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Oracle® Document Capture User's Guide
Release 10gR3
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Using Index Keyboard Commands

When indexing a batch, you can use the toolbar options or commands on the Edit, View and Batch menus. (These menus are displayed only when the Indexing Batch window is displayed.) To further speed up indexing, use the keyboard shortcuts provided on these menus:

Edit Menu

Command Button Description Shortcut
Copy Page Indexes Surrounding text describes copy_indexes.gif.
Copies all index values on the current page for pasting. Ctrl + K
Paste Page Indexes Surrounding text describes paste_indexes.gif.
Pastes the index values you previously copied into corresponding index fields on the current page. Ctrl + J
Clear All Indexes Surrounding text describes clear_indexes.gif.
Clears all index values on the current page. Ctrl + E
Find Surrounding text describes find2.gif.
Searches for the next page with no index values (un-indexed image) or the index value you enter. Press the F3 key to search for the next instance. Ctrl + F
Find Next Surrounding text describes blank.gif.
Search again, using the last criteria you entered. F3
OCR Zone(s) Surrounding text describes blank.gif.
Perform optical character recognition on an indexed image (on all fields for which OCR has been defined). F5
Duplicate Page(s) Surrounding text describes duplicate2.gif.
Duplicates a page (or range of pages) and appends them after the current page(s). Ctrl + D

View Menu

Command Button Description Shortcut
Previous Page Surrounding text describes previous.gif.
Displays the previous page in the batch. Ctrl + P
Next Page Surrounding text describes next.gif.
Displays the next page in the batch. (Pressing Tab or Enter when the cursor is in the last field on the image also moves you to the next page.) Ctrl + N
Zoom In Surrounding text describes zoom_in.gif.
Zooms in on the image. Ctrl + I
Zoom Out Surrounding text describes zoom_out.gif.
Zooms out of the image. Ctrl + O
Fit to Window Surrounding text describes fittowindow_icon.gif.
Displays the image at the maximum size at which it will fit in the window. Ctrl + W
Rotate Right Surrounding text describes rotate_right.gif.
Rotates the image clockwise 90 degrees. The image is saved as rotated. Ctrl + R
Rotate Left Surrounding text describes rotate_left.gif.
Rotates the image clockwise 90 degrees. The image is saved as rotated. Ctrl + T

Batch Menu

Command Button Description Shortcut
Apply Values to Remaining Pages Surrounding text describes apply.gif.
Copies all index values for the current image to corresponding fields on all remaining pages in the batch. Ctrl + A
File To Separator Page Surrounding text describes blank.gif.
Applies values entered in index fields to all corresponding index fields on all images between the separator sheets. Ctrl + S
Commit Batch Surrounding text describes commit1.gif.
When finished indexing a batch, creates documents from images for use in the content management system. Ctrl + B
Database Lookup Surrounding text describes lookup1.gif.
Searches an external database using data from the current index field. Ctrl + L