Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide > Customizing Workflow Policies with Siebel Tools > Understanding Workflow Policy Programs >

Using the Workflow Policy Program Argument List View

Workflow policy program arguments define recipients, database actions, and available substitutions. Each workflow policy program typically has several program arguments. The argument fields that display in this view depend on the type of workflow policy program you select. A workflow policy program argument is a child process of a workflow policy program.

Table 71 shows the Workflow Policy Program Argument properties values.

Table 71. Workflow Policy Program Argument Common Properties
Picklist applet.
Default Value
Text value of a type that depends on the Name of the program argument—an SQL statement, the text of a message, the email address of a recipient, and so on.
Maximum length is 2000 characters.
Identifies the parameter from a predefined list.
Picklist object.
Value is TRUE or FALSE. Indicates whether or not data entry is required.
Source Field
Picklist Source field.
Value is TRUE or FALSE. Indicates whether the data supplied by this argument is displayed.
Checked if program is not active.

When setting a Default Value for time/date fields, the following formats should be used:

Common Workflow Policy Program Argument Values

You can add functionality to workflow policy program arguments by creating a new workflow policy program argument record. Workflow policy program arguments determine how the workflow policy program behaves, including what substitutions are available for a workflow policy program and how the recipients are defined. Valid values for workflow policy program arguments common to all workflow policy programs are shown in Table 72.

Table 72. Valid Database Operations Workflow Policy Program Argument Values
Allowable Default Value
Primary ID
The row ID of the violating row that the Workflow policy program is acting on.
Should be empty.
Primary Table
The base table to which the action is applied. The base table can be unrelated to the record of the primary ID. Examples include: The violating row is in a child table and we now wish to insert/update a record in the parent table. Tables can also be updated that are not related to the primary ID table. For example, create a Message Broadcast record when a certain monitored condition in the Opportunity record is true.
Any of the tables defined within the Siebel business object repository (as compared to the workflow business object). Workflow business objects are used for monitoring conditions but are not used in the coding of action programs.
Update Row ID
The row ID of a table other than the primary table of the workflow policy object. You can associate a workflow policy action with a workflow policy that updates any table.
This value is used only when the Operation Type is set to update.
The row ID you want to update.
Operation Type
What operation to perform—update or insert.
Two possible values for DB Operation: Update or Insert.
Field Name
Name of the column in the base table to which the operation is performed.
This is one of two field column pairs.
Allowable values: Text, Variable, Function.
New Row ID
For insert operations, this argument is automatically populated with the row ID of the row about to be inserted.
Should be empty.
Field Name (Column)
Name must be identical to the Field Name of the first column pair and (Column) appended to the name.

This is the second of two Column Pairs.
Actual field name in the base table.
The value can not contain any leading spaces.
Sql Statement
Selects additional data from the database to be used as substitutions when the action is performed.
Valid SQL query statement for the RDBMS used (that is, Oracle, MS SQL, Informix, or Sybase).
Sql Statement Inputs
Name of the column in the base table on which the operation will be performed.
Sql Statement Outputs
A placeholder for the values selected in the SQL Statement argument.
Variable Name.

When you run a database operation with Insert as the Operation Type, you can select a Default Value—New Row ID—as described previously, which provides the value for the ROW_Id field for the row being inserted.

Send Message Program Arguments

Table 73 describes program arguments specific to the Send Message program.

Table 73. Send Message Program Argument Properties
Email Message
Body of the email message.
Any text with available substitutions.
Email Message Repeated
Text that is repeated when the Consolidate feature is used.
Any text with available substitutions.
Email Subject
Text in subject line of the email message.
Any text.
Send to Contact
All contacts available in Siebel.
Send to Position
List of the positions available in Siebel.
Send to Employee
List of all employees available in Siebel.

Send Page Program Arguments

Table 74 describes the Program Arguments particular to the Send Page program.

Table 74. Send Page Program Argument Properties
Send to Contact
All contacts available in Siebel.
Picklist of contacts.
Send to Employee
List of all employees available in Siebel.
Picklist of employees.
Send to Position
List of the positions available in Siebel.
Picklist of positions.
Send to Relative
Send to an individual or group of individuals related to the Workflow object.
Alpha Numeric Page Message
Body of the text message.
Any text with available substitutions.
Numeric Page Message
Body of the numeric message.
Any text with available substitutions.

Run External Program Arguments

Table 75 describes the Program Arguments particular to the Run External Program program.

Table 75. Run External Program Argument Properties
Command Line
What parameters to pass to the executable.
Executable Name
Full path to the executable to execute.
Executable Type
The mode in which the workflow action agent will execute the external program.
No wait.

 Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide 
 Published: 29 May 2003