Applications Administration Guide > Correspondence >

Using the Sample Correspondence Templates

You should change the text in the sample correspondence templates packaged with Siebel Correspondence to add text that is specific to your company and business.

You may want to change both the text and the merge fields of these sample correspondence templates.

Changing the Text of a Correspondence File

If you only want to modify the text of a correspondence template, you can simply drill down on the template link in Siebel Correspondence to open it and then edit it in Microsoft Word.

NOTE:  Be careful not to change the merge fields when you edit the text.

To change the text of a correspondence template file

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Document Administration > Correspondence Template.
  2. In the Templates list, drill down on the Template Name hyperlink.

    A dialog box appears asking whether you want to open the file or download it.

  3. Select Open this file from its current location, and click OK.

    The template file appears in Microsoft Word.

  4. Edit the text using Microsoft Word.
  5. Choose File and then click Save to save the changes when you are finished.
  6. In the template list, click the icon appearing in the Template Name field.
  7. Click Browse.
  8. Navigate to the saved template and select the file.
  9. In the Add Attachment dialog box, click Add.

Changing the Merge Fields of a Correspondence Template File

The easiest way to change the merge fields in a correspondence template file is to use the Mail Merge feature of Microsoft Word together with the Siebel.html file generated by the Document Server. The siebel.html file contains the names of the fields that are available for merging. After Microsoft Word reads this file, the fields can be selected from a drop-down menu.

To change the merge fields of a correspondence template

  1. In the Correspondence Template list applet, drill down on the Template Name field and select the template you want to modify.
  2. In the displayed dialog box, select Open this file from its current location and click OK.

    The template file appears in Microsoft Word.

  3. Add merge fields to the template file. (See either To add merge fields to the template in Microsoft Word 2000 or To add merge fields to the template in Office XP.)
  4. In the template list, click the icon appearing in the Template Name field of the template you are modifying.
  5. Use the Add Attachment dialog box to upload the modified template file.

To add merge fields to the template in Microsoft Word 2000

  1. In Microsoft Word, choose Tools, and then Mail Merge.

    The Microsoft Word Mail Merge Helper window appears.

  2. In the Mail Merge Helper window under the Main Document heading, click the Create button and choose Form Letters.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, click the Active Window button.
  4. In the Mail Merge Helper window under the Data Source heading, click the Get Data button and choose Open Data Source.
  5. In the Open Data Source dialog box, locate and open the \Siebel\Reports\Siebel.html file.

    NOTE:  The Siebel.html appears only after the first correspondence template is generated.

  6. Click the Close button to dismiss the Mail Merge Helper window.
  7. If the template file does not yet have merge fields, an information box states this. Click Edit Main Document in the box.

    If the template file already contains merge fields, no box appears. Click the Close button to close the window.

  8. When you are finished adding merge fields, click the Mail Merge Helper icon on the Mail Merge Tool bar. In the Mail Merge Helper window, click Create and choose Restore to Normal Word Document. Click Yes to continue.
  9. Close the Mail Merge Helper window.
  10. Choose File > Save As and save the file on your hard drive, with a new name.
  11. Close Microsoft Word.
  12. In the template list, click the icon in the Template Name field of the template you are modifying.
  13. Use the Add Attachment dialog box to upload the modified template file.

To add merge fields to the template in Office XP

  1. In Microsoft Word, choose Tools > Letter and Mailings > Show Mail Merge Tool bar.
  2. In the tool bar, click Main Document Setup.
  3. In the Main Document Type window, select Letters and click OK.
  4. On the Mail Merge Tool bar, click the Open Data Source icon.
  5. In the Select Data Source window, locate and open the \Siebel\Reports\Siebel.html file.
  6. In the Select Table window, click OK.
  7. Edit the text and add merge fields. For each merge field, position the insertion point at the desired location in the template, click the Insert Merge Fields icon, and choose the merge field from the menu.
  8. When you have finished adding merge fields, click the Main document setup icon on the Mail Merge tool bar.
  9. In the Main Document Type window, select Normal Word Document and click OK.
  10. Choose File > Save As and save the file on your hard drive with a new name.
  11. Close Microsoft Word.
  12. In the template list, click the icon in the Template Name field of the template you are modifying.
  13. Use the Add Attachment dialog box to upload the modified template file.

 Applications Administration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004