Applications Administration Guide


How This Guide Is Organized

Additional Resources

Revision History

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Getting Started

Starting the Application for the First Time

Entering License Keys

Selecting a Datasource

Seed Data

Summary of Applications Administration Tasks

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Initial Setup

Summary of Initial Setup Tasks

Adding Views to the Application

Completing Employee Setup

Assigning Skills

Setting Up Locales

Setting Up Satmetrix Survey Reports

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Ongoing Application Administration Tasks

Setting System Preferences

Setting Up Predefined Queries

Setting Up Currencies

Setting Up Currency Conversion

Setting Up Expense Types

Setting Up Payment Terms

Setting Up Periods

Specifying Telephone Formats

Setting Up Pager Companies

About Date Formats

Setting Up ZIP Codes

Administering Global Time Zone Support

Setting Up Email, Fax, and Mail Accounts (Contact Us)

Using Keyboard Accelerators

Setting Up Industries

Setting Up Languages

About Case Sensitivity

Enabling Application-Wide Case Insensitivity

Modifying the InsensitivityFactor Parameter

Enabling Field-Specific Case Insensitivity

Adding Web Browser Capabilities

Adding Additional Web Browsers

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Working with Lists of Values

Adding a New Value to an Existing List of Values

Clearing the Cache

List of Values Fields

Modifying a List of Values

Inactivating a Value in a List of Values

Constrained Lists of Values

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Audit Trail

Audit Trail Features

Audit Trail Business Scenario

Audit Trail Process Flow

Configuring Audit Trail in Siebel Tools

Specifying Business Components and Business Component Fields for Audit

Specifying Audit Trail Restrictions

Verifying Audit Trail Configuration

Linking Audit Trail to a Business Component

Viewing Audit Trail Records

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Message Broadcasting and Alerts

Business Scenario for Using Alerts

Example Process Flow for Message Broadcasting and Alerts

Enabling and Disabling Message Broadcasting

Creating a Message Broadcast

Creating Broadcast Messages with Multiple Severity Levels

Automatically Updating Message Broadcasting Text

Creating Alerts

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Setting Up the Messages Workflow

Setting Up Users with the Message User Responsibility

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Content Center

Content Center Job Roles and Terms

Setting Up a Content Staging Environment

Business Scenario for Using Content Center

Example Process Flow for Using Content Center

Configuring Content Objects for Content Center

Modifying Business Components for Content Center

Creating Integration Objects for Content Center

Modifying Integration Objects for Content Center

Setting Up Content Center Approval Workflows

Setting Up Content Center Publication Workflows

About the Content Project Business Service

Setting Up Content Types

Setting Up Contributors and Approvers

Creating Content Projects

Contributing and Approving Content

Publishing Content Projects

About Content Assets

Defining Content Sets to Contain Content Assets

Adding Content Assets to a Content Set

Setting the Home Page for a Content Set

Viewing and Editing Content Asset Properties

Checking Content Assets In and Out

Editing HTML Content

About the Content Asset Types View

About Configuring Content Center

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Microsite Management

Business Scenario for Microsite Management

Example Process Flow for Microsite Management

Viewing and Editing Page Information

Creating a Root-Level Page

About Page Designer

The Create New Page Tool

The Link Existing Page Tool

The Link App View Tool

The Add Web Link Tool

The Create Content Tool

The Insert Content Tool

The Insert File Tool and the Insert Image Tool

Editing Page Item Properties

Deleting Page Items

Saving and Canceling Changes to the Page Layout

Managing Groups of Content Items

Previewing a Page

Deleting a Page

About Creating Search Indexes

About Configuring Microsite Management

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Global Accounts

Business Scenario for Global Account Administration

Example Process Flow for Global Accounts Administration

Generating a Default Hierarchy

Creating a Custom Hierarchy

Assigning a Custom Hierarchy to an Organization

Maintaining a Custom Hierarchy

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Activities, Activity Plans, and Assessments

About Activities

About Activity Templates and Activity Plans

About Assessment Templates

About Sales Methods

Business Scenarios

Example Process Flow for Activities Administration

Defining a Sales Methodology

Creating an Activity Template

Deleting an Activity Template

About Activity Assignment

Creating an Assessment Template

About Configuring Activities

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About Opportunity Workflows

Setting Up Opportunity Notification Workflows

Setting Up the Communications Profile

Activating the Opportunity Notification Workflow Processes and Policies

Rerouting an Opportunity

Modifying Opportunity Workflows

Setting Up the Get Manager Email

Opportunity Audit Trail

Setting Up Lead Sources for Opportunities

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Business Scenarios for Calendar Administration

Example Process Flow for Calendar Administration

Setting Up Resources

Adding and Modifying Calendar Access

Deleting Calendar Access

About Configuring the Calendar

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System Requirements for the Web Client

Installing the Document Server

Configuring the Document Server

About Working with Correspondence Templates

Using the Sample Correspondence Templates

Creating a New Correspondence Template

Deleting a Template

Inserting Files into Correspondence Templates

Configuring Additional Merge Fields

About Fulfillment Centers

Setting Up Fulfillment Centers

About Monitoring Fulfillment

About Batch Printing

Batch Printing Instructions for the Administrator

Batch Printing Instructions for the End User

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System Requirements for the Siebel Web Client

The Process of Creating Templates

Creating Template Slides in Microsoft PowerPoint

Creating a Record for the Template

About Creating the Template Structure

Defining Template Sections

Adding Components to Template Sections

Using Conditions in Templates

Defining Presentation Field Mappings

Associating a Mapping with a Template

Creating the Presentation Library

Allowing Users to Display Presentations in HTML Format

Sample Templates

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System Requirements for the Siebel Web Client

The Process of Creating Templates

Creating Template Documents in Microsoft Word

Creating a Record for the Template

About Creating the Template Structure

Defining Template Sections

Adding Components to Template Sections

Using Conditions in Templates

Defining Document Field Mappings

Associating a Mapping with a Template

Creating the Proposal Library

Allowing Users to Display Proposals in HTML Format

Sample Data: Field Mappings and Templates

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About Setting Up Literature Files

Creating and Modifying Literature Files

Adding Literature Records

Adding Translation Records

Adding Literature Item Kits

About Making Literature Visible to Users

Sharing Literature Through the Products Screen

Sharing Literature Through the Competitors Screen

Sharing Literature Through the Decision Issues Screen

Sharing Literature Through the Correspondence Screen

Sharing Literature Through eBriefings

Sharing Literature Through Literature or Infocenter

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D&B Integration

About D&B Data

Business Scenarios

Understanding the D&B D-U-N-S Number

Process for Integrating D&B Data

Obtaining D&B Data

Loading D&B Data

Loading D&B Data Using Sample Scripts

About Siebel Update Server Components

Running the Siebel Update Server Components

Setting Up the Symbolic URL for Access to the D&B Database

About Configuring D&B Integration

Field Mappings for Configuration of D&B Integration

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Integration Using ASIs

Setting Up Account, Contact, and Household ASIs

ASI Workflow Descriptions

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System Preferences

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Content Center Reference

Prebuilt Content Objects for Content Center

Catalog Content Object

Catalog Category Content Object

ContentBase Content Asset Content Object

ContentBase Content Set Content Object

ContentBase Content Type Content Object

ERM Group News Item Content Object

Literature Content Object

Microsite Management Page Content Object

Microsite Management Page Item Content Object

Price List Content Object

Product Content Object

Product Class Content Object

Product Feature Content Object

Product Line Content Object

Resolution Item Content Object

Solution Content Object

Volume Discount Content Object

Content Project Business Service

AddContentItem Method

AddProject Method

Export Method

Import Method

PublishProject Method

RemoveContentItem Method

RemoveProject Method

StartProject Method

UpdateContentItem Method

UpdateProject Method

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 Applications Administration Guide, Version 7.5, Rev. C 
 Published: 09 September 2004