Batch Printing

about  1

default printer, changing  1

Internet Explorer, configuring to allow printing  1

printer connection, adding to your desktop  1

printing documents (procedure)  1

component documents

mapping fields, procedure  1

mappings and templates, associating  1

presentation field mapping, creating a record for mapping  1

presentation field mappings, defining  1

proposal field mapping, creating a record for mapping  1

proposal mapping bookmarks, defining  1


compared to Presentation Library documents  1

presentation templates, adding to  1

Proposal Library, adding to  1

proposal templates, adding to  1


Multi-Value Group fields, controlling query behavior  1

constrained list of values

See Constrained Lists of Values

constrained pick lists

See Constrained Lists of Values

Contact Us account, adding  1


See also Content Center Job Roles and Terms

content item, adding or editing  1

content, approving  1

contributors and approvers, setting up  1

defined  1

Content Asset Management, business scenario  1

Content Asset Type, defined  1

content assets

See also About Content Assets

checking in and out  1

configurators, information for  1

Content Asset commands, list of  1

content asset record properties, reviewing and editing  1

Content Asset Types view, about  1

content set, adding content assets to  1

content sets, defining to contain contents assets  1

defined  1 ,  2

HTML content, editing  1

page, adding to  1

search indexes, about creating  1

Content Center

See also About Content Assets

about and features  1

auto complete workflow, about  1

business components containing foreign keys to a child, modifying  1

business components containing foreign keys, modifying  1

business components, handling identical user key column names (table)  1

business scenario for Content Asset Management  1

business scenario for Content Center  1

configurators, information for  1

content approval process (single approver) workflow, about  1

content item approval process, about setting up workflows  1

content item state model, about  1

content item, adding or editing  1

Content Project business service, about and arguments  1

content project status, publishing  1

content project status, reviewing  1

content projects approval workflow, starting  1

content projects publication workflow, starting  1

content projects, creating  1

content staging environment, required components for  1

Content Task Subprocess, about  1

content type, setting up  1

content, approving  1

contributors and approvers, setting up  1

integration object, creating  1

integration objects, modifying  1

job roles and terms, table of  1

process flow example (diagram)  1

publication workflows, setting up  1

staging and production environment, maintaining consistency  1

staging to production transfer, process overview  1

terminology, table  1

content item approval process, setting up

about  1

auto complete workflow, about  1

content approval (single approver) workflow, about  1

Content Task Subprocess, about  1

state model, about  1

content item, defined  1

content objects

See also Creating Integration Objects for Content Center

catalog category content object  1

catalog content object  1

ContentBase Asset content object  1

ContentBase Set content object  1

ContentBase Type content object  1

defined  1

ERM Group News Item content object  1

integration objects, creating  1

literature content object  1

microsite management page content object  1

microsite management page item content object  1

prebuilt content objects (table)  1

price list content object  1

product class content object  1

product content object  1

Product Feature content object, about and business components  1

product line content object  1

resolution item content object  1

solution content object  1

transfer process, overview  1

volume discount content object  1

Content Project business service, about and arguments  1

content projects

approval workflow, starting  1

creating  1

project status, reviewing  1

publication workflow, starting  1

publishing  1

content sets

See also Setting the Home Page for a Content Set

content assets, adding to  1

content assets, defining to contain  1

home page, setting for  1

content staging environment, setting up

required components  1

staging and production environments, maintaining consistency  1

content types

defined  1

setting up  1

ContentBase Content Asset content object, about and business components  1

ContentBase Content Type, about and business components  1

ContentBase Set content object, about and business components  1

CookiesAllowed, additional browser capabilities  1


See also Configuring the Document Server

about  1

batch printing, about  1

batch printing, about setting up  1

Microsoft Office, installing  1

Remote Web Client, system requirements  1

server print menu items, adding on Correspondence and Fulfillment screens  1

server-based batch printing, configuring  1

Siebel Document Server, hardware requirements  1

Siebel Document Server, installing  1

Siebel Document Server, steps to install  1

correspondence templates, creating

See also Creating a New Correspondence Template

deleting a template  1

existing template file, opening  1

template record, adding  1

template, about modifying and renaming  1

correspondence templates, using

See also Creating a New Correspondence Template

deleting a template  1

file, inserting into a template  1

merge fields, adding in Office XP  1

merge fields, adding using Microsoft Word 2000  1

merge fields, changing  1

text, changing of a template file  1

working with, about  1

Create Content tool, using to add HTML directly to a page  1

Create Rerouted Oppty Activity workflow, setting up  1

currencies, setting up

See also Setting Up Currencies

active, making currencies active  1

currencies, defining  1

currency conversion, setting up

See also Setting Up Currencies

Euro Triangulation method, about  1

exchange rates, setting up  1

Siebel applications, conversion occurs in  1

triangulation conversion, process of  1

custom hierarchy

about  1

creating  1

creating based on default hierarchy  1

maintaining  1

organization, assigning custom hierarchy to  1

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D&B data

initial load and SQL files  1

initial load scripts  1

Update Manager table names diagrams  1

D&B integration

See also Understanding the D&B D-U-N-S Number

account promotion and prospect list creation configuration  1

Account Promotion and Prospect Lists, field mapping for  1

business scenarios  1

configuration guidelines (table)  1

D&B real-time search and update, setting up symbolic URL for  1

D&B real-time search, updating field mapping for  1

D&B report ordering, setting up symbolic URL for  1

D&B Update Manager process, field mapping for  1

DB2, loading D&B data on  1

D-U-N-S number, understanding  1

files required from D&B  1

loading an deleting data, table of  1

loading D&B data, staging tables for  1

Microsoft SQL Server, loading D&B data on  1

Oracle, loading D&B data on  1

server components, updating  1

Siebel update server component, about running  1

update server process configuration  1

D&B reports, accessing  1

D&B Update Manager

D&B server (multiple task process), running with Siebel application  1

D&B server (single task process), running within your Siebel application  1

D&B server component (single or multiple task process), running from a command line  1

Siebel Server (multiple task process), running from within Siebel application  1

Siebel Server (single or multiple task process), running from a command line  1

Siebel Server (single task process), running with Siebel application  1

Siebel, running without updating account name or location  1

D&B, integrating data

files and format, required  1

loading, about  1

multiple processes and D-U-N-S number processing  1


import, list of values, considerations  1

seed data, about  1

data and time stamps, about  1

Data Universal Numbering System number

See Understanding the D&B D-U-N-S Number

database auditing

about  1

Siebel Web Client, audit trail option  1

databases, selecting  1

date formats, about  1

DB2, loading D&B data on  1

debugging, enabling additional logging  1

dedicated Web clients

application-wide case insensitivity, enabling  1

databases, selecting  1

error message, first time logging in  1

license key, entering  1

message broadcasting, enabling or disabling  1

Siebel application, starting for the first time  1

default hierarchy

about  1

creating  1

Delete command, about  1


activity template  1

correspondence template  1

employee from all employee's Calendar Access List views  1

employees from Calendar Owner drop-down list  1

languages, about and mobile Web client synchronization  1

page  1

page item  1

To Do List, removing from the calendar view  1

demo user, logging on  1

Display Value field, about modifying and updating records  1

dnbinitial.sql file, using to load D&B data  1

Document Server

requests, routing all requests to  1

Siebel Presentations, about setting up  1

document templates, sample database  1

DocumentServerViewHTML parameter, about  1

D-U-N-S number

about  1

warning about multiple processes  1

dynamic pick lists

constraining, about  1

using, about  1

Back to top


EAI objects

See Creating Integration Objects for Content Center

eBriefing Bulletin, about option to distribute messages as bulletins  1

email address, about adding  1

email, automatic notification

See Activating the Opportunity Notification Workflow Processes and Policies

employee setup

completing (procedure)  1

list of  1


activity assignment methods, about  1

Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)

See Creating Integration Objects for Content Center

ERM Group News Item, about and business components  1

Euro Trangulation method

about  1

triangulation conversion, process of  1

European Monetary Union (EMU), triangulation, about  1

exchange rates

multiple currencies, about setting up for  1

setting up  1

EXISTS statement, disabling  1

expense types, setting up

about and pretasks  1

expense types, setting up (procedure)  1

extended mode keyboard enablement, about and conditions  1

Back to top


field mappings

associating with presentation templates  1

associating with templates  1

mapping records for presentation, creating  1

mapping records for proposals, creating  1

presentations fields, mapping procedure  1

presentations, about  1

proposals, about  1

proposals, creating  1

field-specific case insensitivity, enabling  1

file auditing

about  1

audit trail recovery, about  1

Siebel Web Client, audit trail option  1

file, adding to a page  1

forecasting, about currency conversion  1

See also Setting Up Currency Conversion

FrameSupport, additional browser capabilities  1

fulfillment centers

adding  1

fulfillment center records, modifying or deleting  1

literature item kit, about and viewing  1

monitoring fulfillment, about  1

reasons for using  1

Siebel correspondence, giving access to  1

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Get Account ASI, about  1

Get Manager Email process, setting up  1

global accounts

account hierarchies, types of  1

business scenario for global account administration  1

custom hierarchy based on the default hierarchy, creating  1

custom hierarchy, assigning to an organization  1

custom hierarchy, creating  1

custom hierarchy, maintaining  1

default hierarchy, creating  1

process flow for global account administration, example  1

global time zone support


graphic, adding to page  1


audience of  1

organization of  1

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See Maintaining a Custom Hierarchy

High Interactivity mode, and keyboard accelerators  1

[H] high message, severity level  1

HighInteract, additional browser capabilities  1

home page, setting for a content sets  1


content, editing  1

documents, enabling (procedure)  1

enabling generation, about  1

page, adding directly to  1

Siebel Presentations, display in HTML format  1

Siebel Proposals, display in HTML format  1

Back to top


importing audit trail items into Siebel database  1

industries, adding an industry  1

InsensitivityFactor parameter, modifying  1

Insert Content tool, using to add content assets to a page  1

Insert File tool, using to insert file to a page  1

Insert Image tool, using to insert graphic to a page  1


Document Server, hardware requirements  1

Document Server, installing Siebel Server on host machine  1

Document Server, steps to install  1

software required, table  1

integration objects

creating  1

modifying  1

integration using ASIs

inbound Web service, setting up  1

outbound Web service, setting up  1

workflow descriptions  1

workflows, activating  1

international telephone formats, about entering and format logic  1

Internet Explorer 5.0, adding JumpTab capability  1

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JumpTab capability, adding for Internet Explorer 5.0  1

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keyboard accelerators

about using and examples  1

basic mode, about and differences  1

extended mode, about and conditions  1

note, automatic browser detection for keyboard enablement  1

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Language Independent Code

list of values, about changing  1

list-of-values type, about within the  1

language independent values (LIV)

Language Independent Code field, about  1

list of values, about changing  1

languages, adding  1

leads, rerouting  1

license keys

about  1

correcting errors  1

fields, table of  1

first license key, entering  1

hiding access to  1

option module license key  1

Siebel application, entering additional license keys using  1

Siebel application, starting the first time  1

Siebel Tools, entering additional license keys using  1

Link App View tool, using to create link from page to view in Siebel app  1

Link Existing Page tool, using to create link between microsite management pages  1

list of values (LOV)

about  1

cache, clearing  1

caution, modifying seed data  1

inactivating a value, about and procedure  1

items, modifying  1

Language Independent Code values (LIV)  1

list-of-values type, identifying for a display value  1

LOV data, viewing  1

LOV record, fields in (table)  1

modifying, about  1

new value, adding to an existing list  1

list of values, constrained

about  1

Parent LIC attribute, about changing parent Area  1

Parent LIC attribute, about making values hierarchically dependent  1

Siebel EIM considerations  1


See Literature Content Object See Literature

literature item kit

See Adding Literature Item Kits

literature prebuilt content object, about and business components  1


Language Independent Code field, about  1

list of values, about changing for  1

local database, about  1

locales, setting up

about  1

creating (procedure)  1

locale name, creating translation for  1

Lock command, about  1

logging on as demo user  1

logging, enabling additional logging  1


See Working with Lists of Values

Back to top


Management Responsibility Code, about  1

Marketing Data file, about  1

merge fields

See also Configuring Additional Merge Fields

about  1

additional merge field, configuring (procedure)  1

configuring, about  1

sources and uses, summary of (table)  1

message broadcasting

alert messages, about and example  1

alert messages, creating and sending  1

Broadcast Message business component fields, table of  1

business scenario, using alerts  1

message broadcast script, sample of  1

message text, about automatically updating  1

messages, creating and sending  1

mobile and dedicated Web clients, enabling or disabling  1

multiple severity levels, sending  1

overview  1

process flow example  1

server level, enabling/disabling message broadcasting  1

severity level, about using to format message text and tags  1

severity levels  1

microsite management

business scenario  1

configurators information  1

content assets, adding to a page  1

Content Center, about using with  1

features  1

file or graphic, adding to a page  1

HTML, adding directly to a page  1

link to external pages, creating  1

link, creating between microsite management pages  1

link, creating from page to view in Siebel app  1

microsite management page content object, about and business components  1

microsite management page item content object, about and business components  1

microsite page example  1

new page, creating using Page Designer view  1

Page Administration Explorer tree, example  1

Page Designer view, about  1

process flow example  1

root-level page, creating  1

search indexes, about creating  1

structured content, about  1

unstructured content, about  1

microsite page caching, about turning off  1

Microsoft Office, installing  1

Microsoft PowerPoint

presentation templates, about creating in  1

Siebel software used to generate Web documents  1

Microsoft SQL Server, loading D&B data on  1

Microsoft Word

correspondence template text, changing  1

correspondence templates, using, changing merge fields  1

correspondence, use in  1

merge fields, adding to the template  1

proposal template components, creating with bookmarks  1

proposal templates, creating in  1

Siebel software used to generate Web documents  1

mobile Web clients, enabling or disabling message broadcasting  1

MRC file, about  1

MSWordLiveCount, using to configure application recycle period  1

multiple currencies, about setting up exchange rates for  1

multiple processes and D-U-N-S number processing  1

Multi-Value Group fields, controlling query behavior  1

Back to top


non-North American telephone formats, specifying  1

[N] normal message, severity level  1

North American telephone formats, default format for  1

notification workflows

communications profile, setting up  1

delivery of emails, restricting conditions for  1

email notifications, stop sending  1

Get Manager Email process, setting up  1

opportunities lost notification process, about  1

opportunity assigned notification process, about  1

opportunity inactive notification process  1

opportunity won notification process  1

opportunity workflow email, modifying the language of  1

opportunity workflows, setting up (procedure)  1

setup steps  1

time lapse between lead acceptance and inactive notification, changing  1

time lapse between lead assignment and email delivery, modifying  1

Back to top


Office XP, adding merge fields to the correspondence template  1


about and predefined opportunities, list of  1

communications profile, setting up  1

delivery of emails, restricting conditions for  1

email notifications, stop sending  1

Get Manager Email process, setting up  1

notification workflows, setup steps  1

opportunity assigned notification process, about  1

Opportunity Audit Trail, enabling and tracking additional fields  1

opportunity inactive notification process, about  1

opportunity lost notification process, about  1

opportunity reroute activity, setting up  1

opportunity won notification process, about  1

opportunity workflow email, modifying the language of  1

opportunity workflows, setting up (procedure)  1

time lapse between lead acceptance and inactive notification, changing  1

time lapse between lead assignment and email delivery, modifying  1

Oracle, loading D&B data on  1


custom hierarchy, assigning to  1

guide, of  1

Back to top



See also The Insert Content Tool

content assets, adding to a page  1

deleting a page  1

file or graphic, adding to a page  1

HTML, adding directly to a page  1

new page, creating  1

page content items, grouping  1

page item, editing  1

page layout, canceling changes to  1

page record, saving  1

previewing  1

root-level page, creating  1

root-level pages and structure  1

tree, finding in and modifying properties  1

Page Administration Explorer tree, example  1

See also Viewing and Editing Page Information

Page Designer view

See also About Page Designer

about  1

new page, creating  1

page item

deleting page item  1

editing  1

pager company, setting up  1

Parent LIC attribute

list of values, about making values hierarchically dependent  1

parent Area, about changing  1

parent Web browser, adding  1

password and default user ID  1

payment terms, setting up (procedure)  1

periods, setting up

about  1

period units, associating with a period  1

setting up (procedure)  1

pick lists

See Working with Lists of Values


audit trail, restricting by position (procedure)  1


See Creating Template Slides in Microsoft PowerPoint

prebuilt content objects, about and business components (table)  1

predefined queries, setting up

about  1

creating by saving a query  1

Predefined Query view, setting up predefined query in  1

preferences, system (table of)  1

Presentation Library

See also Creating the Presentation Library

about  1

components, adding  1

content, recommending  1

customized presentation, creating  1

presentation files, about creating  1

sections, adding to  1

types of documents available  1

presentation templates

See also Associating a Mapping with a Template

components, adding to templates sections  1

components, creating  1

creating, process of (diagram)  1

field mapping, procedure  1

field mappings, associating with  1

mapping bookmarks, about  1

mapping records, creating  1

Microsoft PowerPoint, about creating in  1

planning the template  1

query conditions, about  1

sample document templates  1

sections, defined  1

styles, creating  1

subsections, adding to  1

table subsections, adding related table  1

template records, creating  1

top-level section, creating  1

top-level section, fields in  1

price lists

price list content object, about and business components  1

pricing, volume discount content object  1


batch printing correspondence  1

batch printing, about setting up  1

client-based batch printing, changing default printer  1

client-based printing, printing documents (procedure)  1

DocServer machine, adding printer connection to  1

Internet Explorer, configuring to allow client-batch printing  1

printing connection, adding to your desktop  1

server print menu items, adding on Correspondence and Fulfillment screens  1

server-based batch printer, changing default printer  1

server-based batch printing, specifying a printer  1

server-based printing, printing (procedure)  1

Product Feature, about and business components  1


product class content object, about and business components  1

product content object, about and business components  1

product line content object, about and business components  1

Proposal Library

See also Creating the Proposal Library

about  1

components, adding  1

documents, creating  1

organizing  1

proposal content, recommending  1

proposal templates

See also Creating the Proposal Library

components, adding  1

components, creating with Microsoft Word  1

creating, process overview  1

Document Template Administration view, fields  1

mapping bookmarks, about  1

mapping fields, procedure  1

mapping records, creating  1

mappings and templates, associating  1

Microsoft Word, creating in  1

planning the template  1

proposal content, recommending  1

query conditions, about  1

sample templates  1

sections, defined  1

styles document for templates, creating  1

subsections, adding to an existing section  1

table subsections, adding related  1

TAS Opportunity Plan templates, about using  1

template documents, assembling  1

top-level sections, creating  1

proposals, configuring report generation  1

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audit trail information (procedure)  1

presentation templates, using in  1

proposal templates, using in  1

telephone number, examples (table)  1

telephone numbers, about using and example  1

quotes, about changing currency code  1

See also Setting Up Currency Conversion

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rate lists, about currency conversion  1

See also Setting Up Currency Conversion


See Audit Trail Features

Replace command, about  1

replication (Siebel Replication), about using audit trail  1


currency conversion supported in  1

generation, configuring (used by Proposals)  1

resolution item content object, about and business components  1

resources, about  1

See also Calendar

responsibility, restricting audit trail by (procedure)  1

retroactive alarms, about changing the number of days  1

root-level page

about  1

creating  1

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S_audit_item table, purging  1

SADMIN ID, about modifying responsibility  1

sales methods

about  1

creating and associated sales stages  1

sales stage, defining  1

sample database, about and logging in  1

Satmetrix survey reports, setting up

about  1

access to Satmetrix Reports, setting up symbolic URL for  1

WI_ARG-TYPE, extending the List of Values for  1

Save to File command, about  1

script, sample message broadcasting script  1

search indexes, about creating  1

sections, presentations

See also About Creating the Template Structure

adding components to  1

defined  1

Presentation Library, adding sections  1

top-level section, creating  1

sections, proposals, defined  1

See also About Creating the Template Structure

seed data

about  1

list of values, modifying  1

server database, about  1

server-based batch printing

See also About Batch Printing

about  1

configurating printers for  1

default printer, changing  1

DocServer machine, adding a printer connection  1

documents, printing  1

printer, specifying  1

setup tasks

application administration tasks, table of  1

employee setup, completing (list of)  1

employee setup, completing (procedure)  1

locale name, creating translation for  1

locales, about setting up  1

locales, creating (procedure)  1

Satmetrix survey reports, setting up  1

skills, associating with an organization  1

summary of (table)  1

views, defining  1

severity levels, about using for message broadcasting  1

ShowMessageBar parameter, about setting to true  1

SIC (Standard Industrial Classification code) file, about and D&B data  1

Siebel applications, hiding access to license keys  1

Siebel correspondence

See Correspondence

Siebel Dedicated Web Client

See Enabling Application-Wide Case Insensitivity

Siebel Document Server

additional logging, enabling  1

application recycle period, configuring  1

component group, about enabling  1

components, about synchronizing step  1

configuration process overview  1

hardware requirements  1

HTML generation, about enabling  1

HTML generation, enabling (procedure)  1

installation process overview  1

proposal configuration requirement  1

Siebel Server, about installing on dedicated host machine  1

Siebel software used to generate Web documents  1

steps to install  1

target server, specifying  1

UNIX requirement  1

Siebel eBriefings

eBriefing Bulletin, about option to distribute messages as bulletins  1

literature, sharing  1

ordering D&B reports  1

Siebel Literature

category, associating literature with a category using the Catalog Administration screen  1

category, associating literature with a category using the Literature Administration screen  1

existing literature file, modifying  1

item kits, about and fulfillment center  1

literature files, creating new  1

literature item kit, adding  1

literature kits, about  1

literature record, adding  1

sharing literature though eBriefings  1

sharing literature though the Correspondence screen  1

sharing literature though the Decisions Issues screen  1

sharing though the Product screen  1

sharing through the Competitors screen  1

translated document, associating with a literature record  1

Siebel objects, association with activity objects (table)  1

Siebel OLE Automation, about  1

See also Automatically Updating Message Broadcasting Text

Siebel Presentations

See also Presentations

customized presentation, creating  1

Document Server, about setting up  1

HTML format, displaying in  1

Siebel Remote Web Client system requirements  1

Siebel Web Client system requirements  1

Siebel Proposals

See also System Requirements for the Siebel Web Client

document server, about using Siebel Server in UNIX  1

field mappings, sample data  1

HTML format, displaying in  1

Siebel Remote Web Client system requirements  1

Siebel Web Client system requirements  1

TAS Opportunity Plan template, about using  1

templates, process overview  1

templates, samples  1

Siebel Remote

audit trail, about using  1

Siebel Correspondence, system requirements  1

Siebel Presentations, system requirements  1

Siebel Replication, about using audit trail  1

Siebel Sales Assistant

new sales method, defining  1

sales methods, described  1

sales stage, defining  1

Siebel Tools

Audit Trail Engine business service, enabling  1

audit trail, configuring customer application for  1

license keys, entering additional using Tools  1

license keys, hiding access to  1

Siebel Web Client

application-wide case insensitivity, enabling  1

Siebel Presentations, system requirements  1

starting application, first time  1

Siebel XML-based publication service, setting up Content Center publication workflows  1


about assigning  1

software required, table  1

solution, prebuilt content object (table)  1

.sql (dnbinitial.sql), using to load D&B data  1

Standard Industrial Classification code, about and D&B data  1

static pick lists

about  1

constraining, about  1

structured content about  1

Synchronization Account ASI, about  1

system preferences

setting  1

table of  1

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TAS Customer Milestone activity template, creating in a localized application  1

TAS Opportunity Plan template, about using  1

telephone formats, specifying

See also Specifying Telephone Formats

default telephone formats, about  1

EIM, about importing information with  1

international telephone formats, about entering and format logic  1

non-North American telephone formats, specifying  1

North American telephone formats, default format for  1

queries, using, about and example  1

querying for telephone numbers, table of examples  1

telephone number format examples (table)  1

telephone numbers, entering numbers in place of digits  1

unformatted telephone numbers, about adding or changing number format  1

telephone numbers

See also Specifying Telephone Formats

caution, entering letters in place of digits  1

queries using, about and example  1

Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP), pager support of  1


See The Process of Creating Templates

third-party applications

See Installing the Document Server

time zone support, administering

about  1

date and time stamps, about  1

time zone settings, modifying  1

translations of time zones, maintaining  1

To Do List, removing from the calendar view  1

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Unlock command, about  1

unstructured content, about  1

[U] urgent message, severity level  1

user ID and password, default  1

user, restricting audit trail by user  1

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defining, about and procedure  1

mmlayout.txt file, adding new views to  1

volume discount content object, about and business components  1

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Web browser

additional, adding Web browsers  1

capabilities, about adding  1

capability, adding (procedure)  1

capability, adding JumpTab  1

child Web browser, adding  1

extended capabilities, list of  1

parent Web browser, adding  1

required browser capabilities  1

Web pages, managing

See Microsite Management


See Creating a Record for the Template


auto complete  1

communications profile, setting up  1

content approval (single approver) workflow  1

content item approval process, about setting up  1

content item state model, about  1

Content Task Subprocess, about  1

Create Rerouted Oppty Activity, setting up  1

delivery of emails, restricting conditions for  1

email notifications, stop sending  1

Get Manager Email process, setting up  1

opportunity assigned notification process, about  1

opportunity inactive notification process, about  1

opportunity lost notification process, about  1

opportunity notification workflow, setup steps  1

opportunity won notification process  1

opportunity workflow email, modifying the language of  1

opportunity workflows, setting up (procedure)  1

publication workflows, setting up  1

time lapse between lead acceptance and inactive notification, changing  1

time lapse between lead assignment and email delivery, modifying  1

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ZIP Codes, adding  1

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 Applications Administration Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. C 
 Published: 09 September 2004