Siebel Distance Learning Guide > Conducting a Distance Learning Session > Starting a Distance Learning Session >

Using the Capture Frame

The Capture Frame is the transparent window that appears when you are the instructor for a session. This window floats on top of other windows on your display.

When you are presenting material to the session attendees, the Capture Frame controls which images are transmitted to them. Session participants can see everything within the borders of the Capture Frame. You can resize the Capture Frame to include just those areas of the screen that you want to transmit, and you can move it to any location on your screen by dragging it with the mouse.

The color of the Capture Frame serves as a visual indicator during a session. The default color of the frame border is green. By default, the frame border flickers yellow when Distance Learning is transmitting data to attendees, and returns to a steady green when attendees have received the data. The frame border turns red when you select the Pause command to momentarily suspend transmission. The frame border turns blue when you are in application sharing mode.

To present information using the Capture Frame

  1. Navigate to the Session Administration screen.
  2. In the Sessions list, click the session name hyperlink that you will use for your training session. Auto installation will take place if the client software is not installed on your computer.
  3. The Distance Learning window appears.

  4. Choose Presentation > Present.
  5. The Siebel Distance Learning client transmits everything inside the Capture Frame to session attendees in real time. This means that everything you do inside the Capture Frame will be visible to the other attendees as you do it unless you go off-air or pause the session.

 Siebel Distance Learning Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003