Siebel Mobile Connector Guide


Additional Resources

Revision History

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About the Siebel Mobile Connector

About the Siebel Mobile Connector

Usage Scenarios

Sample Sales Voice Scenario

Sample Customer Service Voice Scenario

Sample Wireless Sales Scenario

Architecture Overview

How to Work with the Siebel Mobile Connector

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Installing the Siebel Mobile Connector

Installation Prerequisites

Required Siebel Components

Optional Siebel Components

Configuring Server Components

Optional Server Configuration Settings

After Installation of Siebel Server

Configuring the Siebel Mobile Connector

Server Configuration Files and DLL Files

Configuring the smc.cfg File

Configuring the smcalert.cfg File

Configuring a User Agent for the Siebel Mobile Connector Applications

Configuring the Application Definition

Installing and Configuring the Sample Application

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Working with the Siebel Mobile Connector

Overview of Data Transfer Mechanisms

Real-Time Access to Data

XML Commands and SWE Methods

XML User Data

Authenticating Users

Retrieving Data

Updating and Synchronizing Data

Getting Updates


Global Language Support

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Working with the Metadata Business Service

How the Metadata Business Service Works

Architecture Components

Metadata Process Flow

The Metadata Business Service API








Using the Reference Configuration Sample

Performing Common Tasks

Applying Style Sheets

Reference Configuration Sample User Interface

Welcome Screen

Siebel Applications Screen

SMC Alert Welcome Screen

Load Subscription Screen

Metadata Extractor Screen

Subscription Configuration Screen

Style Sheets Screen

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Working with the Alert Business Service

How the Alert Business Service Works

Alert Process Flow

Configuring Alerts

Sample Alert Configuration Scenario

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SMC Application Definition Quick Reference

SMC Account Screen

SMC Account View

SMC Account Detail View

SMC Account Detail - Contacts View

SMC Account Detail - Opportunities View

SMC Account Detail - Activities View

SMC Account Detail - Service Requests View

Account Attachment View

SMC Account List Applet

Account Form Applet

SMC Account Contact List Applet

SMC Oppty List Applet

SMC Account Activity List Applet

SMC Account Service List Applet

Account Attachment Applet

Account Entry Applet

SMC Activity Screen

SMC Activity View

SMC Activity Detail View

SMC Activity Detail - Contacts View

Activity Attachment View

SMC Activity List Applet

Activity Form Applet

SMC Activity Contact List Applet

Activity Attachment Applet

SMC Contact Screen

SMC Contact View

SMC Contact Detail View

SMC Contact Detail - Opportunities View

Contact Attachment View

SMC Contact Detail - Service Request View

SMC Contact Detail - Accounts View

SMC Contact Detail - Activities View

SMC Contact List Applet

Contact Form Applet

SMC Oppty List Applet

Contact Attachment Applet

SMC Service Request List Applet

SMC Contact Account List Applet

SMC Activity List Applet

SMC Opportunity Screen

SMC Opportunity View

SMC Opportunity Detail View

SMC Opportunity Detail - Contacts View

SMC Opportunity Detail - Activities View

Opportunity Attachment View

SMC Opportunity List Applet

Opportunity Form Applet

SMC Opportunity Contact List Applet

SMC Opportunity Activity List Applet

Opportunity Attachment Applet

SMC Service Request Screen

SMC Service Request View

SMC Service Request Detail View

Service Request Detail View

Service Request Detail View with Attachments

SMC Service Request List Applet

Service Request Detail Applet

Service Request Activity List Applet

Service Request Attachment List Applet

SMC eService Request Screen

SMC eService Request View

SMC eService Request List Applet

SMC eService Order Screen

SMC eService Order View

SMC eService Orders List Applet

SMC eOrder Line Items List Applet

SMC Branch Locator Screen

SMC Branch Locator View

SMC Branch Locator

SMC Employee Screen

SMC Employee View

SMC Employee ReadOnly List Applet

SMC Responsibility Screen

SMC Responsibility View

SMC Responsibility List Administration Applet

SMC View List Administration Applet

SMC User List Administration Applet

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Sample XML and XSL Output

Sample XML Screen Representation

Sample XML Alert Message

Sample XSL Style Sheets

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Siebel Mobile Connector Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Key

Troubleshooting Questions

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Document Type Definition

DTD for Application Definition

DTD for Subscriptions

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 Siebel Mobile Connector Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003