Siebel eEvents Management Guide for Financial Services > Registering for an Event >

End-User Procedures for Self-Registering for an Event

End users can self-register through the eEvents Web site. However, prior to a potential attendee self-registering for an event, the hosting organization should complete several tasks. These tasks are as follows:

After being invited, the potential attendee performs the following tasks:

If the potential attendee wants to cancel his or her registration at any point in the process, they must contact an administrator who can cancel their registration for them.

Registering to Use the Web Site

In order to self-register using a Web browser, a potential attendee must first be a registered user of the Siebel eEvents Web site.

NOTE:  Siebel eEvents for Finance is an optional module that allows customers to use a Web site to register for events. Your company must purchase this module in order to use Web registration and follow the procedures described in this section.

eEvents for Finance Visibility

eEvents Manager for Finance follows visibility rules and displays information on the Web site according to the following criteria:

eEvents Web Site Registration Process

The first step in becoming a Siebel eEvents Web site user is to obtain the address for the site's home page. This address may be obtained through one of the following:

After obtaining the home page address, and if the event is not restricted, any potential attendee can become a registered Web site user by clicking the New User link on the home page. Once registered on the Web site, the potential attendee can view event information and self-register for the event. However, if the event is restricted, the company hosting the event must establish the potential attendee as a registered Web site user and invite them to the event in order to enable the potential attendee to self-register.

NOTE:  As described in Preparing for an Event if the External check box is not selected in the Event form, the event is not visible to Web site users under any circumstances.

The following procedure describes how to self-register as an eEvents Web site user. You may want to adapt and distribute these instructions to your event-hosting employees and Web site users who have limited access to documented procedures.

To self-register as an eEvents Web site user

  1. Use standard Web browser to navigate to the eEvents home page.
  2. Click the New User link in the User Login form.
  3. A Personal Information form appears.

  4. Complete the fields of the Personal Information form, noting the username and password values you enter (for future reference), then click Next.
  5. In the Contact Information form, complete the fields, and then click Next.
  6. A Usage Terms dialog box appears, showing a license agreement.

  7. Read the terms of the agreement, then click I Agree to proceed.
  8. A Registration Confirmation message appears.

  9. Click Finish.
  10. The Siebel eEvents Web site reappears, but the User Login form is no longer displayed, as you are now logged in.

    NOTE:  Siebel eEvents Manager for Finance administration screens are accessed through Siebel applications such as Siebel Sales, Siebel Marketing, or Siebel Call Center. Depending on your Siebel application configuration, Siebel eEvents end-user screens may or may not be accessible through these Siebel applications, as well.

Self-Registering to Attend an Event

An end user can self-register to attend an event when all of the following are true:

When these conditions are met, an end user can view the event and register to attend the event. However, if the Event Type is Restricted, the end user cannot register to attend the event, and he or she can only view the event if they are an invited attendee.

The following procedures describe how a registered user of the eEvents Web site can register to attend an event and any particular sessions within a subevent that may require separate registration. Note, however, that attendees who are registered for subevents and sessions are automatically registered for their parent subevents and events, as the case may be.

NOTE:  Confirmed registration for the subevent is required before registration for sessions is possible.

To self-register to attend an event

  1. Navigate to the home page of the eEvents Web site.
  2. Log in as a registered user of the site. New user registration is described in To self-register as an eEvents Web site user.
  3. The Siebel eEvents home page reappears without the User Login form.

  4. Click one of the following links to view event information:
  5. If you clicked one of the first three links in Step 3, click the name of an event that interests you. Otherwise, proceed to Step 5.
  6. In the Event form, click Register.
  7. If there is no charge for the event, and if there is still space available, the My Events list appears. The list includes the event you selected, with the Status field set to Confirmed, showing that you are registered for the event. Also, an email message is automatically sent to you, reporting that your registration is confirmed for the event.

    If there is no charge for the event, but the maximum enrollment has been reached, the My Events list appears, but the event listing shows a status of Waitlisted. An email message is automatically sent to you, reporting that you are on the waiting list and will be informed if space becomes available.

    If there is a registration fee for the event, and if there is still space available, the Shopping Cart appears, containing information about the charge for the event.

    1. To continue registering for additional events before paying, return to the eEvents home page and repeat Step 3 and Step 4.
    2. To pay for all of the events you for which are registering, click Check Out.
    3. In the Payment Method form, enter your credit card and billing information. If you have used the Shopping Cart before, your previously entered information displays for you to edit or confirm.
    4. Click Continue to display the Order Summary, and verify that all information is correct.
    5. Click Confirm Order. An Order Confirmation message appears.
    6. Click Return to Home Page, and then click View Your Registrations to display the My Registered Events list.
    7. The list includes the event(s) you selected, with the Status field set to Confirmed, indicating you are registered for the event. Also, two email messages are automatically sent to you, one reporting that your registration is confirmed, the other reporting your Shopping Cart transaction.

The following procedure describes how to complete an unconfirmed registration for an event, either to convert a status of Pending to a status of Confirmed, or to convert a status of Waitlisted to a status of Confirmed.

To complete a pending or waitlisted registration to attend an event

  1. In the My Events list on the Home Page, click the View Your Registrations link.
  2. The My Registered Events list appears.

  3. Locate the listing for the registration that you want to complete, and click the link in the Name column of that listing.
  4. An Event form, a Sessions list, and a My Confirmed Sessions list appears.

  5. Complete Step 5.

The following procedure describes how to register for sessions within an event.

To register to attend sessions within an event

  1. If you have not already done so, register for the sessions' event, and make sure that your registration status is Confirmed.
  2. For instructions on how to register, see To self-register to attend an event.

  3. In the My Events list, click the name of the subevent.
  4. An Event form, a Sessions list, and a My Confirmed Sessions list appear.

  5. In the Sessions list, find the session you want to register for, and then click the Register link.
  6. A Session form appears. This form includes information about the time and place that the session will be held, and indicates whether or not there is an additional fee for attending the session.

  7. Click the Register button.
  8. If there is no additional fee for the session, and if there is still space available, the Event form, Sessions list, and My Confirmed Sessions list reappear. The selected session is listed in the My Confirmed Sessions list with a value of Confirmed in the Status field.

    If there is no additional fee for the session, but maximum enrollment has been reached, the Event form, Sessions list, and My Confirmed Sessions list reappear. The selected session is listed in the My Confirmed Sessions list with a value of Waitlisted in the Status field.

    If there is an additional fee for the session, and if there is still space available, the Shopping Cart appears, containing information about the charge for the session.

    1. To continue registering for additional sessions before paying, return to the eEvents home page and repeat Step 2 and Step 3.
    2. To pay for all of the sessions you for which are registering, click Check Out.
    3. In the Payment Method form, enter your credit card and billing information. If you have used the Shopping Cart before, your previously entered information displays for you to edit or confirm.
    4. Click Continue to display the Order Summary, and verify that all information is correct.
    5. Click Confirm Order. An Order Confirmation message appears.
    6. Click Return to Home Page, and then click View Your Registrations to display the My Registered Events list.
    7. Click the name of the event that includes the session you selected.
    8. An Events form, Sessions list, and My Confirmed Sessions list reappear. The selected session is listed in the My Confirmed Sessions list with a value of Confirmed in the Status field.

      If there is an additional fee for the session, but maximum enrollment has been reached, the Event form, Sessions list, and My Confirmed Sessions list reappear. The selected session is listed in the My Confirmed Sessions list with a value of Waitlisted in the Status field.To register for additional sessions, repeat Step 3 and Step 4.

Troubleshooting Registration

If you are experiencing difficulty submitting credit card information using the Shopping Cart, make sure that eEvents is properly configured for the database software in use. For more information, see Installing and Configuring eEvents Manager for Finance.

 Siebel eEvents Management Guide for Financial Services 
 Published: 18 April 2003