Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide for Financial Services > Planning for Workflow Policies > Planning for Workflow Policies >

Planning Policies and Conditions

The second step in planning is to define the policy properties and conditions, identify the workflow policy object to be monitored in the Siebel database, and determine the monitoring interval period and duration.

Table 41 illustrates the type of information you need to model the general policy definition in terms of Workflow Policies. It shows the workflow policy name as Email Confirmation of SR, the workflow policy object is Service Request, monitoring interval period (Workflow Group) is Medium Frequency, and the duration is set to 0.

Table 41. Planning Policies
Workflow Object
Workflow Group
Activation/Expiration Date/Time
Email Confirmation of SR
Service Request
Medium Frequency

NOTE:  Duration indicates the time element that must be met before an action is performed. Each workflow policy has one duration, so if you need to cause an action to occur after one hour, two hours, and six hours, you must create a different policy for each duration.

After you determine your policy's workflow object and other properties, you need to define the workflow conditions, as shown in Table 42. Conditions are in the form of an expression.

Table 42. Workflow Policy Conditions
Field (Column Monitored in the Database)
Service Request Severity
Service Request Status

 Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide for Financial Services 
 Published: 22 May 2003