Fundamentals > Working with Data > Common Record Tasks >

Sorting Records in a List

Records in a list can be sorted on a column. For example, accounts can be sorted to appear alphabetically by name (by sorting on the Name column). In addition, an advanced sort allows you to sort on up to three columns at once. You might want to sort the accounts by name, then by current volume of sales, and then by city.

CAUTION:  If you have used any special characters in a field, such as parentheses, you may encounter problems when you try to sort records.

Sorting on One Column

Often you need to sort on only one column of data. Use the ascending (up) and descending (down) arrows to sort on an individual column in ascending or descending order. An ascending sort organizes records from 0 to 9 and A to Z; a descending sort organizes records from 9 to 0 and Z to A. Green indicates the active direction of the sort. The Last Name column in Figure 29 is sorted in ascending order.

Figure 29.  Ascending and Descending Arrows

To sort on a single column

  1. In a list, use the column headings to decide which column to sort on.
  2. NOTE:  Not all columns are sortable. You can sort only on columns that contain ascending and descending arrows in the column header.

  3. Click the up arrow to sort the column's data in ascending order or click the down arrow to sort the column's data in descending order.
  4. One arrow in the sorted column will be green, indicating the direction of the sort.

    NOTE:  The sort order is reset when you leave the screen, unless you save it as part of a query. This option is only available from My views. For more information on querying, see Using Queries.

Performing an Advanced Sort

The advanced sort feature allows you to sort on up to three columns at once. Figure 30 shows an example of the Sort Order dialog box.

Figure 30.  Sort Order Dialog Box

To perform an advanced sort

  1. In a list, click the menu button, and then click Advanced Sort.
  2. The Sort Order dialog box appears.

  3. From the Sort by field, click the down-arrow button and select the column on which you want to sort first.
  4. Click the Ascending or Descending option button for your sort order.
  5. From the Then by field, click the down-arrow button and select another column for your sort. Indicate sort order by clicking the Ascending or Descending option button.
  6. To sort on three columns, select the second Then by down-arrow button, make another column selection, and indicate the sort order.
  7. Click OK.
  8. The columns are sorted in the order you specified.

 Published: 14 August 2003