Fundamentals > Working with Data >

Field Controls

You can enter data into the application by typing directly into fields or by using field controls. Field controls are tools that you use to interact with a record. A field control can be a check box, a drop-down list, a button, and so on.

Field controls allow you to do such things as choose from a list of predefined values, enter values in a multivalue field, specify dates, and calculate values.

A field control can appear within a form or as part of a record in a list. To use a field control to edit a record in a list, click the control to activate it. In a form, you can see the field control if one is available. In a list, you do not see a field control until you click in a field that includes one.

NOTE:  A field that has an asterisk beside it is a required field. You cannot save a record until you have entered data in its required fields.

 Published: 14 August 2003