Applications Administration Guide > Audit Trail >

Audit Trail Features

You can configure and activate Audit Trail from an administration screen.

Audit Scope

System administrators can specify the audit scope by the following means:

Audit Trail Content

Audit Trail records the following information in selected business components:

Audit Trail Constraints

The following cannot be audited:

To determine if a business component can be audited

  1. Launch Siebel Tools.
  2. In the Object Explorer, navigate to the Business Component object type.
  3. In the Object List Editor, select the business component.
  4. In the Class field, look for CSSBCBase. If the class is CSSBCBase, the business component can be used for Audit Trail.

    CSSBCBase and CSSBusComp are the most basic class types. If there is a value in the Class field that is not CSSBCBase or CSSBusComp, then there is specialized functionality that has been written in C++ related to this class.

  5. To see if this specialized class is related to CSSBCBase, drill down on the Class hyperlink.
  6. In the Super Class field, look for CSSBCBase. If the class is not CSSBCBase, drill down on the Super Class hyperlink.
    If the Super Class is...
    Then the business component...
    can be audited.
    cannot be audited.
    cannot be audited.

    NOTE:  Repeat Step 6 until the Super Class field is either CSSBCBase, CSSBusComp, or blank.

Audit Trail for Siebel Remote and Siebel Replication Users

The following information applies to remote and replication users:

File Auditing and Database Auditing Modes

The following information applies to file auditing and database auditing modes:

Audit Trail Recovery in File Auditing Mode

When running in file auditing mode, instead of writing to the Siebel file system every time a new Audit Trail file is created, your Siebel application saves Audit Trail files to a file directory on the Object Manager to improve performance. When the Object Manager closes normally, these files are uploaded to the Siebel file system simultaneously.

If the Object Manager exits abnormally, Audit Trail keeps track of which files have been uploaded to the Siebel file system and which ones have not. The next time Audit Trail starts, any files that have not been uploaded are uploaded automatically.

Audit Trail Engine Business Service

The Audit Trail Engine business service is located in the Object Manager and stays active as long as the Object Manager is active. The purpose of the Audit Trail Engine business service is to capture changes (updates and deletes) to records and to store them in the designated format (database or Siebel file system, according to the audit trail mode selected). For the various data operations, if the auditing condition is met, the business component being audited triggers the Audit Trail Engine business service.

The methods listed in Table 12 are associated with the Audit Trail Engine business service. The Start, Stop, and ImportAll methods are accessible to an administrator and allow the performance of certain tasks.

Table 12.  Exposed Methods in the Audit Trail Engine Business Service
Internal Use Only
Starts the Audit Trail Engine.
Stops the Audit Trail Engine.
File only
Imports all the associated Audit Trail Item business component records.
For the person specified, adds an audit trail entry to the pertinent data structure (unsaved audit list).
Removes the uncommitted elements from the unsaved list and puts them on the saved list, and writes to the database or file if the cache size has been reached.
File only
Saves file from local system to the Siebel file system.
Kill Unsaved Trail
Kills the unsaved audit trail; this happens on an UndoRecord.

The easiest way to use these methods is through a workflow process. If you want to stop or restart the Audit Trail Engine, create a new workflow process or reuse an existing one, and then create a business service node that implements the Stop method or the Start method. For more information about workflow processes, see Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide.

 Applications Administration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004