Fundamentals > Working with Data > Field Controls >

Text Fields

A text field allows you to type text directly into it. Simply click within the field and begin typing. Figure 18 shows an example of a text field.

NOTE:  Date fields will only allow you to enter dates between January 1, 1753 to December 31, 4712. If you enter an incorrect value in a date field, you will receive an error. For example, if you enter 01/01/19999, you will receive an error.

Figure 18.  Text Field

NOTE:  Many text fields can hold only a specific number of characters. The allowable number varies through the application. However, numerical fields only hold up to 14 characters.

You can launch a text editor from a text field in a list or form to create, edit, or view large amounts of text. This editor can be accessed by clicking the text editor button in the top right corner of the text field. In a list, this button appears only after the text field has been selected. Figure 19 shows an example of the Siebel Text Editor that launches when you click the text editor button.

Figure 19.  Siebel Text Editor

If a field has a gray background, the field is read-only and the content cannot be changed. Clicking the text editor button in a read-only field will launch a text reader. You cannot make changes to the text, but you can read it.

 Published: 14 August 2003