Siebel Server Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows > Installing CORBA Object Manager >

Final Configuration of CORBA Using Orbix

The following topics describe tasks to finalize configuration and running CORBA using Orbix.

Command-Line Syntax

The Siebel CORBA Object Manager for Orbix is implemented in the executable ssomorbx.exe, which is a normal console mode application and is located in the SIEBEL_ROOT\corbaom\bin directory. The command-line syntax used when invoking ssomorbx is as follows:

ssomorbx /n servername /c configfile /d datasource /l language /maxconn maxconnections [/b bindname [/x context] [/r]] [otherarg ...]


servername is the servant process name.

configfile is the name of the configuration file. This may be a filename (in which case the file must reside in the language subdirectory of the BIN directory) or a full pathname.

datasource is the name of the data source defined in the configuration file to which the Siebel CORBA Object Manager should connect.

language is the language code in which the Siebel CORBA Object Manager operates; for example, enu for U.S. English.

maxconnections is the maximum number of concurrent client connections that this server can support.

bindname is an optional argument that defines the stringified name to bind to the SiebelAppFactory object in the CORBA naming service.

context is an optional argument that defines the stringified name that defines the CORBA naming service naming-context in which the bindname appears. This argument and the /x option are only meaningful when the /b option is also present.

/r is an option that specifies that the bindname should be registered as a member of an OrbixNames load-balancing group using round-robin selection. This option is only meaningful when the /b option is also present.

otherarg is an option argurment that specifies additional arguments that may be passed to the Orbix ORB during initialization.

Configuring CORBA Object Manager as a Persistent Server for Orbix

In persistent mode, the CORBA Object Manager is always running and available for client requests.

NOTE:  The Orbix implementation only supports persistent mode.

For detailed information about all the command-line options that are used in the following procedure, see Command-Line Syntax. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut created during installation to invoke the CORBA Object Manager by choosing Start > Programs > Siebel CORBA Object Manager 7.x.x > Siebel CORBA Object Manager (Orbix ORB). The default servername in the shortcut is SiebelCorbaServer, so you must register that name in Step 2 of the following procedure for the shortcut to work.

To configure and start the CORBA Object Manager with Orbix

  1. Make sure that the Orbix service, orbixd.exe, and Naming Services are running on the server. Start the Naming Service for the appropriate domain, if necessary.
  2. For more information on Orbix administration, see the Orbix installation and administration documentation.

  3. Start the CORBA Object Manager by executing the following command at a command prompt:
  4. ssomorbx /n serverName /c configFile /d dataSource /l language /b bindName /x context /maxconn maxConnections [/r] [otherarg...]


    serverName is the servant process name.

    configFile is the configuration file for CORBA Object Manager. This may be a filename (in which case the file must reside in the language subdirectory of the \BIN directory) or a full pathname.

    datasource is the name of the data source defined in the configuration file to which the Siebel CORBA Object Manager should connect.

    language is the language code in which the Siebel CORBA Object Manager operates; for example, enu for U.S. English.

    bindName is the name to which the SiebelFactory object is bound. All clients will first get a reference to the SiebelFactory object.

    context is the context registered with the Naming Service.

    maxConnections is the maximum number of connections to be handled by the CORBA Object Manager process.

    [/r] an optional argument to specify that the bindname should be registered as a member of an OrbixNames load-balancing group using round-robin selection. This option is only meaningful when the /b option is also present.

    [otherarg] is an option that specifies additional arguments that may be passed directly to the Orbix ORB during initialization.

    For example,

    ssomorbx /n Siebel /c corbaom.cfg /d ServerDataSrc /l ENU /b CORBAOM /x SCOM /maxconn 25

  5. Repeat Step 2 for each additional CORBA Object Manager you configure on this server.

 Siebel Server Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows 
 Published: 25 June 2003