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Oracle® Document Capture User's Guide
Release 10gR3
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Indexing and Editing a Selected Batch

Follow these steps to index and edit a batch.

  1. In the Batch Name list in the Batch Indexing screen, double-click a batch.

    For details about searching, see "Searching For Batches".

    The first page of the batch is displayed in the Indexing Batch screen.

  2. Complete the index fields.

    Select from the following topics:

Displaying or Hiding Images and Thumbnails

Use the Page View option to change how images are displayed in the Indexing Batch screen.

Click the arrow to the right of the Page View button to select a different view, or click the button repeatedly to switch between the view options.

  • Choose Thumbnail View to view thumbnail images only. From the thumbnail view, you can double-click any thumbnail to display a page view of it.

  • Choose One Page View to view a selected page only.

  • Choose Page and Thumbnail View to view thumbnails and batch pages. A bold outline highlights the selected thumbnail.

Dragging and Dropping Thumbnails

You can reposition pages in the batch by dragging and dropping them. Click a thumbnail, hold down the mouse button as you drag it to a new location, and release the mouse button. The pages are repositioned.

Adjusting the Thumbnail Display

Use View menu commands to change the size, position or color of thumbnail images:

  • To change their size, choose View then Thumbnail Size and select Small, Medium or Large.

  • To change their position in the Reviewing Batch screen, choose View then Thumbnail Position and select Left, Right, Top or Bottom.

  • To change the color in which the selected thumbnail is highlighted, choose View then Thumbnail Highlight Color and select a color from the Color popup that appears.

Rotating Pages

To change the color in which the selected thumbnail is highlighted, choose View then Thumbnail Highlight Color and select a color from the Color popup that appears.

  • Click Rotate Left to rotate the image 90 degrees counterclockwise.

  • Click Rotate Right to rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise.

  • Click Flip to rotate the image 180 degrees.

When an image is rotated, it is saved that way within the batch.

Changing the Image Display

Use the Zoom In, Zoom Out and Fit to Window buttons to enlarge or reduce the image in the viewer to ensure good image quality. (These settings are not saved with the batch.)

  • Click the Zoom In button to enlarge the image. Click the Zoom Out button to reduce the image.

  • Another way to zoom is to click and drag a rectangular area on the image using the left mouse button.

  • At any point, click the Fit to Window button to display the entire image in the viewer.

Indexing With Zone Highlights and OCR

Zone highlighting and OCR may be configured in the index profile. As you select and enter values in index fields, a turquoise box may appear in different locations on the image. (See "Methods of Indexing" for more information about zones.)

Follow these steps.

  • Turn the zone highlights on or off by clicking the Toggle Zone Display button on the Indexing toolbar.

  • If you zoom in when zones are in effect, Index zooms in on the zone area, and saves the zoom setting.

  • If the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) option is available, characters from the zone might be automatically entered in the current field, leaving you to verify that they are correct. OCR is performed on unindexed images only.

  • If OCR is active, you can also click and drag using the right mouse button to select any area on the image, and Index will capture the scanned words and insert them into the selected index field. If you want Index to perform OCR on all fields for which it has been set up, choose the OCR Zone(s) command from the Edit menu.

Applying Values From an External Database

Follow these steps to perform a database lookup. For more information about database lookups, see "Methods of Indexing".

  1. In the Indexing screen, select an index field on which the Database Lookup button on the toolbar is active.

    If the Database Lookup button is disabled, a database lookup is not available.

  2. In the index field, enter characters to search the database for.

    For example, enter the first few letters of a company name or the first few digits of an account number. Leaving the index field blank returns all matching records in a hit-list.

  3. Click the Database Lookup button on the toolbar.

    Index searches the database for matching records. Depending on profile options, one of the following may occur:

    • a hit list with matching record may be displayed

    • if one matching record was found, index fields may be automatically populated

    • a message may be displayed that no matching records were found

  4. If needed, select a matching value from the hit list or enter new search characters.

Indexing With Separator Sheets

Separator sheets indicate where one document ends and the next one begins. If they were placed and scanned between documents, use the following commands to speed up indexing.

  • Enter index values for the first page of a document, then choose the File to Separator command in the Batch menu to apply those values to all images between the separator sheets.

  • Quickly move between documents by clicking the Prev Doc and Next Doc toolbar buttons that are available when separator sheets are used.

Duplicating Pages

Occasionally, you may need to copy and paste images in a batch. For example, if you were indexing insurance forms, you might have policy pages needing to be indexed to different accounts.

To duplicate one or more pages and paste them directly after the copied pages:

  1. Display the page you want to duplicate.

    (If you are duplicating multiple pages, you do not need to do this, but note the numbers of the pages you want to duplicate.)

  2. Click the Duplicate Page(s) button on the toolbar.

    The Duplicate Page(s) dialog box is displayed.

  3. Select duplicate options and click OK.

    The pages are copied and pasted directly after the last page you selected to duplicate.

Deleting Pages

Occasionally, you may need to delete one or more pages in a batch.

  1. Display the page you want to delete.

    (If you are deleting multiple pages, you do not need to do this, but note the page numbers you want to delete.)

  2. Click the Delete Page button on the toolbar.

    The Delete Page(s) dialog box is displayed.

  3. Select delete options, click OK and confirm the deletion.

Copying, Pasting, and Clearing Page Indexes

When indexing, you can apply index values entered for one page to other pages, so they will be merged into the same document when committed. (For more information, see "How Indexing Changes Images Into Documents".)

  • To copy index values, display the page whose index values you want to copy, and click the Copy Page Indexes button.

  • To then paste index values, display the page you want to copy to, and click the Paste Page Indexes button.

  • To start over indexing an image, click the Clear All Indexes button.

  • Use the Apply Values to Remaining Pages button to apply the current page's index values to all pages after it. (Index values on images before the current image are not affected.) You can also select this command after clearing index values to clear all values from remaining pages.

  • If separator sheets are used, enter values in index fields once, then choose the File to Separator command in the Batch menu to apply those values to all corresponding index fields on all images between the separator sheets.

Searching Field Indexes

Use the Find option to search for images containing a certain index value or to search for images without any index entries.

  1. Click the Find button on the Indexing toolbar.

    The Find dialog box is displayed.

  2. Enter search options and click OK.

    Index searches and displays the first page it finds that matches the search options you chose.

  3. Press the F3 key to search again.

Viewing Page Information

You can display a screen that shows information about the selected page. The screen remains on the screen, allowing you to monitor information as the page changes.

  1. With the batch displayed, click the Page Information button on the Reviewing Batch toolbar.

    The Page Information dialog box is displayed.