Siebel eEnergy Guide > Defining an Integration Workflow Process >

Sample Workflow Process: CUT Send Account Data

This section examines a send-type sample workflow process to help you understand how the workflow process is set up.

The CUT Send Account Data workflow process sends an XML string, created from an account record, to an IBM MQSeries queue.

Viewing the Sample Workflow Process

You can view any of the sample workflow processes in Siebel eEnergy.

To view the CUT Send Account Data sample workflow process

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Business Process Administration > Workflow Processes.
  2. From the Queries drop-down list, select All Processes.
  3. In the Workflow Processes list, select CUT Send Account Data.
  4. Click the Process Designer view tab.
  5. The workflow process is displayed as a flowchart.

    Click for full size image

Viewing CUT Send Account Data Workflow Process Properties

Properties that apply to all steps of a workflow process are called workflow process properties. These properties apply to all workflow processes:

The CUT Send Account Data workflow process has these additional properties:

To view properties for the CUT Send Account Data workflow process

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Business Process Administration > Workflow Processes.
  2. From the Queries drop-down list, select All Processes.
  3. In the Workflow Processes list, select CUT Send Account Data.
  4. Click the Process Properties view tab.
  5. Click for full size image

Viewing the Workflow Process Steps

You can examine the details of any workflow process step.

To examine the details of the CUT Send Account Data workflow process steps

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Workflow Administration > Workflow Processes.
  2. From the Queries drop-down list, select All Processes.
  3. In the Workflow Processes list, select CUT Send Account Data.
  4. Click the Process Designer view tab.
  5. Double-click the step you want to view.
  6. Information about the workflow process step appears.

Get Account Data Subprocess Step

The first step after Start is the Get Account Data subprocess. This subprocess contains two steps:

To view the Get Account Data subprocess, follow the directions in To examine the details of the CUT Send Account Data workflow process steps and double-click the Get Account Data step. The individual substeps are not detailed in the Sub Process form. To see them, you must view the Get Account Data workflow process.

Figure 18 shows the Subprocess view for the Get Account Data subprocess step of the CUT Send Account Data workflow process.

Figure 18.  Get Account Data Subprocess Step of the CUT Send Account Data Workflow Process

Click for full size image

To examine the details of the CUT Get Account Data subprocess step

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Business Process Administration > Workflow Processes.
  2. From the Queries drop-down list, select All Processes.
  3. In the Workflow Processes list, select CUT Get Account Data.
  4. Click the Process Designer view tab.
  5. The workflow process is displayed as a flowchart.

    Click for full size image

  6. Double-click the Get Account Data step.
Get Account Data Step

This step uses the query method of the Siebel EAI Adapter to get an instance of an account record from the Siebel database. The CUT Sample Account IO describes the structure of the Account business object and was created using the Integration Object Builder. The other part of the query criteria is the Object Id, which is a process property that contains the row ID for the account in the sample DB.

NOTE:  The CUT Sample Account IO value is actually specified as a process property that is used as the input argument for the process step.

Figure 19 shows the Business Service view for the Get Account Data step of the CUT Get Account Data workflow process.

Figure 19.  Get Account Data Step of the CUT Get Account Data Workflow Process

Click for full size image

Convert to XML Step

This step uses the Integration Object Hierarchy to XML Document method of the EAI XML Converter to convert the outbound Siebel Message to XML and store it in the Account XML output argument.

Figure 20 shows the Business Service view for the Convert to XML step of the CUT Get Account Data workflow process.

Figure 20.  Convert to XML Step of the CUT Get Account Data Workflow Process

Click for full size image

Send Step

The last step in the CUT Send Account Data workflow process before End invokes the EAI MQSeries Server Transport to put the XML message onto the MQSeries queue, called Employee. The message is represented by the Message Text argument.

The Queue Manager Name and Physical Queue Name are defined during the MQSeries setup. The Account XML message is sent to the queue specified by the Physical Queue Name property, which is managed by the queue manager specified in the Queue Manager Name property.

Figure 21 shows the Business Service view for the Send step of the CUT Send Account Data workflow process.

Figure 21.  Send Step of the CUT Send Account Data Workflow Process

Click for full size image


 Siebel eEnergy Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003