Applications Administration Guide >

Integration Using ASIs

ASIs allow you to integrate Siebel applications with other applications in real time.

The Accounts, Contacts, or Households screens use ASIs to exchange data with any external system such as a back-office application. These are listed in Table 39.

You must set up these ASIs shipped with your Siebel application before they can be used. This chapter provides the procedures that you must perform to set up these ASIs. Depending on your business needs, you may choose to set up ASIs and activate workflows for some or all of the GUI commands listed in Table 39.

For general information about ASIs, see Application Services Interface Reference.

Table 39.  ASIs for Accounts, Contacts, and Households
GUI Command
Outbound and Inbound ASI Pairs
End-User Information
Update External System
Synchronize Account ASI
External Account
Siebel Account
Siebel Call Center User Guide
Siebel Sales User Guide
Accounts (Credit Profile view)
Get Account ASI
Update External System
Synchronize Contact ASI
External Contact
Siebel Contact
Siebel Call Center User Guide
Siebel Sales User Guide
Update External System
Synchronize Household ASI
External Household
Siebel Household
Siebel Call Center User Guide

 Applications Administration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004