Applications Administration Guide > Message Broadcasting and Alerts >

Creating Broadcast Messages with Multiple Severity Levels

Typically, the appearance of a message broadcast is designated by a single severity level, as specified in the Severity field. Each severity level is associated with a different color. The severity level that you choose determines the color of the message broadcast and how it is delivered.

In addition to using the Severity field to determine the appearance of a message, you can also combine multiple severity levels to create a message broadcast with unique formatting. By adding special tags to the text of a message broadcast, you can change the color of different sections of the message. The following tags are used to combine severity levels in a message:

For example, if your message has a severity of normal, but you want specific text to be highlighted, you can tag parts of the text with the code for High or Urgent. Here is an example:

The trunk line from [H]Chicago, Illinois [N]is [U]DOWN!

The beginning of the message will appear in the color for the severity of the message, Normal; the words Chicago, Illinois will appear in the color for High; and the word DOWN! will appear in the color for Urgent.

To send a message broadcast with multiple severity levels

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Communications Administration > Message Broadcasts.
  2. In the Message Broadcast list, add a new record.
  3. Complete the required fields to broadcast your message.

    For descriptions of the fields, see the table in Step 2 in the To create a message broadcast procedure.

  4. In the Message field, enter the message broadcast text you want to send.
  5. In the Message field, insert severity level tags as necessary to set the appearance of the message broadcast text.

    For example: [H] All employees [N] must submit expense reports by [U] April 1, 2002.

 Applications Administration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004