Applications Administration Guide > Audit Trail >

Linking Audit Trail to a Business Component

In some circumstances, you might need to link the Audit Trail view to a specific business component view. For example, a Call Center team might want to see the Audit Trail records for individual service requests. Using Siebel Tools, you can create a view that would allow the Call Center team to see these Audit Trail records, if the following conditions are met:

NOTE:  Because audit trail item records are not routed to mobile Web clients, data in these linked views can only be displayed in Siebel Web client and the Siebel Dedicated Web client. Make sure that mobile clients do not have access to views displaying audit trail data.

To link Audit Trail to a business component

  1. Launch Siebel Tools.
  2. Create a link between the Audit Trail Item 2 business component and the business component to which you are linking Audit Trail. Set the parent business component property of the link to the name of the audited business component.

    For example, if you are configuring the view to show the audit trail records for the Product Defect business component, the parent business component should be Product Defect. The Child Business Component for the link should be Audit Trail Item List 2. The Source and Destination Fields for the link should be Id and Record Id respectively.

  3. Modify the business object for the business component to which you are linking Audit Trail. You need to add Audit Trail Item 2 as one of the business object components and specify the Link property as the link you created in Step 2.
  4. Create a view which has an applet based on the selected business component as a parent and the Audit Trail Item List 2 applet as a child.
  5. Add this view to a screen.
  6. Launch a Siebel employee application.
  7. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Application Administration > Views and add the new view to the list of views.
  8. From the Show drop-down list, choose Responsibilities, and add the new view to applicable responsibilities.

 Applications Administration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004