Siebel Marketing Guide > Initializing Siebel Marketing > Setting Up Target Group Segmentation on a UNIX Platform >

Configuring the Odbc.ini File for Target Group Segmentation

After setting up and exporting environment variables, the Marketing administrator must configure the odbc.ini file. This needs to be done on the machine that runs Siebel Server to allow Target Group Segmentation to work in a UNIX environment. For information about setting up and exporting environment variables, see Setting Up Environment Variables for Target Group Segmentation.

To configure your odbc.ini file

  1. In your directory named [Analytics install folder]/Setup, locate and open the odbc.ini file.
  2. Copy the [AnalyticsWeb] section (including the section name) so that you can paste it into your odbc.ini file.
  3. This section should include the following information:

    Driver=[Siebel Analytics install client directory]/

    Description=Siebel Analytics Server

    ServerMachine=[Siebel Analytics Server's machine nme]

    Port=[Siebel Analytics Server's machine name port numbert]

  4. In the directory named [Siebel Server install folder]/ses/siebsrvr/sys, open your odbc.ini file and paste the [AnalyticsWeb] section that you copied in Step 2.
  5. In your odbc.ini file, locate the Analytics ODBC DSN that was identified in Step 6 of To set and export environment variables.
  6. You use [AnalyticsWeb] if you did not change the default.

  7. In the [ODBC Data Sources] section, add the Merant supported driver for Analytics using the following as an example:
  8. AnalyticsWeb=MERANT 4.1 Oracle 9 Driver

  9. Restart the Siebel Server.
  10. Set and export the following environment variable:
  11. DISPLAY=[any machine running X-Term server]:0.0

    NOTE:  It is recommended that you add this statement to the siebsrvr.csh file.

  12. Verify that the user can connect through ODBCSQL to the Analytics data source by typing the following command in the command line.
  13. odbcsql /s [Analytics data source name] /u [user name] /p [password]

 Siebel Marketing Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003