Siebel Distance Learning Guide > Administering the Distance Learning Server >

Navigating to the Server Administration Screen

The Server Administration screen allows you to access Distance Learning Web pages where you can perform server administration tasks. The following procedure describes how to get to the Server Administration screen.

To navigate to the Server Administration screen from a URL

  1. Start your Web browser and enter the URL for your Siebel Distance Learning home page. From within the Siebel application's Site Map, click the Siebel Distance Learning hyperlink, then click the Distance Learning Home hyperlink.
  2. The Siebel Distance Learning home page appears.

Click for full size image

  1. Click the Server Admin screen tab.
  2. The User Login form appears.

    Click for full size image

  3. In the User Login form, enter your User ID and Password and click OK.
  4. The first server administrator to log on to Siebel Distance Learning will need to use the default values that are already in the system.

    User ID:




    The Server Admin Main page appears.

    Click for full size image

    You have now navigated to the Server Administration screen and are ready to begin performing the server administration tasks.

 Siebel Distance Learning Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003