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Oracle® Distributed Document Capture/Oracle® Document Capture Administrator's Guide
Release 10gR3
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12 Working With Scan Profiles

This section covers the following procedures:

12.1 Starting the Profile Administration Application

Follow these steps to start up the Profile Administration application, where you create profiles for users to select for scanning and indexing documents.


You must be a Capture administrator.

  1. Open the Oracle Distributed Document Capture Profile Administration application in your browser. The exact URL is determined at installation; the address is:


    for example,

  2. At the login page, enter your user ID and password and click OK. Scan profiles are displayed in the Scan Profiles pane.

  3. To display profiles for a single file cabinet, select a file cabinet in the Display Profiles For field.

12.2 Adding a Scan Profile

Follow these steps to add a scan profile.

  1. In the Profile Administration application, click the Add button on the toolbar in the Scan Profiles pane. A new profile called <Scanning Profile 1> is added.

  2. Select profile options in the Scan Profiles pane and choose settings in the other pane.

  3. Click Save to save changes. Click Close to exit Profile Administration.

12.3 Editing a Scan Profile

Follow these steps to make changes to a scan profile.


It is recommended that you do not make major changes to a scan profile after users have begun scanning batches using the profile. For example, if you add or remove some of a profile's index fields and users attempt to send batches they scanned before the change, errors will occur, since the data in the batch no longer matches the scan profile's settings. Instead, deactivate the profile until users have sent all batches, and then create a new scan profile. See "Deactivating and Activating Scan Profiles".

  1. In the Profile Administration application, select the profile you want to edit in the Scan Profiles pane.

  2. Make changes to profile settings.

12.4 Copying a Scan Profile

Follow these steps to copy a scan profile. This is useful if you want to keep the original and make slight adjustments to a new one.

  1. In the Profile Administration application, select the profile you want to copy in the Scan Profiles side pane.

  2. Click the Copy button on the toolbar.

  3. When prompted, enter a name for the new scan profile.

12.5 Deleting a Scan Profile

Follow these steps to delete a scan profile. When you delete a profile, it is no longer available to client users, and users can no longer display, edit or send batches they created using that profile.


Before deleting a profile, you may want to deactivate it for a period of time. See "Deactivating and Activating Scan Profiles". When a profile is inactive, users can display, review, edit and send batches that use the profile but cannot use it to create new batches.

  1. In the Profile Administration application, select a profile to delete in the Scan Profiles pane.

  2. Click the Delete button on the toolbar. Confirm the deletion. The profile is removed from the list. It is also removed from the Scan Profile field displayed to users upon their next login to the client.

12.6 Deactivating and Activating Scan Profiles

Follow these steps to make a scan profile inactive or active.

Inactive scan profiles are displayed to client users in the scan profile list. However, the word (Inactive) is displayed after their names. Client users can review, edit, and send batches previously created with an inactive profile but cannot scan or import new batches.

  1. In the Profile Administration application, select a scan profile from the Scan Profiles pane.

  2. Under General options, choose InActive from the Current Profile State field to deactivate the profile or Active to activate it.

  3. Save the profile.

12.7 Applying an Input Mask to an Index Field

Follow these steps to set up an index field with an input mask that controls what users can enter into the field. If the user types a character that does not conform to the mask, the system beeps and does not accept it.

  1. In the Profile Administration application, select a scan profile. The profile's scanning type must include indexing.

  2. Click the Field Properties pane. From the Field option, select the index field to which you want to apply a mask.

  3. In the Field Validation Options field, choose Input Mask.

  4. In the Input Mask field that displays, enter any of the available mask characters (listed in Table 13-1). Any other characters you type are displayed exactly as typed.

  5. Save the profile. Start the client and test the index field's mask as a user.

12.8 Changing an Index Field's Format

Follow these steps to set up an index field with an input format. When the user moves to another index field, the client changes the data if needed to match the specified input format.

  1. In the Profile Administration application, select a scan profile. The profile's scanning type must include indexing.

  2. Click the Field Properties pane. From the Field option, select the index field to which you want to apply an input format.

  3. In the Field Validation Options field, choose Input Format.

  4. In the Input Format field that displays, select or type an input format (listed in Table 13-3). You can create custom character or numeric formats. See Table 13-4.

  5. Save the profile. Start the client and test the index field's input format as a user.

12.9 Setting Up an Index Field Pick-list

Follow these steps to set up an index field with a pick-list. When the user selects the index field, a pick-list providing two or more values from which to choose displays.

  1. In Capture Administration, create a pick-list. It can be a Capture native or database pick-list. See "Working With Pick-lists".

  2. In Profile Administration, select the scan profile for which you want to set up a pick-list. The profile's scanning type must include indexing.

  3. Click the Field Properties options in the side pane. In the Field option, select an index field to which to apply a pick-list.

  4. In the Field option, select an index field to which to apply a pick-list.

  5. Select the Case Insensitive field to disregard case when users match pick-list items using the autocomplete feature. If this box is not checked, users must use the same case when typing the first few characters of a pick-list item.

  6. In the Pick-list Source field, select Capture Native Pick-list if using a Capture pick-list. If using a database pick-list, choose the database pick-list source.

  7. In the Pick-list field, select the pick-list to display.

  8. Save the profile. Start the client and test the pick-list index field as a user.

12.10 Setting Up Parent/Child Pick-list Index Fields

Follow these steps to set up index fields with linked pick-lists. In a parent/child relationship, a parent field is linked to two or more child pick-lists, one of which is displayed after the user makes a selection in the parent field.

  1. In Capture Administration, create two or more pick-lists, then create a pick-list relationship profile that links them. See "Working With Pick-lists".

  2. In Scan Administration, select the scan profile to which you want to apply a pick-list relationship. The profile's scanning type must include indexing.

  3. In the side pane, click the Document Indexing options.

  4. In the Pick-list Relationship Profile field, select the relationship profile.

  5. In the side pane, click the Field Properties options.

  6. Configure the parent field.

    1. In the Field option, select the parent field.

    2. In the Pick-list Source field, select the parent's source.

    3. In the Pick-list field, select the parent's pick-list.

  7. Configure the child field.

    1. In the Field option, select the child field.

    2. In the Parent field, select the parent's index field.

  8. Save the profile. Start the client and test the pick-list index fields as a user.

12.11 Setting Index Fields to Auto Populate

Follow these steps to configure a scan profile to automatically fill (populate) selected index fields with certain values.

  1. In Profile Administration, select a scan profile. The profile's scanning type must include indexing.

  2. In the side pane, select Auto Populate options.

  3. In the Available Fields option, select an index field to auto populate.


    Fields do not have to be selected for display in the Document Indexing options in order to be auto populated.

  4. In the Properties Type field, select a system value. The options available depend on the data type of the field you selected.

12.12 Setting a Database Lookup to Search and Return Index Values

Follow these steps to apply a database lookup to a scan profile.

  1. In Capture Administration, create a database lookup. See "Adding a Database Lookup".

  2. In Profile Administration, select a scan profile. The profile's scanning type must include indexing.

  3. In the side pane, select Database Lookup options.

  4. In the Database Lookup Profile field, select a database lookup profile to apply to the scan profile.

  5. Select the Always display hit list field to display a hit list containing possible matching values whenever the user activates a database lookup. When deselected (the default), Capture displays a hit list only when more than one database record is found.

  6. Save the profile. Start the client and test the database lookup as a user.

12.13 Testing Scan Profiles as a User

Follow these steps to scan or import using a selected scan profile. For details about scanning, indexing, and editing batches, see the User Guide's for Oracle Distributed Document Capture.

Follow these steps to scan a batch.

  1. In the Scan Profile field on the Client Screen, select a scan profile.

  2. Place the documents on the feeder tray of the scanner.

  3. Click the Scan button.

    Oracle Distributed Document Capture begins scanning the documents. When done, the batch is added to the Existing Batches table and selected.


    The batch may be immediately displayed in the Review/Index screen.

  4. Click the Review button.

  5. In the Review/Index Screen, review, edit, and index the batch.