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About Siebel Update Server Components

Whenever you load or reload D&B data, you must update the D&B Account tables and the Siebel Account tables in the Siebel database. This update is accomplished by running server components:

Overview of the Update Process

This section outlines the process of loading D&B data from the staging tables to the D&B Account tables and through to updating the Siebel account tables.

This process recommends using the D&B Update Manager MultiTask server component to run server component tasks in parallel. However, use of the single task D&B Update Manager (D&B) and D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server components is also documented in this chapter.

  1. Make sure you have loaded the D&B data into the staging tables as discussed in Loading D&B Data and Loading D&B Data Using Sample Scripts.
  2. Update the D&B Account tables with data from the staging tables:
    • To optimize performance, you may choose to do one of the following:
      • For first time data loading, that is, when there are no D&B records in the database, drop the indexes on these D&B Account tables: S_DNB_ORG, S_DNB_ORG_SIC, S_DNB_CON_MRC, and S_PRSP_CONTACT.
      • For subsequent updates, drop the indexes on the S_DNB_ORG table only, all except for the indexes S_DNB_ORG_U1 (DUNS_NUM), S_DNB_ORG_P1 (ROW_ID), and S_DNB_ORG_M01 (the clustered index) on this table.
    • Create a search specification on the D-U-N-S number to set up your preferred batch sizes and determine the corresponding D-U-N-S number ranges per batch for loading the data from the staging tables to the D&B Account tables.
    • Execute concurrent D&B Update Manager (D&B) server tasks by running the D&B Update Manager MultiTask server component. See About the Multiple Task Siebel Update Server Component and Running the Siebel Update Server Components.
    • Continue to execute the concurrent D&B Update Manager (D&B) server tasks until all data is loaded into the D&B Account tables.
    • If you dropped indexes on the D&B Account tables, re-create them. This can be done using Siebel utilities ddlexp (to back up the indexes before dropping) and ddlimp (to re-create them).
  3. Update the Siebel Account tables from the D&B Account tables for accounts with matching D-U-N-S numbers by executing concurrent D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server tasks using the D&B Update Manager MultiTask server component. See Multiple D&B Update Manager (Siebel) Processes and Running the Siebel Update Server Components.

About the Single Task Siebel Update Server Components

The update server components are part of the Dun and Bradstreet Enterprise Component Group. This group and each of its D&B Batch Components must be enabled. Once enabled, each component can be run as a batch task. Figure 19 shows how the staging tables are mapped to the D&B Account tables.

Figure 19.  D&B Update Manager (D&B) Table Names
Click for full size image

Figure 20 shows how the D&B Account tables are mapped to the Siebel Account tables.

Figure 20.  D&B Update Manager (Siebel) Table Names
Click for full size image

Field Mapping for the D&B Update Manager Process lists the default table mapping from the D&B Account tables to the Siebel Account tables that are used by the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component.

About the Multiple Task Siebel Update Server Component

You can use the server component DNBUpMgrMultiTask to spawn multiple Update Manager processes. Running several parallel processes helps you maximize your performance with large data loads and gives you greater scheduling flexibility. You can control the number of processes that are created by editing the dnbtask.cfg file. The dnbtask.cfg file contains two sections, one to set tasks for the D&B Update Manager (D&B) process and the second to set tasks for the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) process.

The dnbtask.cfg file is located in the sqltempl subdirectory, in the server installation directory.

Multiple D&B Update Manager (D&B) Processes

By default the dnbtask.cfg file sets up three simultaneous tasks, based on D-U-N-S number ranges. The DNBUpMgrDNB portion of the file looks like this:


Task1 = ,100000000

Task2 = 100000000,200000000

Task3 = 200000000,

These four ranges translate into four DNBUpMgrDNB tasks, each taking care of loading records within a particular D-U-N-S number range:

,100000000 means D-U-N-S numbers < 100000000

100000000,200000000 means D-U-N-S numbers >=100000000 and < 200000000

200000000, means D-U-N-S numbers >=200000000

Edit the file to change the number of parallel processes created or the range of D-U-N-S numbers updated.

CAUTION:  If you use DNBUpMgrMultiTask to run multiple UpdateMgr processes, you must make sure that processes running at the same time have mutually exclusive ranges. Unpredictable results will occur if multiple processes collide.

Multiple D&B Update Manager (D&B) Processes with First Time Data Loading

The first time you load D&B data, that is, when there are no D&B records in the database, you may use a special .sql file (dnbinitial.sql) which is optimized to do only inserts. This results in faster loading of data than using the dnbmaps.tsq file.

To use the dnbinitial.sql file, set the server component parameter DNBConfigFile to dnbinitial.sql. (For examples, see Step 4 in the To run the D&B Update Manager (D&B) server component from within your Siebel application (multiple task process) procedure and Step 2 in the To run the D&B Update Manager (D&B) server component from a command line (single or multiple task process) procedure.) This can be done from Server Manager or from your Siebel application.

For subsequent updates, the DNBConfigFile should be set to dnbmaps.tsq.

NOTE:  The dnbinitial.sql file assumes that you dropped the indexes on the D&B Account tables (Step 2 in the To load D&B data if you are using Microsoft SQL Server procedure).

Multiple D&B Update Manager (Siebel) Processes

By default the dnbtask.cfg file sets up five simultaneous tasks, based on tables updated. The DNBUpMgrSieb portion of the file looks like this:







You may edit the file to change the number of parallel processes created. However, note that the order of the updates within individual tasks is important; for example UPDATE_INDUST should be done before UPDATE_SIEBEL_INDUST. Use caution when updating the DNBUpMgrSieb portion of the dnbtask.cfg file.

CAUTION:  If you have modified the RTI configuration file to insert new accounts into the Siebel Accounts table, do not run the multiple task process. Instead you must run the single task D&B Update Mgr (Siebel) server component. Make sure you have modified the dnbmaps.sql file used by the single task server component. The order of the updates is critical to data integrity if new accounts are being added.

 Applications Administration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004