Siebel Interactive Selling Transact Server Interface Reference > Installing Transact Server > Prepare the Application to Connect with Transact Server >

Setting the app_config.js Properties

After you install Transact, you must set the several properties in the app_config.js file. This file is located in the Custom directory where you installed your Siebel browser-based application:

Table 1 describes all the Transact properties which you can modify in the app_config.js file.

Table 1. Transact Properties to Set in app_config.js
What It Does
Transact Active
Turns on/off Transact
Transact Not Active Msg
Sets the message that will appear if a user tries to access Transact functionality when TRANSACT_ACTIVE is set to false.
TRANSACT_NOT_ACTIVE_MSSG = "Sorry, the action you have requested is currently unavailable. \n Please contact your system administrator.\n";
Transact URL
Sets the URL of Siebel Transact.
TRANSACT_URL = "http://application server/siebel/SiebelTransact";
Transact Third Party Cart
Determines whether or not a third party cart will be used.
Transact Show Cart URL
Sets the URL that will be used when the third party cart is opened.
Transact Cart Winargs
Sets the window properties for the shopping cart. This is also used to open a window for the third party cart.
TRANSACT_CART_WINARGS ="height=500,width=500,scrollbars=1, resizable=1,menubar=0";
Transact Cart Target
Determines whether the Transact cart will appear in a window ("_new") or in a frame ("frameName").

Setting the Order_Subvar Configuration Variable

You must initialize the ORDER_SUBVAR variable that defines subitems in app_config.js file.

Siebel browser-based applications use the ORDER_SUBVAR variable to identify "items" in your feature table. Feature tables can store various kinds of data that applies to a product.

For example, a car may be represented by the features SKU, MODEL, COLOR, and CAR_ALARM. Now, if you want to use subitems on a bill of materials, you must first identify the column that represents the product as an "item." Before you make this distinction, every feature (SKU, MODEL, COLOR, and CAR_ALARM) is the same to Siebel eAdvisor. Once you define the ORDER_SUBVAR variable, you can identify which features are descriptive and should not be considered line items (such as COLOR), and which are actual items and should appear on a bill of materials (such as CAR_ALARM).

ORDER_SUBVAR should be set to the column name of a feature table which contains a part number or other information which identifies that item distinctly from other items in the feature table. If you set the ORDER_SUBVAR variable to "SKU," when a feature table contains a column named SKU, each row that has an entry in the SKU column becomes an item. In this scenario, a bill of materials would include parts for every row that includes SKU.

Note that subitems are needed only when a main level product is made up of other products.



See Siebel Interactive Designer Administration Guide for more information on feature tables.

 Siebel Interactive Selling Transact Server Interface Reference 
 Published: 18 April 2003